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Everything posted by Chucksta

  1. Testing this fix now (while listening to Iron Maiden!!) and then will PR it :) I thankee, Arkadus :D
  2. ******* [B][COLOR="#0000FF"][SIZE=3]Eluna script to go here[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] ******* [PHP] -- This creates the table used to localize all variables and functions local TutenkashGong= { GO_GONG = 148917; NPC_TOMB_FIEND = 7349, TOTAL_FIENDS = 8, NPC_TOMB_REAVER = 7351, TOTAL_REAVERS = 4, NPC_TUTENKASH = 7355 } local CreatureSpawnPoints = { { 2540.479, 906.539, 46.663, 5.47 }, { 2541.511, 912.857, 46.216, 5.39 }, { 2536.703, 917.214, 46.094, 5.57 }, { 2530.443, 913.598, 46.083, 5.69 }, { 2529.833, 920.977, 45.836, 5.47 }, { 2524.738, 915.195, 46.248, 5.97 }, { 2517.829, 917.746, 46.073, 5.83 }, { 2512.750, 924.458, 46.504, 5.92 } } function TutenkashGong.SummonCreatures(player, NPC_ID, iTotalToSpawn) for i = 1, iTotalToSpawn, 1 do -- spawn creature (Tomb Fiend / Tome Reaver) player:SpawnCreature(NPC_ID, CreatureSpawnPoints[i][1], CreatureSpawnPoints[i][2], CreatureSpawnPoints[i][3], CreatureSpawnPoints[i][4], 2, 500000) end end function TutenkashGong.Gong_OnUse(event, player, go) -- spawn creatures TutenkashGong.SummonCreatures(player, TutenkashGong.NPC_TOMB_FIEND, TutenkashGong.TOTAL_FIENDS) -- deactivate gong go:SetFlag(GAMEOBJECT_FLAGS, GO_FLAG_NO_INTERACT) end -- Register the events RegisterGameObjectGossipEvent(TutenkashGong.GO_GONG, 1, TutenkashGong.Gong_OnUse) [/PHP] Game object interaction deactivation not tested
  3. ******* [B][COLOR="#0000FF"][SIZE=3]ScriptDev script to go here[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] ******* [B]razorfen_downs.cpp[/B] [PHP] /*#### # go_tutenkash_gong ####*/ enum { GO_GONG = 148917, NPC_TOMB_FIEND = 7349, TOTAL_FIENDS = 8, NPC_TOMB_REAVER = 7351, TOTAL_REAVERS = 4, NPC_TUTENKASH = 7355 }; struct TUTENKASH_CreatureLocation { float fX, fY, fZ, fO; }; static const TUTENKASH_CreatureLocation aCreatureLocation[] = { { 2540.479f, 906.539f, 46.663f, 5.47f }, // Tomb Fiend/Reaver spawn point { 2541.511f, 912.857f, 46.216f, 5.39f }, // Tomb Fiend/Reaver spawn point { 2536.703f, 917.214f, 46.094f, 5.57f }, // Tomb Fiend/Reaver spawn point { 2530.443f, 913.598f, 46.083f, 5.69f }, // Tomb Fiend/Reaver spawn point { 2529.833f, 920.977f, 45.836f, 5.47f }, // Tomb Fiend spawn point { 2524.738f, 915.195f, 46.248f, 5.97f }, // Tomb Fiend spawn point { 2517.829f, 917.746f, 46.073f, 5.83f }, // Tomb Fiend spawn point { 2512.750f, 924.458f, 46.504f, 5.92f } // Tomb Fiend spawn point }; static const TUTENKASH_CreatureLocation aTutenkashLocation[] = { { 2493.968f, 790.974f, 39.849f, 5.92f } // Tuten'kash spawn point }; // records which round of creatures we are in (Tomb Fiend, Tomb Raider, Boss) int iWaveNumber = 1; // use to kick off each wave of creatures and to prevent the event happening more than once whilst in the same instance of the dungeon bool bWaveInMotion = false; // keeps track of the number of craetures still alive in the wave int iTombFiendsAlive = 8; int iTombReaversAlive = 4; // used for summoning multiple numbers of creatures void SummonCreatures(Player* pPlayer, int NPC_ID, int iTotalToSpawn) { // used for generating a different path for each creature float fXdifference = 0; float fYdifference = 0; Creature* pTombCreature = NULL; for (int i = 0; i { pTombCreature = pPlayer->SummonCreature(NPC_ID, aCreatureLocation[i].fX, aCreatureLocation[i].fY, aCreatureLocation[i].fZ, aCreatureLocation[i].fO, TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 