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Everything posted by Chucksta

  1. Corrections/changes made to server core. Currently building... VS, and cmake (Linux) ---------------------------------------------- Build successful... going in-game and checking logs ----------------------------------------------- Successfuly passed the Travis build :D
  2. [B][SIZE=3]Server side changes[/SIZE][/B] [B]CreatureEventAI.h[/B] from line 127 [PHP] ACTION_T_SET_STAND_STATE = 47, // StandState, unused, unused ACTION_T_CHANGE_MOVEMENT = 48, // MovementType, WanderDistance, unused ACTION_T_SUMMON_UNIQUE = 49, // CreatureId, Target, SpawnId ACTION_T_EMOTE_TARGET = 50, // EmoteId, TargetGuid[/PHP] other changes/additions to make: [B][COLOR="#800080"]ACTION_T_EMOTE_TARGET[/COLOR][/B] [B]CreatureEventAI.h[/B] new code (for Two): from line 426 approximately [PHP] struct { uint32 creatureId; uint32 target; uint32 spawnId; } summon_unique; // ACTION_T_EMOTE_TARGET = 50[/PHP] [B]CreatureEventAI.cpp[/B] new code (for Two): in function ProcessAction( ) [PHP] case ACTION_T_EMOTE_TARGET: { Unit* pCreature = m_creature->GetMap()->GetCreature(ObjectGuid(HIGHGUID_UNIT, action.emoteTarget.targetGuid)); if (!pCreature) { sLog.outErrorEventAI("Event %d. Cannot find creature by guid %d", EventId, action.emoteTarget.targetGuid); return; } m_creature->SetFacingToObject(pCreature); m_creature->HandleEmote(action.emoteTarget.emoteId); break; }[/PHP] [B][COLOR="#800080"]ACTION_T_SUMMON_UNIQUE[/COLOR][/B] CreatureEventAIMgr.cpp - function CheckUnusedAISummons() [PHP] switch (action.type) { case ACTION_T_SUMMON_ID: case ACTION_T_SUMMON_UNIQUE: { if (action.summon_id.spawnId) { idx_set.erase(action.summon_id.spawnId); } break; } default: break; }[/PHP] CreatureEventAIMgr.cpp - function LoadCreatureEventAI_Scripts() [PHP] case ACTION_T_SUMMON_UNIQUE: //47 if (!sCreatureStorage.LookupEntry(action.summon_unique.creatureId)) { sLog.outErrorEventAI("Event %u Action %u uses nonexistent creature entry %u.", i, j + 1, action.summon_unique.creatureId); } IsValidTargetType(temp.event_type, action.type, action.summon_unique.target, i, j + 1); if (m_CreatureEventAI_Summon_Map.find(action.summon_unique.spawnId) == m_CreatureEventAI_Summon_Map.end()) { sLog.outErrorEventAI("Event %u Action %u summons missing CreatureEventAI_Summon %u", i, j + 1, action.summon_unique.spawnId); } break;[/PHP] --------------------------------------------- [B][SIZE=3]Database side changes[/SIZE][/B] [B]creature_ai_scripts[/B] [B]ACTION_T_SET_STAND_STATE[/B] Right now in Two, after applying the start-up fixes, there are 0 entries using 47 (ACTION_T_SUMMON_UNIQUE), and 6 entries using 48 (ACTION_T_SET_STAND_STATE); this is checking the fields: action1_type, action2_type, and action3_type. So, we can safely change the records that use 48 to 47 (value should also be changed in CreatureEventAI.h) [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_ai_scripts SET action1_type = 47 WHERE id IN (454207, 840003, 1684701, 1029903, 2861201); UPDATE creature_ai_scripts SET action2_type = 47 WHERE id = 1722601;[/COLOR] [B]ACTION_T_SUMMON_UNIQUE[/B] Not currently used in Two, so nothing needs to be done. [B]ACTION_T_CHANGE_MOVEMENT[/B] Not currently used in Two, so nothing needs to be done.
