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  • Palemane poachers (Mulgore)

    • Status: Completed
      Main Category: Database
      Sub-Category: NPC
      Version: 2.0.11 Milestone: 20 Priority: Low
      Implemented Version: 0.20

    Palemane poachers (Mulgore)

    They aggro normally, the rest gets a bit weird though..

    Even though they stand still doing absolutely nothing visible, your health is going down if you are wihin range. So i am guessing they are casting something, just that lacking any visual indication..

    The problem i had mentioned previously regarding casters and out of line of sight does of course apply here as well. But the above is a different issue, as it happens when you are both within range and LoS

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    Cannot reproduce this. It appears as though your client is missing their bow/crossbow animation. Poachers can do ranged attacks. I have had four players through here since June and none reported issues, and that does not include my main character (Tauren Shammy). Oh, and my neighbor's kid now plays with us and he had a warrior go through there, no issues.

    My fiance is right next to me now on her system and poachers are working. She got close, it started attacking with a sword. She rooted it and backed off, and it used a crossbow. Is there anything special you were doing to cause this? If not, I will have to close it as "cannot reproduce". I'll allow some time for a reply.



    [quote=Xenithar]Cannot reproduce this. It appears as though your client is missing their bow/crossbow animation. Poachers can do ranged attacks. I have had four players through here since June and none reported issues, and that does not include my main character (Tauren Shammy). Oh, and my neighbor's kid now plays with us and he had a warrior go through there, no issues.

    My fiance is right next to me now on her system and poachers are working. She got close, it started attacking with a sword. She rooted it and backed off, and it used a crossbow. Is there anything special you were doing to cause this? If not, I will have to close it as "cannot reproduce". I'll allow some time for a reply.[/quote]

    Xeni do me a favour please. If it is not an issue, PM me with a torrent URL that would give me your client please.



    Let me get it uploaded tomorrow. I am in eastern time. Also, note that Max just updated Covenant to R20. 90% of the bugs you reported that we could not reproduce are due to them being fixed in R20. If you could have posted a screenshot of ".server info" I could have seen that. How about giving it a go tomorrow on Covenant and seeing if those bugs still exist first? Also, I am American so I would have the American client. I am not sure if it is the same as the EU client.



    Alright. I have no problem since it is right off of five CDs, but I would like to see if the upgrade fixes his problem first, which is why I left this open.



    Apologies for delaying;

    Seems it is as you say, as i still can't see said animation. And there is a similar issue with Kolkar windrunners, again a ranged one. That i cannot see i mean :)

    Since you will be reading this, and to spare you further questioning..after i install, can i instantly patch WoW to 1.12.1, or do i need all patches in the appropriate sequence?



    We will take this to PM. I am closing the thread however, since nobody else can reproduce it.

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