7200000); pTombCreature->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, 2547.565, 904.983, 46.776); pTombCreature->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, 2547.496, 895.083, 47.736); pTombCreature->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, 2543.796, 884.629, 47.764); // randomise coordinates fXdifference = rand() % 3; fYdifference = rand() % 3; pTombCreature->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, 2532.118 + fXdifference, 866.656 + fYdifference, 47.678146); // randomise last coordinates fXdifference = rand() % 5; fYdifference = rand() % 5; pTombCreature->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, 2522.604 + fXdifference, 858.547 + fYdifference, 47.678673); pTombCreature->GetMotionMaster()->MoveIdle(); } } bool GOUse_go_tutenkash_gong(Player* pPlayer, GameObject* pGo) { // gong will only spawn next wave if current wave has been wiped out if (!bWaveInMotion) { switch (iWaveNumber) { case 1: // spawn Tomb Fiends bWaveInMotion = true; SummonCreatures(pPlayer, NPC_TOMB_FIEND, TOTAL_FIENDS); break; case 2: // spawn Tomb Reavers bWaveInMotion = true; SummonCreatures(pPlayer, NPC_TOMB_REAVER, TOTAL_REAVERS); break; default: // spawn boss (Tuten'kash) bWaveInMotion = true; // last wave,so will never be set back to false, therefore this event cannot happen again Creature* pTutenkash = pPlayer->SummonCreature(NPC_TUTENKASH, aTutenkashLocation[0].fX, aTutenkashLocation[0].fY, aTutenkashLocation[0].fZ, aTutenkashLocation[0].fO, TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN, 7200000); pTutenkash->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, 2488.502686, 801.684021, 42.731823); pTutenkash->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, 2485.428955, 815.734619, 43.195621); pTutenkash->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, 2486.951904, 826.718079, 43.586765); pTutenkash->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, 2496.677002, 838.880005, 45.809792); pTutenkash->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, 2501.559814, 847.080750, 47.408485); pTutenkash->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, 2506.661377, 855.430359, 47.678036); pTutenkash->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, 2514.890869, 861.339966, 47.678036); pTutenkash->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, 2526.009033, 865.386108, 47.678036); pTutenkash->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, 2539.416504, 874.278931, 47.711197); pTutenkash->GetMotionMaster()->MoveIdle(); break; } } return true; } // handles AI related script for the Tomb Fiends and Tomb Reavers // - at present that is solely for the recording of the death of the creatures struct npc_tomb_creature : public ScriptedAI { npc_tomb_creature(Creature* pCreature) : ScriptedAI(pCreature) { Reset(); } void Reset() override { // leaving this her for future use, just-in-case } void JustDied(Unit* pKiller) override { DEBUG_LOG(" ==== Creature dies Wave # %i", iWaveNumber); switch (m_creature->GetEntry()) { case NPC_TOMB_FIEND: iTombFiendsAlive--; if (!iTombFiendsAlive) { bWaveInMotion = false; iWaveNumber = 2; // Reaver time } break; case NPC_TOMB_REAVER: iTombReaversAlive--; if (!iTombReaversAlive) { bWaveInMotion = false; iWaveNumber = 3; // boss time!!! } break; } } void UpdateAI(const uint32 uiDiff) override { // leaving this here for future use, just-in-case } }; // This will count down the deaths of the mobs in each wave (Tomb Fiends and Tomb Reavers) CreatureAI* GetAI_npc_tomb_creature(Creature* pCreature) { return new npc_tomb_creature(pCreature); } void AddSC_razorfen_downs() { Script* pNewScript; pNewScript = new Script; pNewScript->Name = "npc_tomb_creature"; // represents both the Tomb Fiends and the Tomb Reavers pNewScript->GetAI = &GetAI_npc_tomb_creature; pNewScript->RegisterSelf(); }[/PHP] [B][COLOR="#008000"]COMPLETED, TESTED, AND WORKING[/COLOR][/B] :D
