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Everything posted by Chucksta

  1. Okay, I managed to fend off Xenithar's pet gremlin, and get this to work. It required setting the gossipMenuId in the [B]creature_template [/B]to 0. Which seems a bit odd, but made the NPC use that altered text in the [B]npc_text [/B]table, thus: [IMG]http://chuckyworld.co.uk/MaNGOS/Issues/Database/MissingQuestText/HighExecutionorDarthaliaPartDeux.jpg[/IMG] So, the following SQL script needs to be applied: UPDATE `creature_template` SET `GossipMenuId`='0' WHERE `Entry`='2215'; I'll add that to the existing update file and PR it. [B]EDIT:[/B] Corrected update file has now been PR'd
  2. That's odd, because the fix overwrites that text, and I tested it in-game. I'll clone the DB and take a look. EDIT: Nuts, that did not fix it. Odd, I could have sworn I checked in-game; very unusual for me not to. Plus, the relevant tables and records used are correct, at least as far as normal chat/gossip is concerned. Balls! EDIT again: This is really weird; I changed all the fields that have "Missing US text" to Chuck_01, 02, 03, etc. and still the little says "Missing US text" !!!! Gonna check the server core for that text. Ahhhhhh, not there, ahhhhhhhhh, but it's not searching all the files in VS. Gonna use grep on my Linux machine to search for the text in all files. It makes more sense that it is in the database, but.... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Ah ha, I know what it is, it's Xenithar; he's jinxed it after what I said about using Eluna! ;) :D
  3. That's odd, because the fix overwrites that text, and I tested it in game. I'll clone the DB and take a look.
  4. Stitches spawns after completing: ----> [URL="http://wowpedia.org/Quest:Translation_to_Ello"]Translation to Ello[/URL] There's no sign of Stitches in the server core, or a Duskwood specific program file as there is with places like arathi_highlands.cpp and westfall.cpp. We'll have to get him to spawn in the town, instead of where he should do, because, due to the way it currently works, he won't be able to patrol when the map is unloaded. [SIZE=3][B][COLOR="#800080"]STITCHES[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B]creature_template[/B] table [B]Entry[/B]: 412 No [B]creature[/B] table record, as he is spawned via the quest. Needs to be coded/scripted. [B]EDIT[/B]: Gonna attempt to implement this one using Eluna; pray for me. :D Of course, anyone else can do this if they wish :D EDIT: Thanks, to Foereaper, for pointing out that I was looking at the wrong version of this quest chain :)
  5. [quote=Xenithar] The parody was of Abercrombie and Fitch.[/quote] They sound like characters from a Dickensian era novel. Accountants, Attorneys, or even better pick pockets/ne'er-do-wells.
  6. [SIZE=3][COLOR="#008000"]Pull Request has now been made with a fix for the Corrupted Whipper Root, Corrupted Night Dragon, and Corrupted Windblossom looting issue.[/COLOR][/SIZE] I'll now look at the Corrupted Songflower issue. [B]EDIT:[/B] I'll have to revisit this some other time, unless someone else has the answer. I cannot locate where the Corrupted Sunflower objects are linked to the Songflower Serenade spell (15366). Nothing stands out in the tables, or when searching for the IDs in the mangos database.
