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Auntie Mangos

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Everything posted by Auntie Mangos

  1. I can only report for mangos-zero which I mostly use mmaps on, and yet I only discovered a few spots where things go wrong, but these are also failing without mmaps, and caused by vmap data errors, e.g. in Deadmines before the Ogre boss, there is a spot not recognized as part of any valid map, but this happens without mmaps, too.
  2. If you're thinking about using something like gettext, .po files, etc. or something similar, that indeed would be nice.
  3. Upload the error output to a pastebin of your choice, or on e.g. gist.github.com
  4. Is it just me, or do other people too think of the Noblegarden event when they hear Easter eggs? :cool:
  5. lillecarl: first of all, thanks for the hint. If you are looking for an updated list of packages, here is e.g. what you can use on a Ubuntu Maverick desktop installation: This will get you pretty much anything installed which you may need to build MaNGOS and make changes to the code. I'm sorry if the first reactions may have sounded rude, but this section is intended for issues with the actual website, e.g. things that may be broken like site login, etc. You can at any time register an account on our Wiki, and make the changes yourself in the future. We gladly accept any help with that. For future issues with actual content or manuals, etc. you may wish to frequent the community cafe section of these forums. There you can freely discuss anything, and e.g. even ask how a wiki works. In the past we have seen way to many people ( thousands actualy ) simply refusing to take effort when posting, thus we may have become a bit sensitive on where to post things over the years.
  6. It can be inside the mangos account. After all it is merely a binary patcher, much like Blizzard uses themselves https://github.com/mangos/BreakTrue is all yours.
  7. I am quite sure, everyone willing to learn and invest some effort, could do that too. The main difference for mmaps between the mangos branches is the actual map format, and available ground types. If you take a look at the map extractor code, you will see the difference. The great thing here is, with just one git repository on your computer, you can connect to as many other git repositories and branches and exchange changes as you see fit, thus you can also do things such as build mmaps for all branches, as you can commit atomic changes, and use git cherry-pick to select changes for each mangos branch. With regards to the topic itself. Things may go slower here compared to other server implementations, but things are friendlier, lighter, and in most cases, their of higher quality, too. That mangos is more about values and code is probably the one thing we communicated ever since we started out.
  8. That probably is due to the fact that the zero forums have been active and more frequented for zero development. I will consider to add forums for mangos-one and mangos-zero here, if there is sufficient interest in that. Thus: if you do want to discuss mangos-zero or mangos-one here, please raise any applicable body parts to indicate your interest.
  9. Actually the scenario is not that far from real life. In Germany there are many student homes, where ~100 to 200 students share one WAN connection. Been living in such a home myself for a few years The best method to ensure Multiboxing does no harm is to redesign any incentive systems to not benefit from multiple accounts. Technical solutions would in this case produce an undesired rate of failure.
  10. There is a lot of mmaps stuff done actually. But at the current point of development, it is crucial that our users - that is you obviously - download and test the mmaps branch by faramir118 (which is a very simple git merge), and try it on real systems to find more issues. Personally I am using mmaps on mangos-zero and it is very, very stable as it is. What does need love is those special cases you only see when you actually try to play on a test server and move through areas to spot ground where things go wrong.
  11. Installing data files has been disabled for the time being. If you look into the main directory's CMakeList you will see a few disabled functions. There are a few which need a bit of research and love for proper work
  12. hehe, I sort of like BreakTrue. Nice one
  13. It does not find the included ACE version. If CentOS does have ACE rpms, you could try to install those with devel packages, and build against external ACE. cmake ../ -DPREFIX=/opt/mangos -DDEBUG=0 -DPCH=0 -DTBB_USE_EXTERNAL=0 -DUSE_STD_MALLOC=0 -DACE_USE_EXTERNAL=1 Works fine for me on all MaNGOS branches.
  14. faramir118, can you recommend any specific settings for further testing? I do have mangos zero with mmaps patched, maps have been generated, and it compiles and runs. I noticed that while you can generate debug output, you can not build the recast demo application in the current repository.
  15. If that is fine with everyone, I would suggest to a) place the tool into its own repository, and b) go for binary patching. And if anyone has a funny name for the tool, have a go and tell us
  16. Download UDB release archives or checkout the sources with Subversion Install the world database using the last UDB release, and apply the UDB updates Clone the MaNGOS source code from github. Compile and install MaNGOS. Use the SQL updates folder from MaNGOS source tree and upgrade the realm, world, and character database If desired, add ScriptDevZero to the list, and add a fourth database to the mix. That is the short route
  17. Didn't you install UDB revision 392 and wanted to upgrade from there? Must have been something gone wrong on the way there.
  18. Exactly what the error text states. Your database schema is newer than the installation MaNGOS binaries. Rebuild MaNGOS and install it using rev 11299 or newer.
  19. First and foremost: any contribution is welcome. We're not like other projects where criticism leads to forums shut down Perhaps the reasoning for the foundation was not properly explained. The MaNGOS project is all fine, and will not change. It's good, and keeps getting better (obviously). The foundation is supposed to help with a bigger issue. Currently what we do here is on many legal edges, and it should not be. Sure there is some legal ground for us, but there also is many laws that point in different directions, and this shouldn't be the case.
  20. The MaNGOS license clearly states that it is GPL. You could use MaNGOS for a commercial game, but you would have to open source it, and make the sources available under GPL, too. Or probably make money from packaged versions, support, etc.
  21. Well, actually it is. Legally hardly anyone is allowed to be here. Well, except for a few students from Eastern Europe, and IT students from Central Europe. Everyone else currently is not legally active on these forums. There is a few more exceptions, but nothing big If you want to learn how things MaNGOS work, currently a very limited population of this earth does this legally.
  22. As often mentioned: backup your database before and after each change. If you can, version control your database inside git, mercurial, whatever you prefer. With that out of the way, you'll be on the safe side of things.
  23. You may also want to take a look at the MySQL workbench. It's a very decent, free administration and development interface for Windows, Linux, etc. You can use it to administer your server, apply upgrades, or even develop your own database schemes, views, procedures, etc. I found it very useful, especially when it comes to tracking database changes.
  24. First, please take a deep breath and do not hurry. Updating MaNGOS and the database should be done slowly and with caution. As I mentioned in your other thread, you will have to make a choice, if you either want to update to the latest MaNGOS sources, or if you want to update to the latest UDB revision (which is 399 as of this reply). Tell us which you want, and you'll surely get help
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