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Everything posted by Patman128

  1. Try mysql_path = 'D:\\Wow\\Server\\mysql\\bin'
  2. What's with the giant list of moderators under each forum?
  3. The conf files have pretty good descriptions. If there's some specific option you are having trouble with, ask away.
  4. Did you install the UDB update packs? Also, not a mangos bug so doesn't belong here.
  5. I'm having a problem on my mangos-zero repo. For whatever reason, git constantly says the same files (mostly VS related) are modified, when they haven't been touched. Commiting the "changes" doesn't change it. I've tried this on a linux VM as well with a clean copy and the same problem happens. This is the problem repo: https://github.com/Patman64/zero Any ideas?
  6. This is true. Thanks for posting that page, it makes it a lot simpler.
  7. Are you sure you are on version 11166? How did you check?
  8. I don't think it can support zhCN, use another client locale (enUS works perfectly I know for sure).
  9. Why not just set it to debug logging (LogLevel = 3) and read the output of a login?
  10. Scripts don't have access to mangos logging classes. For logging in scripts see SD2 source.
  11. If you test it it should be fine. It just means the mmap is slightly below the ground geometry.
  12. What logs do you have that are recording it in map loc data? Every log I've seen has recorded the actual in-game data (i.e. the real XYZ). If you want to make custom spawns, just use the .gps command. Otherwise, you need a better sniffer.
  13. You'd have to look them up. Export the data from the DBC and then do SELECT * FROM item_dbc WHERE entry NOT IN (SELECT entry FROM item_template) or something like that.
  14. The DB creators use packet logs to find creature spawn data. It isn't stored in any WDB files, and Wowhead is neither accurate enough or reliable enough. As for the co-ordinates, there are functions in mangos that you can dig around and find for converting map coords (0-100) into real in-game coords. Map2GameCoords or something like that. Again, no Z coordinate = no height data, so you'd have to find that for a co-ordinate.
  15. Yeah, your log contains 0 useful information.
  16. You need to run THE GENERATOR with debug output, not Recast.
  17. The spell Fireball would have effect 2 for one of it's spell effects (Spell.DBC fields 71-73, there's up to 3 different effects per spell). The spell effect callbacks are registered in pEffect SpellEffects[TOTAL_SPELL_EFFECTS] as function pointers. These are stored in SpellEffects.cpp; that one at index 2 is registered as: &Spell::EffectSchoolDMG, // 2 SPELL_EFFECT_SCHOOL_DAMAGE When the server wants to do the effect of a spell, it simply calls the function located at SpellEffects[the index of the spell effect], in this case SpellEffects[2], which is Spell::EffectSchoolDMG. The exact code is in Spell::HandleEffects: if(eff < TOTAL_SPELL_EFFECTS) { (*this.*SpellEffects[eff])(i); }
  18. They're probably blocking connections from Cuba due to the embargo. Isn't America great?
  19. Yeah, no idea what you're talking about. Compile it yourself or go away, there's no repacks here.
  20. Check your server log for "Kicking account [hacker's account ID] for failed" for the real reason (this should probably be logged as the ban reason in the db table) It won't tell you which program they use, just which memory address or file was modified or driver detected.
  21. No, the key is never sent, you can make a client and connect fine with the public key but you won't be able to get the private part needed to make a server.
  22. So as soon as you break into one of Blizzard's data centres and figure out how to do this to their servers, the key is as good as yours!
  23. Hm, this looks like it's true. I see it still exists in 2.4.3 but I can't find it in 3.3.5. The only files in the folder where it's data should be are Dungeon.chk.DELETE and lights.chk.DELETE so I assume it's been deleted.
  24. I'm not even sure you can get on there any more. You might have to add an entry in instance_template for map 451. After that try .go xyz 0 0 0 451.
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