  4. ******* [B][COLOR="#0000FF"][SIZE=3]SQL script to go here[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] ******* The abilities of all the creatures involved, need to be scripted ([B]creature_ai_scripts[/B]) [SIZE=3][B]The gong[/B][/SIZE] -- assign scriptdev script to the gong -- Remove and re-create the gong object [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM gameobject_template WHERE entry = 148917; INSERT INTO gameobject_template (entry, type, displayId, name, faction, flags, size, data0, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7, data8, data9, data10, data11, data12, data13, data14, data15, data16, data17, data18, data19, data20, data21, data22, data23, mingold, maxgold, ScriptName) VALUES ('148917', '10', '2372', 'Gong', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '19660800', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'go_tutenkash_gong');[/COLOR] [SIZE=3][B]Creature Abilites (creature_ai_scripts)[/B][/SIZE] [B]Tome Fiend[/B] -- enable scripts [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET AIName= 'EventAI', ScriptName = 'npc_tomb_creature' WHERE Entry= 7349;[/COLOR] Poison: [url]http://www.wowhead.com/spell=744[/url] [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM creature_ai_scripts WHERE creature_id = 7349;[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (id, creature_id, event_type, event_inverse_phase_mask, event_chance, event_flags, event_param1, event_param2, event_param3, event_param4, action1_type, action1_param1, action1_param2, action1_param3, action2_type, action2_param1, action2_param2, action2_param3, action3_type, action3_param1, action3_param2, action3_param3, comment) VALUES ('734901', '7349', '0', '0', '100', '1', '3000', '10000', '120000', '125000', '11', '744', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Tome Fiend - Cast Poison');[/COLOR] [B]Tome Reaver[/B] -- enable scripts [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET AIName= 'EventAI', ScriptName='npc_tomb_creature' WHERE Entry= 7351;[/COLOR] Virulent Poison: [url]http://www.wowhead.com/spell=12251[/url] [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM creature_ai_scripts WHERE creature_id = 7351;[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (id, creature_id, event_type, event_inverse_phase_mask, event_chance, event_flags, event_param1, event_param2, event_param3, event_param4, action1_type, action1_param1, action1_param2, action1_param3, action2_type, action2_param1, action2_param2, action2_param3, action3_type, action3_param1, action3_param2, action3_param3, comment) VALUES ('735102', '7351', '0', '0', '100', '1', '2000', '5000', '10000', '20000', '11', '12251', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Tome Reaver - Cast Virulent Poison');[/COLOR] Web: [url]http://www.wowhead.com/spell=745[/url] This one exists already [B]Tuten'kash[/B] -- enable scripts [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET AIName= 'EventAI' WHERE Entry= 7355;[/COLOR] Web Spray: [url]http://www.wowhead.com/spell=12252[/url] This one exists already Curse of Tuten Kash: [url]http://www.wowhead.com/spell=12255[/url] This one exists already Virulent Poison: [url]http://www.wowhead.com/spell=12251[/url] [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM creature_ai_scripts WHERE creature_id = 7355;[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (id, creature_id, event_type, event_inverse_phase_mask, event_chance, event_flags, event_param1, event_param2, event_param3, event_param4, action1_type, action1_param1, action1_param2, action1_param3, action2_type, action2_param1, action2_param2, action2_param3, action3_type, action3_param1, action3_param2, action3_param3, comment) VALUES ('735503', '7355', '0', '0', '100', '1', '2000', '5000', '10000', '20000', '11', '12251', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Tuten Kash - Cast Virulent Poison'); [/COLOR] That could be the SQL script completed. I'll have to get back to this later (another day, possibly), as I need to look into the spawn/despawn issue (not related to this issue). [B]-- Spawn Points[/B] -- Mob 1: 2540.479, 906.539. 46.663, 5.47 -- Mob 2: 2541.511, 912.857, 46.216, 5.39 -- Mob 3: 2536.703, 917.214, 46.094, 5.57 -- Mob 4: 2530.443, 913.598, 46.083, 5.69 -- Mob 5: 2529.833, 920.977, 45.836, 5.47 -- Mob 6: 2524.738, 915.195, 46.248, 5.97 -- Mob 7: 2517.829, 917.746, 46.073, 5.83 -- Mob 8: 2512.750, 924.458, 46.504, 5.92 -- mob path ([B]creature_movement[/B])
  5. Thanks for the info, that will help a lot. I had an idea how to code it up, and your information has made it easier :) It's ok, I'll deal with it :D I'll change it to "in progress". I'll create it on Zero, then port it to the other cores. ---------------------------------------------------------------- YouTube: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgXjlecqq1k[/url] I'll use that and others as a reference :) ================================ The gong [B]gameobject_template[/B]: [B][COLOR="#800080"]Entry[/COLOR][/B]: 148917 [B][COLOR="#800080"]GUID[/COLOR][/B]: 148917 Tome Fiend [B]creature_template[/B]: [B][COLOR="#800080"]Entry[/COLOR][/B]: 7349 [B]creature_ai_script[/B] required Ability: [url]http://www.wowhead.com/npc=7349/tomb-fiend[/url] Tomb Reaver [B]creature_template[/B]: [B][COLOR="#800080"]Entry[/COLOR][/B]: 7351 [B]creature_ai_script[/B] required Abilities: [url]http://www.wowhead.com/npc=7351[/url] Boss: Tuten'kash [B]creature_template[/B]: [B][COLOR="#800080"]Entry[/COLOR][/B]: 7355 [B]creature_ai_script[/B] required [url]http://www.wowhead.com/npc=7355[/url]
  6. This is not working on Zero either. The gong will animate when you interact with it, but that's is all that happens. The only script in the razerfen_downs.cpp file is for npc_belnistrasz. Need to find out what exactly is involved here (number of waves, time between waves, etc.). I'll look into this, if nobody else steps in. The gong [B]gameobject_template[/B]: [B][COLOR="#800080"]Entry[/COLOR][/B]: 148917 [B][COLOR="#800080"]GUID[/COLOR][/B]: 148917
  7. Presumably that is also not working on the other cores too. I'll take a look. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I just checked on Zero, and it is not working there either. The gong does move when you interact with it, but that's all that happens. The only script in the razorfen_downs.cpp file, is for npc_belnistrasz. Need to do a bit of research to find out what exactly happens and what is involved (number of creatures each wave, time between waves, etc.).
