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Everything posted by mrelfire

  1. I suspect we have few ideas why he is looking for a fake players system
  2. I am using still few days xeross155 AH, no problems except this boring message of 0 guid. looks good, great job.
  3. I recompile this morning with today's xeros155 repo and I have these strange errors strange isn't it ?
  4. I have now in xeross155 ah these debug output I was wondering how to remove them please ?
  5. The SQL table was a good idea, today we begin to have : mangods.conf scriptdev.conf realmd.conf playerbot.conf and another one for ahbot ? SQL is your friends
  6. The SQL table was a good idea, today we begin to have : mangods.conf scriptdev.conf realmd.conf playerbot.conf and another one for ahbot ? SQL is your friends
  7. The idea is how to have different numbers for neutral or horde house ? before we had 3 different lines in the sql tables
  8. slight problem with merging in VC100 small question: how to make different items regarding alliance / neutral for axample ?
  9. I have tryed to create a patch but it seems I received a lot of more code thant expected (more thant 10 times the size of an "auctionhouse.patch") Did I make a mistake ?
  10. The last time I used yours, It was only populate the "7". Due to the fact I do not change my config between yours and cyberium, I suspect a litle "glitch" occured. Now I switch to cyberium repo
  11. so the new ahbot will be the reference (after the beta mod)
  12. I have a strange behavior on the xeross155'AH, now I have only the neutral working, and nothing into the 2 other "race" AH, did I miss something ?
  13. Shouldn't we go to under review process ? It should be now in the "hands" of Vladimir .
  14. I do agree but 10254 commit is before 10385, it is just to aware than an auctionhouse has been missed
  15. 1/ perfect did you implement the generic seller like cyberyum ? 2/ I have compiled and also I have some strange errors on the console: auctionhouse' has been changed do we have to do something ?
  16. are we going to under review for Vladimir ? with which redepository ?
  17. I am not a mathematician the % is just to quickly increase the "basic" rules to a biggest numbers. the multiplicator is quite a very good idea.
  18. today we have a minimum and maximum amount, and the % of items is related to this range. It is easier to manage, for example tomorrow if I want to double the items, just to change the maximum. With your proposal, I will have to go to each items and make the modifications. Regarding the timeline, I thought the items was introduced after I go below the minimum range chosen (this is what I used the wrong term "period") I hope I am clear
  19. perhaps first a system when you put a valor (like 0) you have nearly these items (like 0) your idea will be difficult: is it 50 per which period ?
  20. oh no, an other one :) I am joking, hope Vladimir will implement ahbot soon in the core system
  21. A crash is not so much important at the beginning, my main concern is the deconnection problem. Unfortunately I did not see anybody else than me having this problem. I have forgotten to say I have compiled under VC100 in X64
  22. Is it because I am using a X64 bites compilation ?
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