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Everything posted by Vian

  1. Found the following problems doing the quest Taelon Fordring, npc entry 1842 Mangos console errors during escort: doScriptText source creature: 1842 , text entry not found=> -1001078 doScriptText source creature: 1842 , text entry not found=> -1001079 doScriptText source creature: 1842 , text entry not found=> -1001080 target for action_t_cast creature: 4494 , casting spell ?20822 EscortAI start with 0 waypoints ( missing entry in script_waypoint) doScriptText source creature: 1840 , text entry not found=> -1001081 doScriptText source creature: 1840 , text entry not found => -1001082 doScriptText source creature: 1842 , text entry not found => -1001083 doScriptText source creature: 1842 , text entry not found => -1001084 doScriptText source creature: 1840 , text entry not found => -1001085 doScriptText source creature: 1840 , text entry not found => -1001086 doScriptText source creature: 1840 , text entry not found => -1001087 doScriptText source creature: 1840 , text entry not found => -1001088 doScriptText source creature: 1840 , text entry not found => -1001089 id 11625197, command 10, buddy 11626 not found in range 40 of searcher creature 11625 id 11625197, command 29, buddy 11626 not found in range 40 of searcher creature 11625 After killing the named guy in the tower Taelon just stand there idle, .npc aiinfo on him shows the follow ScriptName: npc_taelan_fordring EscortAI started for player Vian started with quest 5944 EscortFlags: Escorting, Paused
  2. Can confirm that hunter pets tends ignore collision with the boat. If you step on the boat they will just walk and fall through. The same happens if you are already on the boat and use the "Call pet" spell. In my tests when me and the pet we got to far apart, sometimes it got dismissed but took some time and sometimes it didn't The same problem happens with zepellins
  3. Pull request with fix made and merged, issue can be closed.
  4. Created teleport actions for respective areatrigers on each teleport(bootybay and gnomeregan) Created condition for to use the teleport (must have goblin transponder in inventory) Created gossip to request a new goblin transponder ( with condition of having completed the original the quest) bootybay_gnomeregan_teleport_fix.diff
  5. Hi Aenra, not sure if I understood you correctly. Don't think you are talking about potions that result in multiple units per one craft and I'm not sure the potion icon inside the lower part of the crafting menu should show the number of potions to craft. Can you maybe post an image about where the number should appear?
  6. Hey BlackDaddy, Tested it a few times right now using the latest build/db and it worked correctly, maybe it's specific situation?
  7. Amazing job H0zen, tested all your fixes and they were working perfectly.
  8. I believe it's the intended behavior considering spell data using QTSpeelwork and the video from the chain being completed. Same as above Indeed if you charm a beast and use your hearthstone, you keep the "pet" but it does not follow you to the inn, he stays where he was when you tpd. Only issue is that you can't dismiss the pet without him being close, so you are forced to run back to him and dismiss or logout/login, maybe a good solution would be to auto dismiss him when to far away from the player. Could not replicate. In all my tests the beast died but was considered charmed. Only problem was that you are forced to logout/loggin to get rid of him since you can't dismiss a dead pet. Pet indeed doesn't regenerate hp, probably because he is charmed and not tamed, not sure if its really wrong, could not find vanilla footage of o pet damaged during taming or used to fight, but as in other cases a charmed creature is still in combat, just under your control. Attacking the player when dismissed is the intended behavior as the video shows. Seems like the right behavior considering a charm spell would break when logging out
  9. Bugs found as NE hunter lv10 Quests 2 and 3 of the chain could not be completed because the rod could not be used on the desired creatures Pasting here some debug I did if someone is interested And here is a video of the quest chain being done Video
  10. Created a patch with By Solka changes. First time contributing, followed Antz Guide , let me know if something is wrong. druid-basemana-fix.diff
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