  7. [B][SIZE=4][COLOR="#006400"]FIXES:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=3][B][COLOR="#800080"]Corrupted Whipper Root[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] (gameobject_template: 164888, 173284, 174605, 174606, 174607, 174686) INSERT INTO `gameobject_loot_template` (`entry`, `item`, `ChanceOrQuestChance`, `groupid`, `mincountOrRef`, `maxcount`, `condition_id`) VALUES ('164888', '11951', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('173284', '11951', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174605', '11951', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174606', '11951', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174607', '11951', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174686', '11951', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'); [SIZE=3][B][COLOR="#800080"]Corrupted Night Dragon[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] (gameobject_template: 164885, 173324, 174608, 174684, 182114) INSERT INTO `gameobject_loot_template` (`entry`, `item`, `ChanceOrQuestChance`, `groupid`, `mincountOrRef`, `maxcount`, `condition_id`) VALUES ('164885', '11952', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('173324', '11952', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174608', '11952', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174684', '11952', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('182114', '11952', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'); [SIZE=3][B][COLOR="#800080"]Corrupted Windblossom[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] (gameobject_template: 164887, 173327, 174599, 174600, 174601, 174602, 174603, 174604, 174708, 174709) INSERT INTO `gameobject_loot_template` (`entry`, `item`, `ChanceOrQuestChance`, `groupid`, `mincountOrRef`, `maxcount`, `condition_id`) VALUES ('164887', '11950', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('173327', '11950', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174599', '11950', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174600', '11950', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174601', '11950', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174602', '11950', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174603', '11950', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174604', '11950', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174708', '11950', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'),('174709', '11950', '100', '0', '1', '3', '0'); [SIZE=3][B][COLOR="#800080"]Corrupted Songflower[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] (gameobject_template: 164886, 171939, 171942, 174594, 174595, 174596, 174598, 174712, 174713) Ah, this one results in a buff (spell), not an item drop! I'll need to look into how this is implemented, because the gameobject_loot_template table only takes items, as far as I can tell. I'll create a Pull Request for the others now, then look into the Corrupted Songflower/Songflower Serenade one. [B][SIZE=4][COLOR="#FF0000"]EDIT 17th Nov, 2014 - THIS IS WRONG[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] It should be the Cleansed version of the plants, not the corrupted. That's what happens when you don't test in-game. Bad. bad me :o Don't bother making up scripts with the cleansed plants, as it still does not work!
  8. Okay, attempt 2 at locating the issue. This time looking at the reported issue, not something my noggin fabricated, lol We have in the database: The objects that the player can loot ([B]gameobject_template[/B] table): [COLOR="#800080"]Corrupted Night Dragon Corrupted Songflower Corrupted Whipper Root Corrupted Windblossom[/COLOR] The items that can be looted from the above objects ([B]item_template[/B] table): [COLOR="#008000"]Whipper Root Tuber[/COLOR] from Corrupted Whipper Root [COLOR="#008000"]Songflower Serenade[/COLOR] from Corrupted Songflower [COLOR="#008000"]Night Dragon's Breath[/COLOR] from Corrupted Night Dragon [COLOR="#008000"]Windblossom Berries[/COLOR] from Corrupted Windblossom But nothing in the [B]gameobject_loot_template[/B] table for either the items or the corrupted objects. I'll now add these to that table. I need to locate the drop rate, but as a guess, I expect that should be 100%.
  9. The [B]gameobject_loot_template[/B] entries are totally wrong. As it currently stands, apparently you can acquire Fel Creep from iron, Darkmoon Faire Banner (2 entries) and Forge (2 entries), lol. Looks like someone was on some happy candy when they did this. I'll figure out what the records should be, and check the Tainted Vitrol one too (mining). The skinning one looks fine, but I'll go through that thoroughly too, and the other proffs that can be used to achieve the quest objective. [B]EDIT[/B]: Oops, my bad. This is about the CORRUPTED plants. Seems I may have found another issue. I really need to learn to take in what I read!
  10. Judging by this list, the Major Healthstone will heal for 1320. Presumably that requires certain factors to be in place? [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?search=healthstone[/url] That lists 3 Major Healthstones. 1200 health 1320 health 1440 health Were they altered due to patches ?