  8. Are you able to commit these on Github ? Create a Pull Request for your fixes ? If you haven't used that before, then it would be a good way/reason to start to learn it. It's a widely used system :)
  9. Thanks, and excellent work, matey :D It's amazing how much time is eaten up due to testing each and every fix! I change the database via Mysql Workbench, then copy the script it generates, change it if need be, then commit it (make a Pull Request), And test it, of course :)
  10. [B][COLOR="#008000"][SIZE=3]Pull Request has been made that includes these fixes:[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/database/pull/188[/url]
  11. [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#008000"]Pull Request has been made that includes these fixes:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [url]https://github.com/mangosone/database/pull/9[/url]
  12. Excellent, that makes sense :D Oops, this should be under Zero, not One! I'll see if I can move it. It should also be under Database, as it is a DB fix ----------------------------------------------------------------- I have located the actual problem, the gnolls have been set up to supposedly spawn Nughtlash (1 in 10), but the action_type was not set to spawn, it was set to 47: ACTION_T_SET_STAND_STATE -- Rot Hide Mystic / Rot Hide Gladerunner [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_ai_scripts SET action1_type=12 WHERE id IN (177203, 177303);[/COLOR] Those came up in the world-eventai.log file. Thanks, Arkadus, for putting me on the right track :D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B][COLOR="#008000"][SIZE=3]Fix for this has now been PR'd[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B], as part of the fixes for errors found in the World-eventai.log file (at this point in time). [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/database/pull/188[/url] [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]NOTE: THIS IS A ZERO (WoW Classic) ISSUE, NOT ONE (TBC)! my bad[/COLOR][/B] :(
  13. Ah cool, it will be interesting to see how you done this. Presumably the scripts are linked to the gnolls ?
  14. Nightlash needs to be scripted to spawn It looks like Nightlash is not scripted to spawn, therefore the quest, The Dead Fields cannot be completed. To test, I went in and killed many, many gnolls, but no showing of Nightlash, so I assume she is not scripted in any way to spawn. Looking through the database and the SD2 files, I could find nothing related to Nightlash. On One (TBC) it seems that Nightlash is spawned at server start up, but on Zero there is no creature table entry for this NPC, so it needs to be spawned somehow. I believe she turns up after you kill the gnolls in the area (varying amount), so presumable we need to base her spawning on this; maybe add a script to the gnolls there, that will spawn her at random (e.g. 1 out of 4 chance).
  15. These will be the fixes for the current errors Thread being created under database, because the fault is in the database and thus requires SQL scripts to fix. I will now build the list of scripts: [SIZE=4][CENTER]ERRORS / FIXED [COLOR="#FF0000"]68[/COLOR] / [COLOR="#008000"]68[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] -- incorrect target [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_ai_scripts SET action1_param2 = 1 WHERE id IN (43101, 58702, 154004, 166404, 178703, 264906, 312902, 319204, 373906, 463702, 536401, 560106, 580803, 580903, 598201, 606906, 639102, 727404, 779703, 945111, 1047203, 1082406, 1082407, 1102204, 1146102, 1148606, 1156101, 1236902, 1280109, 1383908, 1432105, 1432305, 1432605, 1552702, 1562102);[/COLOR] -- Sargath [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET AIName = ' ' WHERE Entry = 4509;[/COLOR] -- Kolkar Pack Runner / Kolkar Maraude / Kolkar Bloodcharger -- action set to Stand (47), when it should be Summon (Verog The Dervish) [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_ai_scripts SET action2_type = 12 WHERE id IN (327402, 327502, 339703);[/COLOR] -- Gnolls (Nightlash - The Dead Fields quest) -- Rot Hide Mystic / Rot Hide Gladerunner -- action set to Stand (47), when it should be Summon (Nightlash) [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_ai_scripts SET action1_type = 12 WHERE id IN = (177203, 177303);[/COLOR] -- incorrect target [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_ai_scripts SET action1_param2 = 0 WHERE id IN (193801, 193701, 195201, 212101, 214001, 355101, 355201, 355301, 355401, 355501, 355601, 355701, 588601, 638901, 838501, 955301, 997901);[/COLOR] -- non repeatable event [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_ai_scripts SET event_flags = 0 WHERE id = 1521501;[/COLOR] -- invalid target type for event (OOC) - this is summoning 3 mobs, so target changed to self [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_ai_scripts SET action1_param2 = 0, action2_param2 = 0, action3_param2 = 0 WHERE id = 684602;[/COLOR] -- incorrect target (for OOC) [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_ai_scripts SET action1_param2=0 WHERE id=1145502;[/COLOR] -- incorrect target type for event 9 (in range) [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_ai_scripts SET action1_param2 = 0 WHERE id = 1571802;[/COLOR] -- Thrall [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_ai_scripts SET action2_type = 0, action2_param2 = 0 WHERE id = 494903;[/COLOR] The last error, is due to an incomplete implementation of an Event: EVENT_T_REACHED_WAYPOINT My fault :( That will require a server core fix. [COLOR="#00FF00"]DONE[/COLOR]: [url]https://github.com/Chuck5ta/server/commit/95552837e7ed1fe2fac03dd807179705b5bdc80e[/url] I'll PR the above DB fixes now.