  3. Differing settings between Two and the other cores [quote=Olion]There is an annoying difference in EventAI action definitions. Zero: ACTION_T_SET_STAND_STATE = 47, // StandState, unused, unused ACTION_T_CHANGE_MOVEMENT = 48, // MovementType, WanderDistance, unused ACTION_T_SUMMON_UNIQUE = 49, // CreatureId, Target, SpawnId ACTION_T_EMOTE_TARGET = 50, // EmoteId, TargetGuid Two: ACTION_T_SUMMON_UNIQUE = 47, // CreatureId, Target, SpawnId ACTION_T_SET_STAND_STATE = 48, // StandState, unused, unused ACTION_T_CHANGE_MOVEMENT = 49, // MovementType, WanderDistance, unused I suppose it would be better to unify it throughout the cores, or else this will not be the last ACID/EAI problem of such type.[/quote] Basically, Two needs to be changed to how Zero and One are set up. Besides the server core, there will also be a number of database entries that will need changing:
  4. Gonna raise a thread specifically for this. There may be a good number of database records affected. Two needs to be put in-line with Zero and One, obviously. issue raised under [url]https://www.getmangos.eu/issue.php?issueid=883[/url] ---------------------------------------------------------------- Marking the issue in this thread as completed :)
  5. [B][COLOR="#008000"]Pull Request has now been made for this:[/COLOR][/B] [url]https://github.com/mangostwo/database/pull/18[/url]
  6. Many thanks, Xenithar :D Very useful input! That ties in with the comment in the link by Cabfever (in my last post) So, 1) no unlearning in Vanilla 2) No gossip for learning [B]npc_professions.cp[/B]p (all scripts) will need a major overhaul.
  7. Cabfever linked this in Skype: [url]https://github.com/FeenixServerProject/Phoenix_1.12.1_Issue_tracker/issues/765[/url] The comment by Kaiitothewai: [QUOTE]Issues: They all have clickable gossip, trying to teach you the specialization of your choice, this should be removed. When you've completed the quest of your choice, on completion you should earn the skill that the quest provides[/QUOTE] Cabfever also said that Feenix server does have unlearning. ([B][COLOR="#FF0000"]EDIT:[/COLOR][/B] Oops, I meant to have entered "does NOT have". Sorry, cabfever) We need more input by people who believe they remember how this worked. I'm leaning towards unlearning not being part of Vanilla.
  8. Thanks, Olion, that's helped a LOT :D [quote=Olion][SIZE=4]Could the profession specializations be unlearned in the Classic?[/SIZE][/quote] I think we need someone like Xenithar to answer this question, which is an important one.
  9. Anyone know if these skills (Master Swordsmith / Axesmith / Hammersmith could actually be unlearned in Vanilla/Classic ? I cannot locate the spells that unlearn Master Swordmith/ Axesmith/ Hammersmith. In fact the file that contains the script (npc_professions) appears to be for a later version of the game. The plans that it removes when you unlearn a skill were all introduced in TBC! Hmm, these scripts need a proper going over. The issue I am having is that I am unable to find decent information on these master professions, and I have no experience of crafting professions, except for doing some tailoring :(
  10. Looking at this now :) Wrong spell IDs were used in the script (cabfever located the correct ones). Master Swordsmith: 17039 Master Axesmith: 17040 Master Hammersmith: 17041 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- There are actually 2 spells for each skill, one appears to do the animation/effect, the other applies the skills (learn): Master Swordsmith: 17039 Master Swordsmith: 17042 - animation/effect Master Axesmith: 17040 Master Axesmith: 17043 - animation/effect Master Hammersmith: 17041 Master Hammersmith: 17044 - animation/effect Data located in the Spell.dbc file, lines 13619 to 17044
  11. [B][COLOR="#008000"]Fixes completed[/COLOR][/B] :-) [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#800080"]VANILLA[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="#008000"]Pull Request has now been made:[/COLOR] [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/database/pull/215[/url] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#800080"]TBC[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="#008000"]Pull Request has now been made:[/COLOR] [url]https://github.com/mangosone/database/pull/32[/url] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#800080"]WOTLK[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="#008000"]Pull Request has now been made:[/COLOR] [url]https://github.com/mangostwo/database/pull/17[/url] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All have now been merged :D