  11. This has now been coded, tested and a Pull Request made. [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#800080"]THIS ISSUE CAN BE CONSIDERED RESOLVED[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
  12. Yep, I remember him. My mates and I used to spend many a great moment in his company, being torn limb from limb :D I'll check it out, unless someone else does. Not sure when, though. A tad busy at the mo :)
  13. [quote=cabfever]I like the way how deep you dive into the issue. Much appreciated! :)[/quote] Thanks :) I now have The Unforgiven spawning with 3 or 4 Vengeful Phantoms when a player crosses into the Unforgiven's area from either side of the gate. I only need to now set the spawn time for them, so that they pop back after a certain time (15 mins for the Vengeful Phantoms). I was going to do that via the OnCreatueDeath( ) function in instance_stratholme, but I should be able to do it when I spawn the creature. I should be able to set the spawn time: Something like (instance_stratholme.cpp): Creature* pTemp = pCreature->SummonCreature(NPC_VENGEFUL_PHANTOM, 3713.908f, -3430.042f, 131.010f, 6.2f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_OOC_DESPAWN, 2000000); pTemp->SetSpawnTimeSecs(9000000); TOTALLY made up function! I'll find out for sure what it is in a mo. Not sure what to set the Unforgiven's spawn time to. I know it should be more than the Vengeful Phantom's. Maybe 30 minutes. [B]EDIT:[/B] It looks like this is how to set the respawn time: pTemp->SetRespawnTime(900); // 15 minutes I'll test that now, then it's tidy up code and PR it all!!! [B]EDIT again:[/B] Yep, that worked. All of the Vengeful Phantoms respawned :D All that needs to be done now is to make the code look pretty. One for the morrow, me thinks. Telly and chill time now :D
  14. The one hurdle left to cross, I believe I have now succeeded in doing so: check for nearby players I figured in order to check that a player is within range of The Unforgiven's spawn point, we could do either: [B]Method 1:[/B] Check all players in the instance and compare their coordinates with that of The Unforgiven's or [B]Method 2:[/B] Check all creatures within a certain range of The Unforgiven's spawn point, to see if any of them are Players Not sure which would be the better method of the two, but I can use [B]GetPlayers( )[/B] from the[B] Map class[/B] to iterate through all the players in the instance, so that's one method I can implement now.
  15. Okay, I now have another way to spawn The Unforgiven. All sorted except that I need to figure out how to test for player characters near to the spawn point. Plus find out what creature(s) spawn with The Unforgiven (not looked into that yet). [B]EDIT[/B]: Buddies of The Unforgiven [B]Vengeful Phantom[/B] Entry: 10387 (creature_template table) [url]http://wod.wowhead.com/npc=10516#comments[/url] [url]http://wod.wowhead.com/npc=10387#abilities[/url] I haven't discovered how many of them are spawned, as yet. I'll set it to 3, for now. [B]EDIT again[/B]: At the bottom of the first linked page, the comment says "3-4 adds". Probably more a case of not knowing for sure, rather than being fact. But I will now randomise the number of adds, unless there is an objection. [B]EDIT Déjà Vu[/B]: Okay, this has been made more interesting. It appears that both The Unforgiven and its adds respawn after a certain time period. 10 to 15 mins for the adds. Not sure about the elite itself. I'll have to allow for this in the code. Need to implement a timer. Two timers! One for the adds and one for the elite. Those can be initiated via OnCreatureDeath( ) and kept up-to-date via Update( ), I reckon.
  16. Oh well, I was wrong. Those Area Trigger coordinates do not take you anywhere near the place The Unforgiven and its buddies spawn. [B]AreaTrigger.dbc[/B] [COLOR="#0000FF"]Alonsus Chapel[/COLOR] 2187,329,"3673.6","-3633.87","139.943",5,0,0,0,0 [COLOR="#0000FF"]Crusader's Square[/COLOR] 2209,329,"3665.11","-3164.96","127.224",10,0,0,0,0 [COLOR="#0000FF"]Crusader's Square[/COLOR] 2210,329,"3663.95","-3164.27","127.361",10,0,0,0,0 [COLOR="#0000FF"]Eastwall Gate[/COLOR] - these coords actually spawn you at a point that sort of teleports you to the Eastwall Gate 2221,329,"3584.78","-3632.05","142.118",10,"9.778","17.94","27.92",0 I will have to look into this further, in order to come up with another way to get this creature into the world.
