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Everything posted by Patman128

  1. The server source is here: https://github.com/StrawberryEMU/StrawberryEMU Whether or not it's useful, I have no idea. I'm not familiar with the logon system and the differences in Cataclysm.
  2. TLDR: If it requires a client mod, it's out. If it doesn't, then you're welcome to post the SOURCE CODE (NOT a link to some closed source server that is useless).
  3. You can try $B. If not, you may not be able to use it, and might have to make a new mass mail entry in the DB for it.
  4. You have the hosts entry commented with a # in front of it, remove the #.
  5. You're trying to apply an update to the wrong DB. Only apply the ones with mangos in them to the world db.
  6. Open the MySQL console with mysql in your command line, or use a front-end like phpMyAdmin.
  7. Run SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1; and try it again.
  8. You have to modify your source code. It is read from the DBCs. Add oEntry = NULL; just before if(oEntry) in Player.cpp (use CODE SEARCH in VC++ before asking which line it is).
  9. New link: http://udbwiki.no-ip.org/index.php/Main_Page Don't know why you are referring to a 10 month old thread.
  10. It's written in English. Try reading it.
  11. Open the mangos solution in VS, press control-shift-F, paste in what I put, press search.
  12. Just look at the source, open it up and search for the bit I put there.
  13. I look forward to testing on zero.
  14. It's from a formula, not from a column (see inline uint32 Gain(Player *pl, Unit *u))
  15. WoW 1.1.0 is not supported. Only 1.12.1, 2.4.3, 3.3.5.
  16. I suppose the idea would be that there would be a basic template that most mod creators could copy/paste with all the basic stuff (basic code, project files, etc.) so they wouldn't have to do that, similar to universal (only actually used regularily) This would be a scripting method, only each mod would be separated. Could you imagine a hundred different versions of ScriptDev2 being worked on by a hundred different people? Adding and removing patches would be hell. It's easier to keep it separated, and it would allow for more advanced things (loading/unloading mods on demand) I like cipherCOM's system, but it is very complicated, and maybe needlessly. I don't see why using script hooks similar to the AI now wouldn't work with some sort of mod class to manage mods loading/unloading and calling the mod functions.
  17. I think the best thing would have it load any DLLs in a folder ("mods" maybe?) and also allow them to be dynamically loaded/unloaded with the server running.
  18. Already asked a million times, but there is no support for other games. You can download the source code and attempt to make it work with another game, but: A. you would have to do months of research on the other game (if it isn't already done) B. you would have to have a lot of knowledge of programming and development to make it work If you don't know C++, start there. If you do, start researching whatever game you want to target. It's a lot of research and studying and a lot of time and exploration. No one can hold your hand and help you, and no one will tell you to change X, Y, and Z and then it will work with anything.
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