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Everything posted by Chucksta

  1. Related to: [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/database/blob/Rel20/World/Updates/Rel20/20003_01_mangos_spell_bonus_data.sql[/url] [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/commit/20d7f814a607578e4d4571079b1b36d913ec9e43[/url] Antz's comments re this: "looks like the core side of that patch is missing" "would you mind checking the code segments to see whether the code has been reverted somehow, especially SpellMgr.cpp" ---------------------- I'll now do as Antz has requested ... looking into this now!
  2. Column count does not match value count error (spell_bonus_data table) Tested and found under Ubuntu Linux. Not tested under MS Windows. Line 6513 of the mangosdLoadDB.sql is attempting to INSERT records made up of just 6 values into a table whose records consist of 14 values: LOCK TABLES `spell_bonus_data` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `spell_bonus_data` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `spell_bonus_data` VALUES /* Druid */ (339, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 'Druid - Entangling Roots'), (5185, 1.6104, 0, 0, 0, 'Druid - Healing Touch'), (5570, 0, 0.127, 0, 0, 'Druid - Insect Swarm'), (8921, 0.1515, 0.13, 0, 0, 'Druid - Moonfire'), (8936, 0.3, 0.1, 0, 0, 'Druid - Regrowth'), (18562, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Druid - Swiftmend'), (5176, 0.5714, 0, 0, 0, 'Druid - Wrath'), /* Mage */ (7268, 0.2857, 0, 0, 0, 'Mage - Arcane Missiles Triggered Spell Rank 1'),
  3. I just ran across this whilst working on another issue: [B]dbscripts_on_quest_end[/B] table ID: 252 Comments: spawn stitches That ID should be in the [B][COLOR="#800080"]CompleteScript[/COLOR][/B] field of the quest that spawns the mob in the [B]quest_template[/B] table. I'll come back to this once I have finished with the issue I am working on.
  4. Back on this one again... [B][COLOR="#008000"]NOTE:[/COLOR] [/B]Looting issue due to incorrect value in the [B][COLOR="#800080"]Type [/COLOR][/B]field of the [B]gameobject_template [/B]table. It should be of Type 3 (chest) with the ID of the corresponding [B]gameobject_loot_template [/B]table's entry in field: [B][COLOR="#800080"]data1[/COLOR][/B] [B]CORRUPTED/CLEANSED WHIPPER ROOT TABLE[/B] [table="width: 500, class: grid, align: center"] [tr] [td]Corrupted[/td] [td]GUID[/td] [td]X[/td] [td]Y[/td] [td]Z[/td] [td]Cleansed[/td] [td]GUID[/td] [td]Quest / Dbscripts_on_quest_end ID[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]164888[/td] [td]48844[/td] [td]3866.64[/td] [td]-666.66[/td] [td]329.73[/td] [td]164883[/td] [td]17660/48881[/td] [td]4117[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]173284[/td] [td]48935[/td] [td]6433.25[/td] [td]-1266.62[/td] [td]383.21[/td] [td]174622[/td] [td]17662/48882[/td] [td]4443[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]174605[/td] [td]48845[/td] [td]6666.67[/td] [td]-1200[/td] [td]471.33[/td] [td]174623[/td] [td]17664/48883[/td] [td]4444[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]174606[/td] [td]48915[/td] [td]6400[/td] [td]-699.99[/td] [td]477.42[/td] [td]174624[/td] [td]18176/48884[/td] [td]4445[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]174607[/td] [td]48846[/td] [td]5333.33[/td] [td]-833.33[/td] [td]342.73[/td] [td]174625[/td] [td]18178/48885[/td] [td]4446[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]174686[/td] [td]48843[/td] [td]4824.34[/td] [td]-316.8[/td] [td]358.79[/td] [td]174687[/td] [td]18180/48886[/td] [td]4461[/td] [/tr] [/table] [B]CORRECTIONS TO THE PREVIOUS SCRIPT FIX[/B] -- Delete Corrupted Whipper Root entries [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM gameobject_loot_template where item = 11951;[/COLOR] -- Delete Corrupted Night Dragon entries [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM gameobject_loot_template where