  16. [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#008000"]A PR have now been made with the above fixes :)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [url]https://github.com/mangosone/database/pull/9[/url] The ScriptDev2_errors. log file now contains no errors. Yey me, /gold_start /hugs :D
  17. It's easy, EventAI - creature_ai_scripts ... blah blah blah Hmm, me thinks me need sleep :rolleyes: ;) :D xXx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Bladespire Shaman[/B]: Entry: 19998 [url]http://www.wowhead.com/npc=19998/bladespire-shaman#abilities[/url] -- enable script [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET AIName='EventAI' WHERE Entry='19998';[/COLOR] -- add new script(s) [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM creature_ai_scripts WHERE creature_id = 19998;[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_inverse_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `action1_param2`, `action1_param3`, `action2_type`, `action2_param1`, `action2_param2`, `action2_param3`, `action3_type`, `action3_param1`, `action3_param2`, `action3_param3`, `comment`) VALUES ('1999801', '19998', '1', '0', '100', '1', '500', '800', '600000', '600000', '11', '35240', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Bladespire Shamen - Cast Bloodmaul Intoxication');[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_inverse_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `action1_param2`, `action1_param3`, `action2_type`, `action2_param1`, `action2_param2`, `action2_param3`, `action3_type`, `action3_param1`, `action3_param2`, `action3_param3`, `comment`) VALUES ('1999802', '19998', '0', '0', '100', '1', '4000', '8000', '30000', '45000', '11', '32062', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Bladespire Shamen - Cast Fire Nova Totem');[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_inverse_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `action1_param2`, `action1_param3`, `action2_type`, `action2_param1`, `action2_param2`, `action2_param3`, `action3_type`, `action3_param1`, `action3_param2`, `action3_param3`, `comment`) VALUES ('1999804', '19998', '9', '13', '100', '1', '0', '40', '2400', '3800', '11', '26098', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Bladespire Shamen - Cast Lightning Bolt (Phase 1)');[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_inverse_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `action1_param2`, `action1_param3`, `action2_type`, `action2_param1`, `action2_param2`, `action2_param3`, `action3_type`, `action3_param1`, `action3_param2`, `action3_param3`, `comment`) VALUES ('1999805', '19998', '1', '0', '100', '1', '1000', '1000', '600000', '600000', '11', '12550', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Bladespire Shamen - Cast Lightning Shield on Aggro');[/COLOR] [B]Bladespire Cook[/B]: Entry: 20334 [url]http://www.wowhead.com/npc=20334#abilities[/url] [COLOR="#0000FF"]-- enable script UPDATE creature_template SET AIName='EventAI' WHERE Entry='20334';[/COLOR] -- add new script(s) [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM creature_ai_scripts WHERE creature_id = 20334;[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_inverse_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `action1_param2`, `action1_param3`, `action2_type`, `action2_param1`, `action2_param2`, `action2_param3`, `action3_type`, `action3_param1`, `action3_param2`, `action3_param3`, `comment`) VALUES ('2033401', '20334', '1', '0', '100', '1', '500', '800', '600000', '600000', '11', '35240', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Bladespire Cook - Cast Bloodmaul Intoxication');[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_inverse_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `action1_param2`, `action1_param3`, `action2_type`, `action2_param1`, `action2_param2`, `action2_param3`, `action3_type`, `action3_param1`, `action3_param2`, `action3_param3`, `comment`) VALUES ('2033402', '20334', '0', '0', '100', '1', '2100', '6100', '14100', '20100', '11', '37597', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Bladespire Cook - Cast Meat Slap');[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO `mangosOne`.