  17. Just been delving through the database and code, and it looks like the creature will need to be spawned via an area trigger (edu-guessing here). There's no creature table entry, so not spawned by default. There is a creature_template table entry: Entry: 10516 and creature_ai_script entries: 1051601, 1051602 So, I'd say there needs to be an Area_Trigger function added to the instance_stratholme.cpp file (just as instance_naxxramas.cpp has). I could be wrong. Looking in the AreaTrigger.dbc file, we have 4 area trigger points: [B]AreaTrigger.dbc[/B] 2187,329,"3673.6","-3633.87","139.943",5,0,0,0,0 2209,329,"3665.11","-3164.96","127.224",10,0,0,0,0 2210,329,"3663.95","-3164.27","127.361",10,0,0,0,0 2221,329,"3584.78","-3632.05","142.118",10,"9.778","17.94","27.92",0 329 = the Stratholme map The next 3 are X, Y, and Z coordinates. Standing at that gate the creature is supposed to spawn near, gives us coordinates of: 3721.607 -3424.507 131.761 Need to see where those area trigger coordinates take my toon. That's all I have looked at, at the moment. Will look into this further on the morrow. :) Oh, what creatures spawn with The Unforgiven ?
  18. [quote=Xenithar]I believe she says other things when not on that quest, though I may be wrong. I will do some research today and see what I can find.[/quote] I'm pretty certain you are right. The text TrueWow is using is the same as the guards in the area. Very likely that she would say more than a simple greeting :) Good luck :)
  19. Pull Request has now been made with the above fix :) [SIZE=3][COLOR="#800080"][B]This thread can be closed[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] or NOT
  20. It is the normal greeting text that is at fault here. The creature: High Executor Darthalia, is linked to the Missing US Text in the npc_text table. This is the only entry in that table for Darthalia, so it needs to be replaced with the correct text, unlike a previous issue, which had 2 entries for the creature: [url]https://www.getmangos.eu/issue.php?issueid=522[/url] I'll see if I can locate the correct text. EDIT: Unable to locate the text, other than what they have on the private server: TrueWoW [IMG]http://s17.postimg.org/qklbdcwtb/High_Executionor_Darthalia.jpg[/IMG] I'll PR a fix that includes that text - "Greetings " UPDATE npc_text SET `text0_0`='Greetings $N' WHERE `ID`='16667';
  21. [B][COLOR="#800080"][SIZE=3]Looks like this has been fixed.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] I checked this in-game on Rel20 and it worked fine. I checked Rel20 and Rel19 databases and both show 100% skinning drop rate for this leather on the stated creatures.
  22. 20003_08 and 20003_09 are in the Rel20 core DB. Although, they should be named 20005_01 and 20005_02, as the 2nd (Misha) relies on the first (Rexxar), and neither relies on any of the previous scripts. For anyone who has cloned the latest Rel20, they do not need to apply those scripts. They were both merged with the database only a matter of a few hours after being committed. I know nothing about the 20003_05 one. EDIT: I just checked the database, having cloned it for a fix in another thread, and the names do start with 20005_01 and 20005_02. I'll now clone the database via the main repo, and see what I get. git clone --recursive git://github.com/Chuck5ta/database -b Rel20 EDIT again: Well, that's weird, now they show as 20003_08 and 20003_09 git clone --recursive git://github.com/mangoszero/database -b Rel20
  23. [url]http://www.wowhead.com/npc=11739/rock-stalker#comments[/url] Stated in there within the comments section: "These were Elite prior to Patch 2.3" "Rank" field in the creature_template table needs to be set to 1. Currently set to 0. I'll create a PR with the fix. EDIT: PR has now been created with this fix :) incl. UPDATE creature_template SET `Rank`='1' WHERE `Entry`='11739'; [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#800080"]THIS THREAD CAN BE CLOSED[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
  24. Just tested the quests in-game, and they have been fixed. [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#800080"]This Thread Can Be Closed[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
  25. This issue[SIZE=3][COLOR="#800080"][/COLOR][/SIZE] has been fixed already. The two are happily on their walk in UC. [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#800080"]This Thread Can Be Closed[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
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