item = 11952;[/COLOR] -- Delete Corrupted Windblossom entries [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM gameobject_loot_template where item = 11950;[/COLOR] [B]REMOVE UNWANTED CLEANSED WHIPPER ROOT RECORDS[/B] (there are 2 of each, but only one of each is needed/correct - see above table) [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM gameobject WHERE `guid`='17660';[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM gameobject WHERE `guid`='17662';[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM gameobject WHERE `guid`='17664';[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM gameobject WHERE `guid`='18176';[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM gameobject WHERE `guid`='18178';[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM gameobject WHERE `guid`='18180';[/COLOR] [B]New gameobject_loot_template records for Cleansed Whipper Root[/B] -- Cleansed Whipper Root (gameobject_template: 164883, 174622, 174623, 174624, 174625, 174687) [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO gameobject_loot_template (`entry`, `item`, `ChanceOrQuestChance`, `groupid`, `mincountOrRef`, `maxcount`, `condition_id`) VALUES ('164883', '11951', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174622', '11951', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174623', '11951', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174624', '11951', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174625', '11951', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174687', '11951', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0');[/COLOR] -- Replace Cleansed Whipper Root [B]gameobject_template[/B] records -- the plants will now be lootable [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM gameobject_template where name = "Cleansed Whipper Root";[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO gameobject_template (`entry`, `type`, `displayId`, `name`, `faction`, `flags`, `size`, `data0`, `data1`, `data2`, `data3`, `data4`, `data5`, `data6`, `data7`, `data8`, `data9`, `data10`, `data11`, `data12`, `data13`, `data14`, `data15`, `data16`, `data17`, `data18`, `data19`, `data20`, `data21`, `data22`, `data23`, `mingold`, `maxgold`, `ScriptName`) VALUES ('164883', '3', '3255', 'Cleansed Whipper Root', '0', '0', '2', '43', '164883', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', ''),('174622', '3', '3255', 'Cleansed Whipper Root', '0', '0', '2', '43', '174622', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', ''),('174623', '3', '3255', 'Cleansed Whipper Root', '0', '0', '2', '43', '174623', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', ''),('174624', '3', '3255', 'Cleansed Whipper Root', '0', '0', '2', '43', '174624', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', ''),('174625', '3', '3255', 'Cleansed Whipper Root', '0', '0', '2', '43', '174625', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', ''),('174687', '3', '3255', 'Cleansed Whipper Root', '0', '0', '2', '43', '174687', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '');[/COLOR] [B]INCORRECT GUID USED FOR SPAWNING CLEANSED WHIPPER ROOT[/B] [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE dbscripts_on_quest_end SET datalong = 48882 WHERE id = 4443;[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]STILL TO SOLVE[/COLOR][/B] The corrupted version of the plant does not despawn after applying the salve. It should despawn then respawn after a good bit of time. It looks like the despawning will need to be scripted via the ScriptName field in the gameobject_template table :-( Ideally it would be better to have been as a result of completing the quest, but there is no way to despawn an object. You can only despawn creatures that way :-( [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]PROBLEM:[/COLOR][/B] The usual way to respawn the game objects does not appear to work very well, if at all.