`creature_ai_scripts` (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_inverse_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `action1_param2`, `action1_param3`, `action2_type`, `action2_param1`, `action2_param2`, `action2_param3`, `action3_type`, `action3_param1`, `action3_param2`, `action3_param3`, `comment`) VALUES ('2033403', '20334', '0', '0', '100', '1', '1000', '5000', '40000', '45000', '11', '37596', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Bladespire Cook - Cast Tenderize');[/COLOR] [B]Bladespire Champion: [/B]Entry: 21296 [url]http://www.wowhead.com/npc=21296#abilities[/url] -- enable script [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET AIName='EventAI' WHERE Entry='21296';[/COLOR] -- add new script(s) [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM creature_ai_scripts WHERE creature_id = 21296;[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_inverse_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `action1_param2`, `action1_param3`, `action2_type`, `action2_param1`, `action2_param2`, `action2_param3`, `action3_type`, `action3_param1`, `action3_param2`, `action3_param3`, `comment`) VALUES ('2129601', '21296', '1', '0', '100', '1', '500', '800', '600000', '600000', '11', '35240', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Bladespire Champion - Cast Bloodmaul Intoxication');[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_inverse_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `action1_param2`, `action1_param3`, `action2_type`, `action2_param1`, `action2_param2`, `action2_param3`, `action3_type`, `action3_param1`, `action3_param2`, `action3_param3`, `comment`) VALUES ('2129602', '21296', '4', '0', '15', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '11', '37777', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Bladespire Champion - Cast Mighty Charge');[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_inverse_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `action1_param2`, `action1_param3`, `action2_type`, `action2_param1`, `action2_param2`, `action2_param3`, `action3_type`, `action3_param1`, `action3_param2`, `action3_param3`, `comment`) VALUES ('2129603', '21296', '9', '0', '100', '1', '0', '8', '16000', '21000', '11', '8078', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Bladespire Champion - Cast Thunderclap');[/COLOR] [B]Bladespire Sober Defender[/B]: Entry: 21975 [url]http://www.wowhead.com/npc=21975#abilities[/url] -- enable script [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET AIName='EventAI' WHERE Entry='21975';[/COLOR] -- add new script(s) [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM creature_ai_scripts WHERE creature_id = 21975;[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts (`id`, `creature_id`, `event_type`, `event_inverse_phase_mask`, `event_chance`, `event_flags`, `event_param1`, `event_param2`, `event_param3`, `event_param4`, `action1_type`, `action1_param1`, `action1_param2`, `action1_param3`, `action2_type`, `action2_param1`, `action2_param2`, `action2_param3`, `action3_type`, `action3_param1`, `action3_param2`, `action3_param3`, `comment`) VALUES ('2197501', '21975', '9', '0', '100', '1', '0', '5', '8000', '12000', '11', '15496', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Bladespire Sober Defender - Cast Cleave');[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="#008000"]All tested and working[/COLOR][/B] :D
  18. Thanks, Xenithar, for confirming that :) I'll add this one to my list, if nobody else has at it. A million and one things to do for this project, and some, lol. I wouldn't mind having a go at Stitches; to at least script the town part, and maybe have him patrol in the grid that the town lies in, plus I should implement that invisible creature in Cuergo's Gold... hmm, I'll do that tomorrow, after PR'ing the scriptdev2 error.log fixes for One :) Blimey! Maybe I'll start putting this together too, oo, and there's the missing scripts I posted early.... brain freeze, brain fuzed, Sorry, lost it there for a moment :D