  12. List of issues and fixes for the area This is just a means for me to record the issues and findings within Eastern Plaguelands: -- [SIZE=3]Tyr's Hand[/SIZE] -- Deaded totured peeps @ odd angle [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature SET position_x=1594.56, position_y=-5313.1, position_z=69.84, orientation=3.1 WHERE guid = 53036; UPDATE creature SET position_x=1598.14, position_y=-5314.94, position_z=70.0242, orientation=3.13426 WHERE guid = 84825; UPDATE creature SET position_x=1603.62, position_y=-5306.68, position_z=70.045, orientation=4.9 WHERE guid = 86149;[/COLOR] -- [SIZE=3]Light's Hope Chapel[/SIZE] [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM gossip_menu WHERE entry IN (96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101);[/COLOR] -- no chit chat -- Korfax, Champion of the Light [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (96, 8415, 0, 0); UPDATE gossip_menu_option SET action_menu_id=96 WHERE menu_id=7099 and id=1;[/COLOR] -- Rohan The Assassin [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (97, 8409, 0, 0); UPDATE gossip_menu_option SET action_menu_id= 97 WHERE menu_id=7101 and id=1;[/COLOR] -- Huntsman Leopold [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (98, 8408, 0, 0); UPDATE gossip_menu_option SET action_menu_id= 98 WHERE menu_id=7102 and id=1;[/COLOR] -- Archmage Angela Dosantos [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (99, 8414, 0, 0); UPDATE gossip_menu_option SET action_menu_id= 99 WHERE menu_id=7096 and id=1;[/COLOR] -- Miranda [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (100, 8499, 0, 0); INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (100, 8500, 0, 0); INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (100, 8502, 0, 0); INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (100, 8503, 0, 0); UPDATE gossip_menu_option SET action_menu_id=269 WHERE menu_id=3461 and id=2;[/COLOR] -- Rayne [COLOR="#0000FF"]INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (101, 8416, 0, 0); UPDATE gossip_menu_option SET action_menu_id= 101 WHERE menu_id=7104 and id=1; [/COLOR] [SIZE=3]-- Jackanory Time -- ==========[/SIZE] -- Archmage Angela Dosantos -- [url]http://wow.gamepedia.com/Angela_Dosantos[/url] DELETE FROM gossip_menu WHERE entry IN (86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95); DELETE FROM gossip_menu_option WHERE menu_id IN (86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94); -- It is said that Kel'Thuzad seeks the legendary Atiesh, greatstaff of the Guardian. -- Yes, the very staff once held by Medivh. -- What is Atiesh? UPDATE gossip_menu_option SET action_menu_id=86 WHERE menu_id=7096 and id=0; -- Like Kel'Thuzad, I too was once a mage of the Kirin Tor. And like Kel'Thuzad, I seek the legendary Atiesh, greatstaff of the Guardian. Our fates are intertwined as such, . -- What Guardian? I don't understand any of this. INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (86, 8388, 0, 0); INSERT INTO gossip_menu_option (menu_id, id, option_icon, option_text, option_id, npc_option_npcflag, action_menu_id, action_poi_id, action_script_id, box_coded, box_money, box_text, condition_id) VALUES (86, 0, 0, 'What Guardian? I don\t understand any of this.', 1, 1, 87, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0); -- Progeny of Aegwynn, he that would be the last Guardian of Tirisfal... Medivh.. -- Please continue. INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (87, 8389, 0, 0); INSERT INTO gossip_menu_option (menu_id, id, option_icon, option_text, option_id, npc_option_npcflag, action_menu_id, action_poi_id, action_script_id, box_coded, box_money, box_text, condition_id) VALUES (87, 0, 0, 'Please continue.', 1, 1, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0); -- It is a story of legend and one that I do not have the time nor the inclination to retell. Just know that Medivh was the last of the Guardians. The greatstaff of Atiesh was a focal point of his power and a focal point of corruption. -- What corruption? INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (88, 8390, 0, 0); INSERT INTO gossip_menu_option (menu_id, id, option_icon, option_text, option_id, npc_option_npcflag, action_menu_id, action_poi_id, action_script_id, box_coded, box_money, box_text, condition_id) VALUES (88, 0, 0, 'What corruption?', 1, 1, 89, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0); -- The corruption of a fallen titan. The corruption of the Destroyer. After all, the staff was forged from the seed of hate. That is, of course, what has brought me here... -- Please continue. INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (89, 8391, 0, 0); INSERT INTO gossip_menu_option (menu_id, id, option_icon, option_text, option_id, npc_option_npcflag, action_menu_id, action_poi_id, action_script_id, box_coded, box_money, box_text, condition_id) VALUES (89, 0, 0, 'Please continue.', 1, 1, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0); -- After the fall of Karazhan, the Kirin Tor dispatched an assembly of mages to search the tower and seize all items of import... for the purposes of "research." It was then that the fabled staff was discovered and brought back to Dalaran. -- Please continue. INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (90, 8392, 0, 0); INSERT INTO gossip_menu_option (menu_id, id, option_icon, option_text, option_id, npc_option_npcflag, action_menu_id, action_poi_id, action_script_id, box_coded, box_money, box_text, condition_id) VALUES (90, 0, 0, 'Please continue.', 1, 1, 91, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0); -- What followed were a series of tragic events, leading to the death of every Kirin Tor mage that came into contact with Atiesh. -- You see, it was an artifact with sentience. A sentience granted to it by Sargeras... -- What? INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (91, 8393, 0, 0); INSERT INTO gossip_menu_option (menu_id, id, option_icon, option_text, option_id, npc_option_npcflag, action_menu_id, action_poi_id, action_script_id, box_coded, box_money, box_text, condition_id) VALUES (91, 0, 0, 'What?', 1, 1, 92, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0); -- -- After the deaths, the Six decided that the best course of action was to seal the staff behind impenetrable barriers of magic and appoint a watcher: A guardian of the staff... I would be that watcher. -- This is disturbing. Please continue. INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (92, 8394, 0, 0); INSERT INTO gossip_menu_option (menu_id, id, option_icon, option_text, option_id, npc_option_npcflag, action_menu_id, action_poi_id, action_script_id, box_coded, box_money, box_text, condition_id) VALUES (92, 0, 0, 'This is disturbing. Please continue.', 1, 1, 93, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0); -- There is not much more to tell. Dalaran was nearly wholly destroyed by Archimonde, the staff lost, presumably shattered by the barrier's fail-safe mechanisms. -- There are those that believe the staff to be the cause of Archimonde's reprisal. -- Please, tell me more. INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (93, 8395, 0, 0); INSERT INTO gossip_menu_option (menu_id, id, option_icon, option_text, option_id, npc_option_npcflag, action_menu_id, action_poi_id, action_script_id, box_coded, box_money, box_text, condition_id) VALUES (93, 0, 0, 'Please, tell me more.', 1, 1, 94, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0); -- After the fall of Dalaran, I took my leave from the Kirin Tor. I spent years watching over Atiesh, only to have my purpose amongst the Kirin Tor taken away from me in one fell swoop. I would find the staff, though it might take a lifetime. That is how I came to join the Argent Dawn and why I am here now. -- Is there anything else? INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (94, 8396, 0, 0); INSERT INTO gossip_menu_option (menu_id, id, option_icon, option_text, option_id, npc_option_npcflag, action_menu_id, action_poi_id, action_script_id, box_coded, box_money, box_text, condition_id) VALUES (94, 0, 0, 'Is there anything else?', 1, 1, 95, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0); -- I have tracked the various fragments of the staff across this world and in doing so, discovered Kel'Thuzad's plans to reform the staff. He has already collected several of the staff's fragments - which are being held by his most trusted lieutenants. -- I cannot emphasize enough the importance of keeping the greatstaff of the Guardian out of Kel'Thuzad's grasp. Frankly, I do not know what the result would be, other than a catastrophe of epic proportion. INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (95, 8397, 0, 0);
  13. Last of the start up errors has now been fixed, and merged by super fast Antz!!! :D
  14. [quote=Olion]Finally: [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/database/pull/210[/url][/quote] Thanks for that, matey :) My judgement was made on misinformation :( [quote=Olion]But FullDB/creature_template.sql is already changed to the wrong form...[/quote] The only way that could have happened, is if someone merged that into the core DB. The core DB has not had that applied to it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually, I had better put together a script for anyone who has applied this to their DB and does not want to install it all afresh. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Odd, I can only find 12 creatures that have RenerateStats set to 3 on Zero, but on One there are nearly 4k.