  5. [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#0000CD"]Pull Request has now been made with this fix[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/database/pull/178[/url]
  6. The issue is caused by an incorrect value in the [B][COLOR="#800080"]NpcFlags[/COLOR][/B] field of the [B]creature_template[/B] table. The field should be set to 0, which means the creature does not have any gossip dialogue. For details on the [B][COLOR="#800080"]NpcFlags[/COLOR][/B] field, see: [url]https://github.com/cmangos/issues/wiki/creature_template[/url] [B][COLOR="#008000"]FIXES[/COLOR][/B] -- Brave Darksky [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET `NpcFlags`='0' WHERE `Entry`='3220';[/COLOR] -- Brave Dawneagle [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET `NpcFlags`='0' WHERE `Entry`='3217';[/COLOR] -- Brave Greathoof [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET `NpcFlags`='0' WHERE `Entry`='3214';[/COLOR] -- Brave Ironhorn [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET `NpcFlags`='0' WHERE `Entry`='3212';[/COLOR] -- Brave Leaping Deer [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET `NpcFlags`='0' WHERE `Entry`='3219';[/COLOR] -- Brave Lightninghorn [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET `NpcFlags`='0' WHERE `Entry`='3211';[/COLOR] -- Brave Proudsnout [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET `NpcFlags`='0' WHERE `Entry`='3210';[/COLOR] -- Brave Rainchaser [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET `NpcFlags`='0' WHERE `Entry`='3223';[/COLOR] -- Brave Rockhorn [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET `NpcFlags`='0' WHERE `Entry`='3221';[/COLOR] -- Brave Running Wolf [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET `NpcFlags`='0' WHERE `Entry`='3213';[/COLOR] -- Brave Strongbash [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET `NpcFlags`='0' WHERE `Entry`='3215';[/COLOR] -- Brave Swiftwind [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET `NpcFlags`='0' WHERE `Entry`='3218';[/COLOR] -- Brave Wildrunner [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET `NpcFlags`='0' WHERE `Entry`='3222';[/COLOR] -- Brave Windfeather [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET `NpcFlags`='0' WHERE `Entry`='3209';[/COLOR]
  7. Certain NPCs have been reported to dialogue even though they should not have any. [COLOR="#FF0000"]Raising this issue in here so that I have an area to write my findings.[/COLOR] This relates to the issue logged here: [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/database/issues/79[/url] I already know what's amiss and for why. I'll update this tomorrow. It will basically require code fix in the server core, plus changes to database records. EDIT: code that was thought to possibly be at fault, is not causing this issue! QueryHandler.cpp, line 299 onwards GossipDef.cpp, line 255 onwards
  8. This looks like an interesting one, I'll start researching it now...
  9. [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#008000"]Pull Request has now been made with the fix[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] :) [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/database/pull/177[/url] [B]EDIT 18:20 (BST):[/B] This has now been merged with the database core.
  10. Yey, Fixed :-) [B][COLOR="#800080"]Doomguard Minion on a Play-Date with Bogie the Undead Rogue[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://s7.postimg.org/6dynwx2ij/Doomguard_Minion_In_Action.jpg[/IMG] I'll now run some final tests then PR this fix :D
  11. Right, gonna see if I can figure out how to get to the area these creatures are. Now what are my options: 1) 50 50 2) Phone a friend 3) Ask the audience Hmm, not sure how remove 50% of the options! Let's try phoning a friend! Ask the audience (dev chat) gave me the correct answer, in the form of Antz :) ---------- Setting the Faction to 73 did not help :-( The Doomguard Minion still stood there doing diddly squat! [B]EDIT:[/B] As cabfever originally said "No AI" !!! It looks like there is no combat type AI associated with the creatures. Definitely nothing set up in [B]creature_ai_scripts[/B]. I'll look up what these mobs are supposed to be able to do and then see if I can work out how to implement it! It looks like the minion is basically the same as all other Doomguards, so will have these abilities: [url]http://www.wowwiki.com/Doomguard_(warlock_minion)[/url] That did the trick :D The Doomguard [B]creature_template[/B] entry: 11859, has one entry in the creature_ai_scripts table, which does the Cripple attack. I copied that and used it to create the same for the Doomguard minion and it resulted in the Doomguard minion playing kiss chase with Bogie my undead rogue :) Right, now to figure out how to add the other abilities. [B]ENABLE SCRIPTS[/B] -- enable the use of AI scripts [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET `AIName`='EventAI' WHERE `Entry`='14385';[/COLOR] [B]CRIPPLE ABILITY:[/B] -- add Cripple ability to Doomguard Minion's AI scripts [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_inverse_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `action1_param2`, `action1_param3`, `action2_type`, `action2_param1`, `action2_param2`, `action2_param3`, `action3_type`, `action3_param1`, `action3_param2`, `action3_param3`, `comment`) VALUES ('1438501', '14385', '9', '0', '100', '31', '0', '30', '30100', '34900', '11', '89', '1', '32', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Doomguard Minion - Cast Cripple');[/COLOR] [B]RAIN OF FIRE ABILITY:[/B] -- add Rain of Fire ability to Doomguard Minion's AI scripts [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_inverse_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `action1_param2`, `action1_param3`, `action2_type`, `action2_param1`, `action2_param2`, `action2_param3`, `action3_type`, `action3_param1`, `action3_param2`, `action3_param3`, `comment`) VALUES ('1438502', '14385', '0', '0', '100', '1', '5000', '8000', '18000', '24000', '11', '16005', '4', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Doomguard Minion - Cast Rain of Fire');[/COLOR] NOT YET TESTED IN-GAME [B]DISPEL ABILITY:[/B] -- add Dispel ability to Doomguard Minion's AI scripts [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_inverse_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `action1_param2`, `action1_param3`, `action2_type`, `action2_param1`, `action2_param2`, `action2_param3`, `action3_type`, `action3_param1`, `action3_param2`, `action3_param3`, `comment`) VALUES ('1438503', '14385', '0', '0', '100', '1', '7000', '14000', '17000', '22000', '11', '15090', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Doomguard Minion - Cast Dispel Magic');[/COLOR] NOT YET TESTED IN-GAME [B]WAR STOMP ABILITY:[/B] -- add War Stomp ability to Doomguard Minion's AI scripts [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_inverse_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `action1_param2`, `action1_param3`, `action2_type`, `action2_param1`, `action2_param2`, `action2_param3`, `action3_type`, `action3_param1`, `action3_param2`, `action3_param3`, `comment`) VALUES ('1438504', '14385', '0', '0', '100', '1', '12000', '15000', '20000', '25000', '11', '16727', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Doomguard Minion - Cast War Stomp');[/COLOR] NOT YET TESTED IN-GAME
  12. If an NPC has a choice of more than one text to say, it always chooses the same one. This thread has been raised for my own records, so that I do not forget about it. If anyone does know the answer though, please jump in. [COLOR="#FF0000"][SIZE=3]THE ISSUE[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=3][COLOR="#0000FF"]Test Case[/COLOR][/SIZE] Terl Arakor - Wetlands (Entry 2153) This NPC has the following responses (there are more) when a player character interacts with him: TEXT 1 [QUOTE]This is MY WAGON MINE![/QUOTE] TEXT 2 [QUOTE]On my way down here from Dun Algaz I saw a gnoll hunting Threshadons in the middle of a lake. If you've never seen a dog try to use a spear, you're in for a treat![/QUOTE] If you add these to the npc_text table and link them to the NPC via the gossip_menu table, the NPC should pick one based on the probability value set in the prob0 field (0 to 1) of the records in the npc_text table. That's how I see it, anyway; I could be wrong. This is not working; it just picks the same text every time. npc_text (see prob0 field description): [url]https://github.com/cmangos/issues/wiki/npc_text[/url]
  13. [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#008000"]Fix has now been PR'd :D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="#0000FF"][B]EDIT 18:16 hrs(BST):[/B][/COLOR][/B] This has now been merged with the database core (Zero) I'll do the same for the other versions of the game (One, Two, etc). The only difference will be with the Dire Maul goblin, who supposedly gets moved to Camp Mojache at some point (I've not witnessed this, as yet).