  19. This is a list of and fixes for the errors that show in the log at server start up I'm creating this thread primarily as a means to record these fixes, just-in-case I forget or get spirited away by Peter Pan during the night! Raised under Database, because the issue/fix is with the database :) go_table_theka ([COLOR="#B22222"]Zero and One!!!!![/COLOR]) [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='go_table_theka' WHERE Entry='7272';[/COLOR] boss_tethyr [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='boss_tethyr' WHERE Entry=23899;[/COLOR] npc_piznik [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='npc_piznik' WHERE Entry=4276;[/COLOR] npc_anchorite_barada [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='npc_anchorite_barada' WHERE Entry=22431;[/COLOR] ncp_colonel_jules [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='npc_colonel_jules' WHERE Entry='22432';[/COLOR] npc_rethhedron [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='npc_rethhedron' WHERE Entry='23416';[/COLOR] npc_drijya [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='npc_drijya' WHERE Entry='20281';[/COLOR] npc_cenarion_sparrowhawk [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='npc_cenarion_sparrowhawk' WHERE Entry='22972';[/COLOR] npc_skyguard_prisoner [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='npc_skyguard_prisoner' WHERE Entry='23383';[/COLOR] npc_fhwoor [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='npc_fhwoor' WHERE Entry='17877';[/COLOR] ============================================ boss_head_of_horseman another script in use DELETE ?????? boss_headless_horseman.cpp I'm not sure about this one. It looks like someone created a new script with a better name ([COLOR="#008000"]boss_headless_horseman[/COLOR]), but forgot to delete the old one ([COLOR="#FF0000"]boss_head_of_horseman[/COLOR]). I'll take a closer look with a better/clearer head, on the morror :D EDIT: I have now been through the scripts again, and the boss_head_of_horseman script is good, and needs to be added to the head of the horseman creature_template record, so: [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='boss_head_of_horseman' WHERE Entry='23775';[/COLOR] ============================================= Note: a PR has been made that fixes the other errors in the scriptdev2 log file
  20. Combat and possibly instance event script missing Weegli Blastfuse (Zul'Farrak) - in a cage with his buddies at the to of a steep stairway. There's no script (SD2 or database) for this creature's combat. Presumably there was an SD2 script for this, but it was obviously removed with the intention of implementing the combat via the creature_ai_scripts table. This was not the only creature to have this done it seems, but most of the others did get the creature_ai_scripts set up. This was my conclusion based on the report in the scriptdev2.log file and my findings in the database. Also, the event this creature is involved in may not be completely scripted, I could not tell fro sure, but I was unable to select the "Will you blow up that door" when I interacted with him. Hmm, I can't find any combat AI for this guy in Zero either! Can anyone confirm if he does work/fight ?
  21. Presumably so, but it shouldn't take much to implement it in the creature_ai_scripts table, which it looks like they meant to have done, just forgot. I've located another NPC (Weegli Blastfuse - Zul'Farrak) who has lost his combat AI, but I'll put him in a new thread because it looks like the instance event he is part of may not be fully scripted.
  22. Bladespire Shaman, Bladespire Cook, Bladespire Champion, Bladespire Sober Defender The following creatures: Bladespire Shaman, Bladespire Cook, Bladespire Champion, and Bladespire Sober Defender do not have any AI associated with them for combat. On looking into missing scripts reported in the log, I noticed that the one linked to these creature did not exist in the SD2 scripts, and that there is no database script either (creature_ai_scripts). It looks like the SD2 script was deleted (along with others), and the database script (EventAI) was never set up. This should be in the creature_a_scripts table, but there are no records in there with the [COLOR="#800080"]creature_id[/COLOR] of any of the affected mobs: Bladespire Shaman: 19998 Bladespire Cook: 20334 Bladespire Champion: 21296 Bladespire Sober Defender: 21975 I will be PRing an SQL script to remove the associated script name (non existent script) from the creature_template records of these creatures, along with others. If I get a chance, I'll revisit here and script these guys in the creature_al_scripts table, unless someone beats me to it :) Just look on wowhead, for the skills/abilies/spells these creatures should use.
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