  15. Oops, time for the a thorough thrashing, me thinks. I'll be waiting with nothing but my undercrackers on. You be sure to bring the thrashing tool of choice, plus plenty of salt.... ;) ------------------------------------------ I backed up a copy of the database beforehand; knowing that this could highlight issues/problems/fubars and WTF situs.. I now have the list of creatures that were set to 0 for regen. I'll PR the fix of the fix which was a mini fubar :D ------------------------------------------- Fix has been fixed: [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/database/pull/209[/url]
  16. List of start up errors and fixes I will build the list of fixes here for the errors that are currently appearing in the log files. [CENTER]ERRORS / FIXED [COLOR="#B22222"]25[/COLOR] / [COLOR="#008000"]25[/COLOR][/CENTER] Antz implemented a number of updates that fixed a hell of a lot of errors :D -- ScriptDev2 ---------------- [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE gameobject_template SET ScriptName='go_gordunni_trap' WHERE entry=144050; UPDATE gameobject_template SET ScriptName='go_pirate_treasure' WHERE entry=142194; UPDATE gameobject_template SET ScriptName='go_inconspicuous_landmark' WHERE entry=142189; UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='boss_netherspite' WHERE Entry=17367; UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='boss_netherspite' WHERE Entry=17368; UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName='boss_netherspite' WHERE Entry=17369;[/COLOR] -- EventAI ------------- -- scripting done by SD2 [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET AIName='' WHERE Entry=5764;[/COLOR] -- incorrect value used, 48 should be used for stand state (was set to 47) [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_ai_scripts SET action1_type=48 WHERE id=840003; UPDATE creature_ai_scripts SET action1_type=48 WHERE id=1029903; UPDATE creature_ai_scripts SET action1_type=48 WHERE id=454207;[/COLOR] -- World Database ---------------------- -- Developer items (Martin ...) [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE item_template SET displayid=7016, sheath=3, DisenchantID=0 WHERE entry=17; UPDATE item_template SET dmg_type2=0, sheath=3, DisenchantID=0 WHERE entry=192;[/COLOR] -- unused entries [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM gossip_menu WHERE entry IN (8671, 8685, 8689, 8690, 8691, 8706, 8707, 8708, 8709);[/COLOR] -- entry 6535 unused + text_id 7737 and 7738 -- need to locate which core these are from, if any .... looking like Cata [SIZE=3][COLOR="#800080"]-- COPY OF REMOVED RECORDS[/COLOR][/SIZE] -- =========================== -- *** [COLOR="#FF8C00"]To Be Used If The Records Are To Go Back Into The WOTLK/Three Database[/COLOR] *** -- -- 6535 (gossip_menu entries) -- '6535', '7737', '0', '1801' -- '6535', '7738', '0', '1802' -- [COLOR="#FF0000"]INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (6535, 7738, 0, 1802);[/COLOR] -- [COLOR="#FF0000"]INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id, script_id, condition_id) VALUES (6535, 7737, 0, 1801);[/COLOR] -- 7737 npc_text record entry: -- '7737', 'The ashes from the burning wickerman radiate magical power.', NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' -- 7738 npc_text record entry: -- '7738', 'The ashes from the burning wickerman radiate magical power. You have already applied the ashes to your face.', NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' -- [COLOR="#FF0000"]INSERT INTO npc_text (ID, text0_0, lang0, prob0, em0_0, em0_1, em0_2, em0_3, em0_4, em0_5, lang1, prob1, em1_0, em1_1, em1_2, em1_3, em1_4, em1_5, lang2, prob2, em2_0, em2_1, em2_2, em2_3, em2_4, em2_5, lang3, prob3, em3_0, em3_1, em3_2, em3_3, em3_4, em3_5, lang4, prob4, em4_0, em4_1, em4_2, em4_3, em4_4, em4_5, lang5, prob5, em5_0, em5_1, em5_2, em5_3, em5_4, em5_5, lang6, prob6, em6_0, em6_1, em6_2, em6_3, em6_4, em6_5, lang7, prob7, em7_0, em7_1, em7_2, em7_3, em7_4, em7_5) VALUES (7738, 'The ashes from the burning wickerman radiate magical power. You have already applied the ashes to your face.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);[/COLOR] -- [COLOR="#FF0000"]INSERT INTO npc_text (ID, text0_0, lang0, prob0, em0_0, em0_1, em0_2, em0_3, em0_4, em0_5, lang1, prob1, em1_0, em1_1, em1_2, em1_3, em1_4, em1_5, lang2, prob2, em2_0, em2_1, em2_2, em2_3, em2_4, em2_5, lang3, prob3, em3_0, em3_1, em3_2, em3_3, em3_4, em3_5, lang4, prob4, em4_0, em4_1, em4_2, em4_3, em4_4, em4_5, lang5, prob5, em5_0, em5_1, em5_2, em5_3, em5_4, em5_5, lang6, prob6, em6_0, em6_1, em6_2, em6_3, em6_4, em6_5, lang7, prob7, em7_0, em7_1, em7_2, em7_3, em7_4, em7_5) VALUES (7737, 'The ashes from the burning wickerman radiate magical power.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);[/COLOR] -- =================================== [SIZE=3][COLOR="#800080"]-- END OF COPY OF REMOVED RECORDS[/COLOR][/SIZE] -- [url]http://www.wowhead.com/quest=29376/a-time-to-build-up[/url] -- [COLOR="#B22222"][SIZE=3]Cata[/SIZE][/COLOR] !!!! [COLOR="#0000FF"]DELETE FROM gossip_menu WHERE entry = 6535; DELETE FROM npc_text WHERE id IN (7737, 7738);[/COLOR] -- Copy of records made above, just-in-case they do belong in WOTLK, but judging by the link, they are Cata
  17. [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#008000"]Pull has now been made for this:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/database/pull/208[/url]
  18. Possible incorrect setting for mana of creatures You can ignore this :) I'm compiling a list of fixes for creatures in the database who currently have mana (MinLevelMana / MaxLevelMana), but possibly should not. This has been realised after applying a fix where mana users were not regenerating their mana (fix not PR'd at this time) Currently 371 records affected. The result will be either the mana setting being set to 0 (do not use mana), or the regenerate setting being set to 2 (they use mana). --------- PR has been made that sets all Warrior and Rogue classes to regen health only and removes the mana settings. It also sets Paladin and Wizzard classes to regen both health and mana.