  14. [quote=Xenithar]I clean the WDB cache weekly when I rebuild Zero. I have an AD script I execute that cleans it out on all of my domain gaming rigs. Failure to do that can result in bad data in-game.[/quote] All these years and I never ever came across that!!! Amazing! That was driving me nuts! Oh well, I know now :)
  15. No problem :) I'll use the text, less any inconsistencies, that work for classic. I've now added the text that I will use to the scripts in the 4th post of this thread (my 3rd post). I'll track down Sprok when I finish watching the last race of the MotoGP :D You never know, he may say something that won't be out of place in Vanilla :) Oh yeah, some of those toons look silly now, with that glowing green surrounding them. No idea why Blizzard did that :( Before these scripts can be applied I need to work out for why the new text does now show up unless they are part of a new record. If we try and write the text to an existing record it fails to pick up the change, and continues displaying the old text. Is the system storing what is held in these fields somewhere (caching?) ? I have tried dropping and recreating the databases, clearing the cache, rebooting the computer; none worked. It still showed the old (replaced!) text. [B]EDIT:[/B] [B][COLOR="#008000"]PROBLEM SOLVED[/COLOR][/B], thanks to a MadMax post in another thread: [url]https://www.getmangos.eu/archived-help/9639-changes-item_template-reflected-game.html?highlight=cache[/url]
  16. [B][SIZE=4][COLOR="#FF0000"]WRONG, WRONG, WRONG[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] - re script fix It should be the Cleansed version of the plants, not the corrupted. That's what happens when you don't test in-game. Bad. bad me :o Don't bother making up scripts with the cleansed plants, as it still does not work! I'll revisit this as soon as I can!
  17. [CENTER][SIZE=4][COLOR="#008000"][B]Correct Text (hopefully) For The NPCs[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#0000FF"]Far Seer Mok'thardin (Grom'gol, STV)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s27.postimg.org/3xom61coz/Far_Seer_Mok_thardin.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#0000FF"]Commander Aggro'gosh (Grom'gol, STV)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s16.postimg.org/z0jzb2mth/Commander_Aggro_gosh.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#0000FF"]Lorekeeper Raintotem (Mulgore)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s27.postimg.org/7ibaxs2gz/Lorekeeper_Raintotem.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#0000FF"]Jangdor Swiftstrider (Camp Mojache, Feralas)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] - I could change that to "Welcome to Camp Mojache ... " [IMG]http://s29.postimg.org/lxawd7rqv/Jangdor_Swiftstrider.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#0000FF"]Kibler (Flame Crest, Burning Steppes)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s28.postimg.org/xkzy4c1q5/Kibler.jpg[/IMG]
  18. Now Blizzlike :D [IMG]http://s18.postimg.org/a2by7qgi1/Blizz_Like_Terl_Arakor.jpg[/IMG] Gonna see if I can locate the correct text for the others, before I PR this. I'll have to leave the multiple gossip responses for another PR; it does not look like that is working.
  19. [quote=Xenithar]How about "Ah! I've been expecting you!". That wouldn't be played out. In all seriousness though, if you look at 1531 Prate says the following. If you change the 1531 in that link to 1532, there is no text. Perhaps this is an actual Blizzard bug that was never fixed in Vanilla. Perhaps we should use the same text on both?[/quote] Okay, she should say that for both of those quests, one from TB and the other from Org. [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=1531[/url] [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=1532[/url] [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?npc=5905#ends[/url] [B][COLOR="#008000"][SIZE=3]FIX:[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE quest_template SET `OfferRewardText`='For the time being. I shall give you what you need to focus your spells and to call upon the spirits of air. Take this totem, and when you are ready, train with me some more.' WHERE `entry`='1532';[/COLOR] I'll create a Pull Request with that now. [B]EDIT:[/B] Pull Request made with this fix :D
  20. [B]NOTE:[/B] I need to add DELETE instructions to those files, to stop the errors popping up bad, bad me :o This has now been PR'd, so those duplicate whatsits messages will no longer pop up.
