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Vehicles (Dev)

Guest AuntieMangos

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Ok forbiddenn we get the fact that the new patch doesn't have the sql's for it but this isn't a big problem just go to: http://pastebin.com/mhSdMvaS , get them and if there is more problem just modify them as needed to fix it, also if there is a problem in the Creature Templates just compare your /src/game/SQLStorages with a copy from the master branch and you should be able to understand what has changed.

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@Namynnuz, I'll be the first to jump up and shout that this or something like it needs to be in the repo but as for this patch it still has some hacks in it and not all functions and or features are working plus progress on it has come to a standstill for about 3 to 4 months now...lack of interest I guess. but just like everything else now since Cata is out there's going to be a push for it instead of finishing off this level of game first. and pretty much everything here is going to be dropped in favor of the new thing.

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That may be so, DC, but you'd be amazed how many people that frequent these forums have no idea how to do a proper merge, let alone use Git beyond anything more sophisticated than the simple "git clone" command.

Now, if gdcf's trouble with the patch is of that sort, there's several good tutorials and guides out there in the internet, plus the many we have here, for using Git and patch merging.

But, assuming there may be more to his issues with Vehicles, I asked if there were serious problems in the hope we can be of help.

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@MEHDI1993, Yes if you use a DB Other than YTDB you'll get that and yes it's a DB Problem, My Brother Da Viper had that fixed and when I posted his fix on UDB they basically told me it was not going to be fixed and to get out of there and then they removed my post completely. I'll look to see if I still have the SQL fix somewhere but don't hold out hope because since then I've had some trouble and have lost a lot of files but maybe UnckleNuke still has it....

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I'll do some digging, but no promises. My patch folder is a nightmare, filled with files dating all the way back to 2.43!


Found it! Sorry it took so long, but a stack of patches fell over and nearly buried me!

Just the Argent Tournament fixes: http://paste2.org/p/1152901

Full SQL, with fixes, for core revision 10530: http://paste2.org/p/1152905

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me too since I have no C++ skills and only minor git skills like patch -p1 < what_the_hell_ever.patch and people please don't expect DaViper to come back he's given up on the whole mangos thing since he couldn't log back in after the changes, He went back to HTML and A/V programming, he was saying something about ungrateful among other things I think he was just upset.

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You're too modest, DaemonCantor!

DaViper was a big help to me when I was stuck on a particular problem, but you have been just as much help. Where your C++ skills are lacking, you still have so much more experience with other programming languages that it helps you to see possible fixes where all I see are jumbled symbols and ancient Sumerian script.

Honestly, I think you could do at least as well as your brother with fixing up Vehicles. We can hit the books together if you want to learn C++. I can also help you with Git, though I'm no pro but I know my way around it well enough.

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Is this Ok to do?

diff --git a/src/game/SQLStorages.cpp b/src/game/SQLStorages.cpp
index fa0b57b..157a585 100644
--- a/src/game/SQLStorages.cpp
+++ b/src/game/SQLStorages.cpp
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
#include "Database/SQLStorageImpl.h"
#include "Database/DatabaseEnv.h"

-const char CreatureInfosrcfmt[]="iiiiiiiiiisssiiiiiiiiiiifffiffiifiiiiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiffliiiiiiiliiiiis";
-const char CreatureInfodstfmt[]="iiiiiiiiiisssiiiiiiiiiiifffiffiifiiiiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiffliiiiiiiliiiiii";
-const char CreatureDataAddonInfofmt[]="iiibbiis";
+const char CreatureInfosrcfmt[]="iiiiiiiiiisssiiiiiiiiiiifffiffiifiiiiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiffliiiiiiiliiiiis";
+const char CreatureInfodstfmt[]="iiiiiiiiiisssiiiiiiiiiiifffiffiifiiiiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiffliiiiiiiliiiiii";
+const char CreatureDataAddonInfofmt[]="iiilliiiss";
const char CreatureModelfmt[]="iffbii";
-const char CreatureInfoAddonInfofmt[]="iiibbiis";
+const char CreatureInfoAddonInfofmt[]="iiilliiiss";
const char EquipmentInfofmt[]="iiii";
const char GameObjectInfosrcfmt[]="iiissssiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis";
const char GameObjectInfodstfmt[]="iiissssiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii";

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@Typhoon just change the "ll" on the small lines to "bb" then ones that don't apply ie:"iiilliiiss" to "iiibbiiiss"

like this????:

diff --git a/src/game/SQLStorages.cpp b/src/game/SQLStorages.cpp

index fa0b57b..157a585 100644

--- a/src/game/SQLStorages.cpp

+++ b/src/game/SQLStorages.cpp

@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@

#include "Database/SQLStorageImpl.h"

#include "Database/DatabaseEnv.h"

-const char CreatureInfosrcfmt[]="iiiiiiiiiisssiiiiiiiiiiifffiffiifiiiiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiffliiiiiiiliiiiis";

-const char CreatureInfodstfmt[]="iiiiiiiiiisssiiiiiiiiiiifffiffiifiiiiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiffliiiiiiiliiiiii";

-const char CreatureDataAddonInfofmt[]="iiibbiis";

+const char CreatureInfosrcfmt[]="iiiiiiiiiisssiiiiiiiiiiifffiffiifiiiiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiffliiiiiiiliiiiis";

+const char CreatureInfodstfmt[]="iiiiiiiiiisssiiiiiiiiiiifffiffiifiiiiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiffliiiiiiiliiiiii";

+const char CreatureDataAddonInfofmt[]="iiibbiiiss";

const char CreatureModelfmt[]="iffbii";

const char CreatureInfoAddonInfofmt[]="iiibbiis";

const char EquipmentInfofmt[]="iiii";

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