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Everything posted by Patman128

  1. First of all: OS, CPU, and memory. Second: have you tried importing with the mysql command? (i.e. mysql -u root -p somedb < .\\path\\to\\somedb.sql)
  2. My system administrator recommends against downloading and installing software that isn't included in the OS's repository for compatibility and stability reasons. I have the newest CMake Linux binaries installed in my home directory and use this instead, and it works fine (CentOS 5.4 x86)
  3. He hasn't replied in 3 months, so I assume he is a master of spells by now.
  4. It's not a bad idea, it would be nice to have mods separated.
  5. Looking at Hamstring (Rank 1) in SpellWork, it says that it has Effect 1: Id 6 (SPELL_EFFECT_APPLY_AURA) with Aura Id 33 (SPELL_AURA_MOD_DECREASE_SPEED), value = -40. Looking up SPELL_AURA_MOD_DECREASE_SPEED in mangos reveals that it is handled by Aura::HandleAuraModDecreaseSpeed. In Aura::HandleAuraModDecreaseSpeed: void Aura::HandleAuraModDecreaseSpeed(bool apply, bool Real) { // all applied/removed only at real aura add/remove if(!Real) return; Unit* target = GetTarget(); target->UpdateSpeed(MOVE_RUN, true); target->UpdateSpeed(MOVE_SWIM, true); }
  6. No, and you shouldn't be using a disassembler if you don't have: A. a very good grasp on programming with C++ B. a very good understanding of assembly programming and C. a good knowledge of x86 assembly.
  7. In case anyone has the same problem, using this binary worked fine: http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-2.8.4-Linux-i386.tar.gz
  8. That's not a patch, it's a script file. I wrote a guide on compiling scripts (see my second post http://www.scriptdev2.com/showthread.php?t=4779)
  9. You would have to check which spells they have and use a lookup to figure out which spec each spell is in.
  10. Do you have some sort of GM addon installed?
  11. It's actually 9. enum UnitMoveType { MOVE_WALK = 0, MOVE_RUN = 1, MOVE_RUN_BACK = 2, MOVE_SWIM = 3, MOVE_SWIM_BACK = 4, MOVE_TURN_RATE = 5, MOVE_FLIGHT = 6, MOVE_FLIGHT_BACK = 7, MOVE_PITCH_RATE = 8 }; Normal/ground mounts are MOVE_RUN, aerial mounts are MOVE_FLIGHT, but they are changed by many things.
  12. It is not stored anywhere, it is part of Unit, and is initialized in Unit::Unit for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MOVE_TYPE; ++i) m_speed_rate[i] = 1.0f;
  13. Has anyone had any luck getting mangos installed under CentOS with CMake? The latest release on CentOS is 2.6.4. Manually changing the version requirements doesn't help.
  14. Any GNU/Linux is fine. I like Ubuntu, but I also use CentOS and it's fine.
  15. I don't believe getting talent points through quests is supported for non-DKs. See uint32 Player::CalculateTalentsPoints() const.
  16. There are no errors in there, only warnings. Check your log again.
  17. Ah, didn't know about these. I couldn't find a list of lua functions. It is listed here: http://www.mmowned.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/bots-programs/memory-editing/218774-wow-3-0-9-info-lua-callbacks.html
  18. I'm not sure what information you're looking to get out of the lua sandbox, but I'm sure whatever is done with CMSG_BUG can be done with a chat command.
  19. It might have been removed after the beta. You'd probably be better just using a chat command.
  20. It can't connect to mangosd. Make sure it's running, make sure the ports in realmld.realmlist table and mangosd.conf match, and make sure the address in realmd.realmlist is for a server on the same computer as the client.
  21. Where are these located? I cannot seem to find any VS solution files in the download. In the win folder, like Vladimir said.
  22. Step 1: READ IT Step 2: ???? (<--- you figure this one out after reading it) Step 3: PROFIT!
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