  21. Terl Arakor (Wetlands) still exists in-game. I'm not sure if all of these can be used, but here are images of what he says: [IMG]http://s29.postimg.org/3mu6pinif/Terl_Arakor01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s11.postimg.org/d6v2f0mub/Terl_Arakor02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s1.postimg.org/v2ybnp4fz/Terl_Arakor03.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s30.postimg.org/us309kbs1/Terl_Arakor04.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s29.postimg.org/7ywkjqykn/Terl_Arakor05.jpg[/IMG] The question now is, how do we implement the many responses? [B]npc_text[/B] records are unique, maybe the [B]gossip_menu [/B]table? Yep, the [B]gossip_menu [/B]table can have more than one record with the same id (Entry). I'm guessing that the prob0 field in the [B]npc_text [/B]table can be used to decide on which text to display. Let's test this boys and girls, and see what we can break :D Damn, that did not work. Clicked many, many times, and each time it just output the 2nd text (Gnoll joke) :( I have a feeling that should have worked. I'll check the coding behind it. Aha ha - prob0 set to 1 means the texts is always said. Silly me, need decimal entries between 0 and 1. [url]https://github.com/cmangos/issues/wiki/npc_text[/url]
  22. Very, very freaking weird, this is!!! Using Terl Arakor (Wetlands) as a test case, I set his GossipMenuId to 11788, which links the NPC to the [B]npc_text[/B]: "This wagon is Mine!" Go in-game, and he says "Chuck_07", which is the value I set to that npc_text record prior to changing it to "This wagon is Mine!" !!!!!! If I then set the GossipMenuId to 0, he will then say in-game: "Greetings, Bowjob" - Bowjob being my toon's name. That's a big WTF! Where the did it get that from ???? I suppose it could have been set to that before I located the proper text, but then that would have been overwritten by the proper text: "This wagon is Mine!" Hmm, Gonna zap the database and start again. Let's see it try and give me "Chuck_07" after that!!!!! or Greetings blah blah!!!!! [B]EDIT:[/B] Mega freaking weird. Totally removed the database. Cloned a fresh, and the damn NPC still says "Chuck_07" !!!! Caching ????? If so than how come I was able to change the quest text for another NPC, and that change showed???? Mega weirdness!!! [B]EDIT again:[/B] It looks like there is an issue with using the records that have Missing US Text in them, at least when altering them. I had the NPC use another record (ID 2 in [B]npc_text[/B]) and that worked. The NPC then said the text in that record. I'll try creating a new record in the [B]npc_text [/B]table for the test case, and see what happens. Ah, and it appears that when the [B][COLOR="#800080"]GossipMenuId [/COLOR][/B]is set to 0, it defaults to using "Greetings, ", therefore no need to change any of the Missing US Text to that, just change the GossipMenuId value. [B]EDIT Deja Vudoo:[/B] YEY, that did it :D I created a new [B]npc_text [/B]record: 15878, with the text: "This wagon is Mine!". Entered that in the [B]text_id [/B]field of the [B]gossip_menu [/B]record for the test case NPC. Then went in-game, and he said that text :D So, basically, you cannot alter the [B]npc_text [/B]records that contain "Missing US Text"; you need to create a new record. Right, now to figure out what the frack I just done, and implement and test it with a freshly cloned and implemented database!
  23. Hang on: [url]https://www.getmangos.eu/issue.php?issueid=338[/url] Does that mean it is spawning? Just not in the correct place! I have not checked yet. Going through a slack phase!
  24. Re Baron Revilgaz, well the message has been changed in the npc_text table, but it was still showing Missing US Text This is not how I left it; it did fix it. Something has happened to make the GossipMenuId field require being set to 0. That most definitely was not the case before. I'll add the Baron to the list, but it only requires the setting of that GossipMenuId field to 0 as the corresponding [B]npc_text [/B]record has been changed in the database. [B]NOTE:[/B] Need to look into Baron Revilgaz again, as I believe I have the text he should say (from mangosOne mangos database), but it's refusing to take it. Baron Revilgaz's [B]creature_template [/B]record's GossipMenuId field should have 6685, which links to the required [B]npc_text [/B]record (7965) via the gossip_menu table, but it's not working. I'm leaning towards there being something broken here. Will look into this further tomorrow :)
  25. Interesting, I wonder if there is any way to activate those areas?
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