  19. /cries :( ------------------------- I'll probably split these between different threads. It all depends on how many lines of SQL script will be required. and again: /cries
  20. Fixes for the logged errors at server start up I will build the list of fixes here for the errors that are currently appearing in the log files. [CENTER][SIZE=3]ERRORS / FIXED[/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR="#FF0000"]1675[/COLOR] / [COLOR="#008000"]1675[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] -- Corrections were made to the update scripts in World/Updates/Rel20 -- scriptdev2-errors.log [COLOR="#0000FF"]UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = 'npc_onyxian_warder' WHERE Entry = 12129; UPDATE creature_template SET ScriptName = 'boss_netherspite' WHERE Entry IN (17367, 17368, 17369);[/COLOR] -- world-database.log Currently working on a a tool that can be used to populate the creature_template_classlevelstats table. Antz has a revert that may kill off a good number of these errors, so I will hold off from looking into any more of them until that has been applied, other than the above mentioned tool :D 1186 errors killed by Antz ----------------------------------------------------- Empty creature_item_template table ----------------------------------------------------- UPDATE creature_template SET RegenerateStats=1 WHERE UnitClass IN (1, 4); UPDATE creature_template SET RegenerateStats=2 WHERE UnitClass IN (2, 8); UPDATE creature SET curhealth=8352 WHERE guid=45758; UPDATE creature SET curhealth=8613 WHERE guid IN (45760, 45812); UPDATE creature SET curhealth=2699 WHERE guid=45818; -- invalid level UPDATE creature_template SET MinLevel=75, MaxLevel=75 WHERE Entry=23703; UPDATE creature_template SET MinLevel=75, MaxLevel=75 WHERE Entry=23808; UPDATE creature_template SET MinLevel=75, MaxLevel=75 WHERE Entry=24109; -- max level UPDATE creature_template SET MaxLevel=69 WHERE Entry=21860; UPDATE creature_template SET MaxLevel=60 WHERE Entry=14302; UPDATE creature_template SET MinLevel=25, MaxLevel=27 WHERE Entry=10760; UPDATE creature_template SET MaxLevel=73 WHERE Entry=15936; UPDATE creature_template SET MaxLevel=69 WHERE Entry=19799; UPDATE creature_template SET MaxLevel=68 WHERE Entry=19821; -- change of spell IDs UPDATE dbscripts_on_creature_death SET datalong = 10072 WHERE id IN (15355, 15338, 15264); UPDATE dbscripts_on_creature_death SET datalong = 10061 WHERE id IN (15340, 15277); -- incorrect class UPDATE creature_template SET UnitClass = 1 WHERE entry IN (17416, 17626, 17814, 23186, 25546); UPDATE creature_template SET UnitClass = 2 WHERE entry IN (18327, 20319, 20537, 20691, 22166, 22300, 25545, 25565, 25576, 25579); UPDATE creature_template SET UnitClass = 8 WHERE entry IN (18319, 18499, 18934, 18994, 18995, 20322, 20525, 20697, 20868, 21062, 21104, 21136, 21139, 21148, 22168, 21535, 21593, 23185); -- MoP introduced creature! DELETE FROM creature_template WHERE entry IN (17396); DELETE FROM creature_template_spells WHERE entry IN (17396); -- non existent zone DELETE FROM game_graveyard_zone WHERE id=969 AND ghost_zone=3459; -- not linked to correct loot entry UPDATE gameobject_template SET data1=3239 WHERE entry=3239; DELETE FROM gameobject_loot_template WHERE entry = 2483; UPDATE item_template SET displayid=7016, sheath=3 WHERE entry=17; -- unused entries - direct copy of Vanilla, but not used in TBC -- ======= Copied Rows ======= -- -- '7278', '11', '2', '8', '21330', '27', '0' -- '7371', '11', '2', '8', '21322', '27', '0' -- '8217', '11', '2', '8', '21331', '27', '0' -- '11362', '11', '2', '8', '21329', '27', '0' -- '18714', '11', '2', '8', '31162', '27', '0' -- '19319', '11', '2', '8', '21712', '27', '0' -- '34100', '11', '2', '8', '21712', '27', '0' DELETE FROM creature_item_template WHERE entry IN (7278, 7371, 8217, 11362, 18714, 19319, 34100); ============================================================================================================== [SIZE=3][COLOR="#008000"]More fixes -------------[/COLOR][/SIZE] -- Missing