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Everything posted by Chucksta

  1. .modify money <amount> gives you money, as I was able to then buy armour, but... the total in the interface (bottom right of opened up backpack) was not going up; it just showed as 0 Edit: looting of money also results in the correct amount showing up in the characters table (after logoff, ofc)
  2. The server crashes when I exit the game world to the login screen. Server terminal output:
  3. Error appearing in world-database.log: Item (Entry: 69986) has non existing first page http://www.wowhead.com/item=69986/cubs-first-toy Actual image that should appear: Quote on this from Rochet:
  4. The following entries in the creature_ai_text table, are not assigned anywhere, for any core: -869, -868, -860, -673, -344 They appear to be involved with the quest: A Royal Escort http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Quest:A_Royal_Escort http://www.wowhead.com/quest=13151/a-royal-escort
  5. You are unable to move bags from one container to another.
  6. You are unable to move items from one slot to another.
  7. When looting coins from a corpse, the total value of money held by the player character does not increase.
  8. It should appear on the site as soon as you hit Publish / Synch - top right of the github client. Are you on Skype?
  9. Windows 10!!! use branch Develop21 https://github.com/mangostwo/database/tree/Develop21 You'll need to fork the branch to your own profile, just click on Fork button on the mangostwo database page https://github.com/mangostwo/database If your profile is called necrovoice and you don't have any other project with the name of database, you'll then have mangosteo database at: https://github.com/necrovoive/database You can commit changes via the github client, or directly from a git terminal using git commands client: https://desktop.github.com/ git for windows: https://git-for-windows.github.io/ with git for windows, you can right click on a folder and run git bash - a git terminal. Very useful. Say you have a folder on your PC called Mangos, to clone (download) the mangostwo repo, you'll need to work from your copy firth, then PR it. To do that: right click on the Mangos folder select git bash the terminal will open up then in the terminal you type: git clone --recursive git://github.com/necrovoice/database -b Develop21 You'll have under your Mangos folder, a folder called database Make the changes - adding a new update under World/Updates/Dev21 in your case Then if using the client, drag and drop the database folder to it - enter details - hit commit - hit Publish/Synch The go to your github account and your fork of the mangostwo database, and hit Create Pull Request Someone will then check it over and merge it for you
  10. necrovoice, can you commit that fix to the Two repo ? Leave Three; I'll add it to Three's base :-)
  11. Everything looks correct in the database on both the Horde and the Alliance side. The quest givers Alliance: 23729 Baron Ulrik von Stromheart Horde: 26471 Image of Archmage Aethas Sunreaver correctly correctly set up to teleport the player. I am unable to test in-game, because Two keeps on crashing on me
  12. Further details on the quests: Alliance quest to enter Dalaran http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12794/the-magical-kingdom-of-dalaran Horde quest to enter Dalaran http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12791/the-magical-kingdom-of-dalaran More information, including the NPCs who can teleport you once you have the quest: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Quest:The_Magical_Kingdom_of_Dalaran Alliance Quest giver: http://www.wowhead.com/npc=23729/baron-ulrik-von-stromhearth Horde quest giver: http://www.wowhead.com/npc=26471/image-of-archmage-aethas-sunreaver Spell cast by the NPC to teleport the player: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=53360/teleport-to-dalaran
  13. Thanks for the link, gabrielesani. I'll have read of it now. :-)
  14. Should soldiers spawn at some point when an enemy faction appears in towns (added to Scripts as this could easily come under scripts or be a combination of database and scripts) When player characters enter an enemy town or city, at what point should soldiers spawn, if they should spawn at all? I recall back in the day, when we raided Goldshire, and found that attempting to lay waste to the Inn was just plain impossible, as soldiers would just keep on spawning. You'd own one lot of soldiers, only for a new lot to spawn. Can anyone confirm this is what should happen? Maybe with links to sources that show what should happen. I'm usually pretty good at tracking things down, but have come up blank so far :( Currently within the core, the only thing implemented along these lines, is that a soldier will spawn if a city boss type is killed (tested in SW). Here the soldiers spawn at the coordinates of the boss, which looks odd.
  15. <looks at thread title> <looks at keyboard> <looks at title again> <looks at keyboard again> thinks, "hmm, the 'a' key is a loooooong way from the 'u' key" <smile creeps on face and eyes start to twinkle> Welcome to the Pink Coconut! Let's party, big boy! :cool:
  16. I just tested this in-game, with a few clients up, and it successfully broadcast the message to all of them. Has this been fixed, or am I not understanding the issue ?
  17. [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/database/pull/31[/url] Lines removed. They were supposed to replace 'tabel' with 'table', but that spelling error no longer exists. I have no idea how both fields in that script ended up as the same.
  18. [quote=Corsol]yes! This is what i mean as second step to fix the problem. ;)[/quote] Coolio, Corsol :) Merry xmas, and 'appy New Year :D
  19. [quote=Corsol].. Each vehicle has his own spell to active the dismount action... This spell can be discovered from search on wowhead or other portal that describe the vehicle in object.[/quote] This might be what Corsol is talking about: [url]http://www.wowhead.com/spells?filter=na=dismount[/url] Lots of dismount spells :) Without looking at the code, I presume something like: [QUOTE]Deathknight exits mount cast Dismount Deathcharger [COLOR="#FF0000"]
  20. [quote=Nagilum]Ok, but because i'm a noop at git, how to implement your update ? Do i just copy and past your addition in to the Opcode.ccp and do a build? Thats where i get lost... Nagilum[/quote] If that is the fix for it, then yes. Look for those lines in the file ([B]src/game/Server/Opcodes.cpp[/B]), and if the ones highlighted in red are still there, then replace them with the lines highlighted in green. Then rebuild :) [quote=Nagilum]Noop, Noob i just dont get it :D[/quote] Welcome to my world :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just checked that file, and that code has already been applied. (I hadn't read the whole of the thread, lol)
  21. Oops, my bad :o Thanks, shenron :) I'll check One as well, just-in-case ------------------------------------ Fix PR'd and merged for One [url]https://github.com/mangosone/database/pull/23#[/url] Fix PR'd and merged for Two [url]https://github.com/mangostwo/database/pull/36[/url]
  22. [quote=H0zen]The fix for this issue has been [URL="https://github.com/mangoszero/server/pull/60"]PR`ed[/URL]. The problem was the destruction of various static ACE_TSS objects. A great hint was quite the [URL="http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/Doxygen/5.7.9/html/ace/a00737.html#_details"]documentation[/URL] (the note)[/quote] Nice one, H0zen :D I am going to create an effigy to your awesomeness and show my devotion by sacrificing MadMax before your altar :) Or would you prefer the standard virgin maid? (moments of madness, priceless) :D Keep up the awesome work, matey :D
  23. Lots of nice work there, necrovoice :-) When performing an INSERT, you must DELETE the record first, otherwise if it exists, the INSERT will fail. e.g. [QUOTE]delete from creature where guid = 151032; insert into creature (guid, id, map, spawnMask, phaseMask, modelid, equipment_id, position_x, position_y, position_z, orientation, spawntimesecs, spawndist, currentwaypoint, curhealth, curmana, DeathState, MovementType) values(151032,16315,530,1,1,0,0,7051.7,-5811.42,46.5964,2.50734,472,5,0,270,295,0,1);[/QUOTE] I took the scripts and made a version for One and a version for Two (database record structures are not the same), applied them and they work as intended. I'll PR them now on One and Two. [B]ONE:[/B] [url]https://github.com/mangosone/database/pull/20[/url] [B]TWO:[/B] [url]https://github.com/mangostwo/database/pull/33[/url]
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