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Auntie Mangos

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Everything posted by Auntie Mangos

  1. Greetings, since we currently do have three different branches of mangos, namely mangos-zero for vanilla WoW, mangos-0.12 for the Burning Crusade expansion, and the master branch for WotLK. Yehonal from mangos-zero has suggested splitting each branch into one repository of its own. I'd like to hear your opinions on that.
  2. This is going way off topic. 4.0.3 is not related to our methods of doing things.
  3. Best wishes from the fancy admin bots, too.
  4. This is not an issue of Visual Studio 2008 or 2010. The platform SDK for Windows 7 includes X64 compile (without the optimization features the pro version has), and older SDKs do not have these.
  5. No, they should not. Nothing in the patch notes about this.
  6. And we are still here. Good luck, and I am curious to see how your journey towards a working installation continues.
  7. That is what I think, too. While Wow has the infrastructure, mangos does supply the option for making your own stories.
  8. First: CactusEMU is pretty easy to spot. Second: this is touching the client, and modifying it. Third: download it, try to build a server and login, and see for yourself. Not much use in making a party. Nothing is live yet.
  9. Not really. Take Apache as an example. Apache Software Foundation provides the infrastructure and more to the project, and thats it. Everybody can still download Apache, submit patches, whatever and still be anonymous. Difference is: there is a legal entity responsible for the project then. For the user nothing changes. It just adds the chance for the project to spread the ideals for which mangos stands. It *may* be political a tiny bit
  10. And what about the Wiki changes? I can supply more stuff, templates, general docs, structure, etc. if the changes from today smell good.
  11. Hi, just a short notice: this night I will be pushing live a few changes, and improvements to the Wiki, to actually make editing more fun. Do not be surprise if some tiny things break for a limited time, it will be be good tomorrow morning. There will be a few hundred fixes coming so please do not shoot me if something breaks
  12. Actually this was intended, mainly to have some sort of repeating look at forums and wiki pages. The Wiki is aligned that way too. Oh well, the sheep needs more beer for creative stuff
  13. The one thing you should have learned is: a little patience goes a long way. Since you are new to all this, take your time, read and ask before you actually do stuff. When it comes to getting mangos, UDB, and scriptdev2 databases sorted out, it is always best to first start with UDB and scriptdev2 data, since their releases are usually a few revisions below the database in mangos itself. From there on, it is step by step upgrades. The README file in mangos/sql/updates has a tiny but helpful ASCII art describing how to read the filenames, and how to use this. In common, installing and configuring mangos on Windows is a bit harder than on Linux. E.g. I find it much more pleasant to have a Linux server with Debian or Ubuntu server running a 64-bit version of mangos, which I then access via SSH from my notebook. The final hint I can give here is: mysqldump should always be part of what you do. Backup every step of changes you make, and if you want to be extra safe, store your database inside a git or Mercurial repository (github/bitbucket both have free packages), and you will hardly ever run into trouble because there is a safe rollback available.
  14. Well, in your effort to reset MySQL you apparently have dumped the MySQL database itself, which means you just killed MySQL and have to reinstall MySQL. Never touch the databases mysql and information_schema. These are the heart of any MySQL installation and killing them kills your installation.
  15. Well, that is a thing of the past. I am running only 64bit instances of mangos since a year now, and haven't had any stability issues. Consider that an ancient rumor, and use 64bit if you want. You should not delete this. This is sort of MySQL's global brain and memory. Redoing databases should only touch the realm, world, scripts, and character databases. Not anything else, and especially not information_schema table.
  16. Should be gone by now, or not? Haven't spotted any further error messages in the logs.
  17. But the good news is: if you want Windows x64 builds without buying Visual Studio Pro, there is hope. The Windows SDK for Windows 7 includes free x64 compilers, they only lack optimization features found in the Visual Studio Pro versions. See the discussion on MSDN.
  18. DO NOT JUST EXECUTE the updates. Check your character database, and have a look at the character_db_version table. Executing DESCRIBE yourcharacterdb.character_db_version; should show your the required_... columns current name. Search the update folder for the SQL files (there should be two) containing that column name. Use the 2nd file that starts from your column name, not the 1st one that creates the column. And then go slow, step by step. It sounds like you are actually mixing different database version from mangos, UDB, and scriptdev2, plus another version on your characters db. Do it database by database, each will need to updated on its own. If you use the last UDB release, you will have to execute a few update scripts. In common, you should never be in a hurry when updating mangos and especially not when updating, or backing up your databases. As for world, scripts, and realm database: these are easy to restore and update, and you can't loose any of your data. As for character database: always mysqldump before making changes, and not after failed changes. If you only have a broken character database, here is a suggestion: create a blank character database, and upgrade it to the recent version. Create mysqldump files for the blank database and your backup with only the CREATE TABLE statements, and diff them. You should be able to spot the difference and fix it.
  19. The first thing to do: calm down, and relax. On which operating system do you plan to run mangos? Windows, Mac OS X, Linux? No worries, I understand the feeling of being to old for all this stuff I'll guide you step by step.
  20. Oh, I obviously missed that in the rollback. Now all should be done.
  21. vmaps are used for different purpose than mmaps. One is the height maps, while the others are for movement. You use both at once.
  22. Uhm, it's still there. I doubt that Wiki's built-in page rollback feature would delete the site
  23. Okay, I think I got all rolled back to their original state. User is banned, and his IP range, too.
  24. Also moderators should now have a new set of icons on the topic lists for quicker moderation Now you can edit titles, open/close topics, stick/unstick, and delete topics right away.
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