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Everything posted by Patman128

  1. It needs to be able to run Windows binaries (Warden modules).
  2. So it's a Trinity branch? Why is it even on the mangos wiki?
  3. Maybe a problem with your MySQL client library?
  4. You need to apply the core pack, then the update pack for all the next UDB updates (i.e. if you installed the 393 full update then you need to install 394 core patch and then 394 update pack, then 395 core patch, then 395 update pack, etc). The python scripts should work once you are done installing all the updates.
  5. Probably. But I'd personally rather have a near completely working WotLK than a hacky Cataclysm like the other servers.
  6. If you use the characters.sql included with mangos, it will always be up to date. You only need to apply updates when you update mangos.
  7. It may check only the code, not data (as data that are dynamic probably can't be digitally signed) - like run speed that's just a variable in memory, that may change every now and then. But I don't know - that's why I was asking ;-) Well, presumably since it's in the same memory space it should be able to check it. But it might have to change depending on what the data should be. So maybe there's more involved then just sending cheat checks.
  8. in my test server its not founded by warden... (using fly ) You probably aren't checking the right address.
  9. And what do you think MEM_CHECK is for? I'm not sure what you're definition of "modify the client" is, but if it's screwing with WoW's data I would most certainly call that modifying the client.
  10. Yes, either it should be spawned by a spell, or always spawn in the same place in which case you can put it in the DB in a despawned state and spawn it through the script. Summoning objects anywhere without a spell never happens on retail so it isn't present in mangos.
  11. Strange, VMaps should provide correct ground height data for WMOs, so even if they walk through the ground and walls they should arrive at the correct height.
  12. You don't use those commands any more, you use cmake now. When you did have to use them, configure was a seperate command from autoreconf.
  13. Alright, fixed by using core.autocrlf = false on both Windows and Linux.
  14. I'm sorry, but you really need to look up how threads and mutexes work before trying something like this. You use the mutex lock and unlock 3 times, and one of them is in the definition of class, which makes absolutely no sense. As well, there are other functions which modify the data in AuctionHouseMgr, none of which you bothered to use the mutex with. This is like having a house with a thousand doors, putting a lock on one of them, and expecting it to be safe.
  15. Weird, I tried doing it this way some time ago and it didn't work.
  16. Ugh, I'd love to know who's brilliant idea it was to use a different line ending format on their OS, so I can end their line. Them being invisible in most text editors doesn't help much either. I really hate line endings right now.
  17. Getting this compile error when I attempt to run make with mangos-zero on CentOS. This is everything that make spits out.
  18. I ended up just change autocrlf to false (git config --global core.autocrlf = false) and re-forking the repo which fixed it. If anyone is having the same problem, do this.
  19. Already a million posts about it. Go to search, put in Cataclysm, and look at one of the many closed threads (like this one will be soon).
  20. There's a bug report forum. If you have a problem, you post a report in there. If this is too hard to understand, please, go somewhere else.
  21. - How to transfer fixes from Core repo to my server ? Use the updates in sql/updates folder. - What is the best choice for compiling a core windows 32 ? windows 64 ? Linux ? And why ? Windows if you hate command lines. Otherwise Linux. - What is the best choice for hosting a server windows 32 ? windows 64 ? Linux ? And why ? Whatever you use to compile. - Does anyone have a wimple way to translate DB to french ? Look for French translation on UDB forums.
  22. Unit.cpp is for anything that is shared between Creatures (inc. monsters, Pets, Vehicles) and Players.
  23. Login and being able to move around? Like a sandbox? I'm not even sure if you have to handle movement packets. Maybe ping/pong. Just start with a login server with static login details and go from there.
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