weapon entries for creatures DELETE FROM creature_item_template WHERE entry = 23051; INSERT INTO creature_item_template (entry, class, subclass, material, displayid, inventory_type, sheath_type) VALUES (23051, 2, 7, 1, 24925, 13, 0); UPDATE creature_equip_template SET equipentry1=23051, equipentry2=23051, equipentry3=0 WHERE entry=5029; -- entry unused as creatures are equipped via another means DELETE FROM creature_equip_template WHERE entry = 5030; UPDATE creature_template SET EquipmentTemplateId = 0 WHERE entry = 16679; DELETE FROM creature_equip_template WHERE entry IN (23889, 28023, 32826, 31083, 29626, 23907, 24038, 1219); -- missing entry for Flight Master's weapon INSERT INTO creature_item_template (entry, class, subclass, material, displayid, inventory_type, sheath_type) VALUES (23889, 2, 2, 2, 36600, 15, 0); -- missing entry for axe throwers at portal INSERT INTO creature_item_template (entry, class, subclass, material, displayid, inventory_type, sheath_type) VALUES (28023, 2, 16, 1, 38576, 25, 0); -- missing weapon entry for Sanctum Defender INSERT INTO creature_item_template (entry, class, subclass, material, displayid, inventory_type, sheath_type) VALUES (32826, 2, 2, 2, 43383, 15, 0); -- missing weapon entry for Val'zareq the Conqueror INSERT INTO creature_item_template (entry, class, subclass, material, displayid, inventory_type, sheath_type) VALUES (31083, 2, 2, 2, 43386, 15, 0); UPDATE item_template SET name='Monster - Bow, Val\'zareq\'s' WHERE entry=31083; -- missing weapon entry for Netherstorm Agent INSERT INTO creature_item_template (entry, class, subclass, material, displayid, inventory_type, sheath_type) VALUES (29626, 2, 3, 1, 44573, 26, 0); UPDATE item_template SET name='Monster - Gun, Draenei A01' WHERE entry=29626; -- missing weapon entry for Blade of Argus - [COLOR="#FF0000"] INSERT INTO creature_item_template (entry, class, subclass, material, displayid, inventory_type, sheath_type) VALUES (23907, 4, 6, 1, 36637, 14, 4); UPDATE item_template SET name='Monster - Shield, Draenei A02 Purple' WHERE entry=23907; -- missing weapon entry for Gatewatcher Aendor - [COLOR="#FF0000"] INSERT INTO creature_item_template (entry, class, subclass, material, displayid, inventory_type, sheath_type) VALUES (24038, 4, 6, 1, 36726, 14, 4); UPDATE item_template SET name='Monster - Shield, Blood Elf A01' WHERE entry=24038; -- missing entry INSERT INTO creature_equip_template (entry, equipentry1, equipentry2, equipentry3) VALUES (1219, 13061, 0, 0); -- non existent entry was set for weapon ID UPDATE creature_template SET EquipmentTemplateId=5244 WHERE Entry=14733;
  21. [B][SIZE=3]Vanilla[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="#008000"]Pull Request has now been made:[/COLOR][/B] [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/database/pull/202[/url] [B][SIZE=3]TBC[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="#008000"]Pull Request has now been made:[/COLOR][/B] [url]https://github.com/mangosone/database/pull/14[/url] [B][SIZE=3]WOTLK[/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="#008000"]Pull Request has now been made:[/COLOR][/B] [url]https://github.com/mangostwo/database/pull/8[/url]
  22. lol, excellent. Thanks, I figured it must be there if you said it was, and of course it must be used for calculating the DPS! I tried using 2. I set the Mana to be 2 instead of 0. The server just ignored it. It did not even complain (log files). It did still show the Strength stat, which I placed in the 2nd stat_type field.
  23. [quote=Xenithar]Just a silly question, but have you tried value 2 out? Normally 0 is for nothing, so combined with a positive value, it could screw up. Have you tried setting the type to 2 and a positive value?[/quote] Interesting, no I have not. I'll have a play. Somehow One works and uses the same code, so maybe 0 cannot be dealt with by the vanilla client.... maybe there is another way to pass it to the client? I'll laugh if 2 can be used for mana, lol
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