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Vehicles (Dev)

Guest AuntieMangos

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You guys need to learn how to properly apply SQL scripts to your databases. Please do take time to read the guides and tutorials before clogging up the developer's section with newbie questions.

For Vehicles, each SQL must be applied in proper order or you will get errors.

Done properly, you should not need to manually add any tables. They should all be there.

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Hello i compile my core 10798 with this patch http://pastebin.ca/1996943.

i apply manually but when i would like to compile i have 2 error on the file vehicle.cpp, all the rest are ok.

the first on line 352

../../../src/game/Vehicle.cpp: In member function âbool Vehicle::Create(uint32, Map*, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, const CreatureData*)â:
../../../src/game/Vehicle.cpp:353: error: invalid conversion from âuint32â to âTeamâ
../../../src/game/Vehicle.cpp:353: error:   initializing argument 2 of âbool Creature::UpdateEntry(uint32, Team, const CreatureData*, bool)â

the code on this line is (i slash it for try the rest of compile)

   //if(!UpdateEntry(Entry, team, data))
   //    return false;

the second line 973

../../../src/game/Vehicle.cpp: In member function âvoid Vehicle::InstallAllAccessories()â:
../../../src/game/Vehicle.cpp:974: error: invalid conversion from âintâ to âTeamâ
../../../src/game/Vehicle.cpp:974: error:   initializing argument 5 of âbool Creature::Create(uint32, Map*, uint32, uint32, Team, const CreatureData*)â

the code on this line is (i slash it for try the rest of compile)

           //if(!pPassenger->Create(guid, GetMap(), GetPhaseMask(), entry, 0))
           //    continue;

please if you have an idea help me

ps: this is my complete vehicle.cpp


edit:second problem i try to launch with the error above slashed but my mangos world couldn't boot

Error in creature_template_addon table, probably sql file format was updated (there should be 9 fields in sql).

but on the table i have 10 fields

entry     mount     bytes1     b2_0_sheath     b2_1_pvp_state     emote     moveflags     vehicle_id     passengers     auras

i see this on creature.h

// from `creature_addon` and `creature_template_addon`tables
struct CreatureDataAddon
   uint32 guidOrEntry;
   uint32 mount;
   uint32 bytes1;
   uint8  sheath_state;                                    // SheathState
   uint8  pvp_state;                                       // UnitPVPStateFlags
   uint32 emote;
   uint32 splineFlags;
   uint32 vehicle_id;
   CreatureDataAddonPassengers const* passengers;          // loaded as char* "entry1 seatid1 entry2 seatid2 ... "
   CreatureDataAddonAura const* auras;                     // loaded as char* "spell1 eff1 spell2 eff2 ... "

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really thanks for this patch works on fresh mangos 10800, i apply your patch with patch -p1 < 2007548.patch in 2 min.

i test mecano hog multiseat works if on group


this is my sql file for mangos 10800, i use a creature_template_addon for mangos 10764 i insert the file in the table and i update to 10800

v01_vehicle_table.sql and v02_vehicle_table.sql


and after i apply this file


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Ok, so I am a bit confused here. Are the vehicles working or not? On version 10604 and that patch did not update them to working. Sorry if this is total noob question, but I read many pages of this post and the more I read the more I am not sure what works and what doesn't. I am only interested in patches approved by the Mangos team.


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there is no vehicles patch "approved" by the mangos team.

Infact there seems to be rare concern about the many workarounds that are used in all patches around..

However, if you are carefull enough to seriously backup your data, are not afraid of some merge-problems, you should get a "working" vehicle system with this patch.

But one should never give up hope, that perhaps someday someone will not only start, but actually finish steps to a working vehicle implementation.

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I have an error with this line :

Unit* GetCharmOrPet() const { return !GetCharmGuid().IsEmpty() ? GetCharm() : GetPet(); }

Error 28 error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed default account. Note: C + + does not support default-int \\ mangos \\ src \\ game \\ Unit.h 1568

Error 21 error C3646: 'Unit': unknown substitution specifier \\ mangos \\ src \\ game \\ Unit.h 1568

Error 10 error C2440: 'return': can not convert from 'Unit *' to 'int *' \\ mangos \\ src \\ game \\ Unit.h 1568

Error 17 error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '*' \\ mangos \\ src \\ game \\ Unit.h 1568

Error 31 error C1903: Can not recover from previous errors, stopping compilation \\ mangos \\ win \\ VC100 \\ c1xx

Can you help me ?

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Launch the server:

ERROR:Error in creature_template table, probably sql file format was updated (there should be 85 fields in sql).

Missing SQL files in the patch no ?

The sqls are posted before, the v01_vehicle_table.sql should be ok, so it can be 'safely' used.

You have to use both of them, first the v01_vehicle_table.sql and then the v02_vehicle_table.sql

Do not use them without a backup


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