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Training Dummy

Guest deviljohn

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Mangos Version: 9527

Custom Patches: Blueboy's Playerbot, Naicisum's AHBot

SD2 Version: 1631

Database Name and Version : YTDB 0.11.0 rev. 537

How it SHOULD work: Train on the dummy and walk away.

How it DOES work: Train on the dummy, when you walk away it then follows you around pissed off. :)

This happened in Stormwind building SI:7 on a level 10 human rogue.

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you can use this script:

#include "precompiled.h"

#define OUT_OF_COMBAT_TIME 5000

struct MANGOS_DLL_DECL npc_training_dummyAI : public Scripted_NoMovementAI
   uint32 combat_timer;

   npc_training_dummyAI(Creature* pCreature) : Scripted_NoMovementAI(pCreature)

   void Reset()
       combat_timer = 0;

   void DamageTaken(Unit* pDoneBy, uint32 &uiDamage)
       combat_timer = 0;

   void UpdateAI(const uint32 diff)
       if (!m_creature->SelectHostileTarget() || !m_creature->getVictim())


       combat_timer += diff;
       if (combat_timer > OUT_OF_COMBAT_TIME)

CreatureAI* GetAI_npc_training_dummy(Creature* pCreature)
   return new npc_training_dummyAI(pCreature);

void AddSC_npc_training_dummy()
   Script *newscript = new Script;
   newscript->Name = "npc_training_dummy";
   newscript->GetAI = &GetAI_npc_training_dummy;

still need to avoid it turning to the player (so you can use backstab-like moves)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

-- Heroic Training Dummy (31146)

UPDATE creature_template SET
WHERE entry=31146;

-- No movement and attack
DELETE FROM creature_ai_scripts WHERE id=3114601;
INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts VALUES
(3114601,31146,4,0,100,0,0,0,0,0,21,0,0,0,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Heroic Training Dummy - No movement and attack');

Makes training dummy no attack, no movement.

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  • 4 months later...
I think the easiest will be to just stun the mob

Stun do not work.

to prevent a creature from spinning around:


must be executed on each Update

Thanks mate, thats it!

If someone need mine, here it is :)

Index: scripts/world/npcs_special.cpp
--- scripts/world/npcs_special.cpp    (revision 1828)
+++ scripts/world/npcs_special.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -1750,6 +1750,52 @@
    return true;

+## npc_training_dummy
+#define OUT_OF_COMBAT_TIME 5000
+struct MANGOS_DLL_DECL npc_training_dummyAI : public Scripted_NoMovementAI
+    npc_training_dummyAI(Creature* pCreature) : Scripted_NoMovementAI(pCreature)
+    {
+        Reset();
+    }
+    uint32 combat_timer;
+    void Reset()
+    {
+        //m_creature->addUnitState(UNIT_STAT_STUNNED);
+        combat_timer = 0;
+    }
+    void DamageTaken(Unit* pDoneBy, uint32 &uiDamage)
+    {
+        combat_timer = 0;
+    }
+    void UpdateAI(const uint32 diff)
+    {
+        if (!m_creature->SelectHostileTarget() || !m_creature->getVictim())
+        return;
+        if (m_creature->GetHealthPercent() < 10.0f) // allow players using finishers
+        m_creature->ModifyHealth(m_creature->GetMaxHealth());
+        m_creature->SetTargetGUID(0); // prevent from rotating
+        combat_timer += diff;
+        if (combat_timer > OUT_OF_COMBAT_TIME)
+        EnterEvadeMode();
+    }
+CreatureAI* GetAI_npc_training_dummy(Creature* pCreature)
+return new npc_training_dummyAI(pCreature);
void AddSC_npcs_special()
    Script* newscript;
@@ -1839,4 +1885,9 @@
    newscript->pGossipHello =  &GossipHello_npc_locksmith;
    newscript->pGossipSelect = &GossipSelect_npc_locksmith;
+    newscript = new Script;
+    newscript->Name = "npc_training_dummy";
+    newscript->GetAI = &GetAI_npc_training_dummy;
+    newscript->RegisterSelf();
Index: sql/Training Dummy.sql
--- sql/Training Dummy.sql    (revision 0)
+++ sql/Training Dummy.sql    (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+update creature_template set AiName = '', Scriptname = 'npc_training_dummy' where entry in (17578, 24792, 32543, 32546, 32542, 32545, 30527, 31143, 31144, 31146, 32541, 32666, 32667);
\\ No newline at end of file

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  • 11 months later...

you must figure a few things:

- should these mobs enter combat?

- if they do, when/ how should they evade.

For the rest you mainly just need to add a minimalistic UpdateAI function and an empty AttackStart function;

However in my view there are similar problems with lots of trigger mobs, so I really think a more generic solution should be tried to figure.

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you must figure a few things:

- should these mobs enter combat?

- if they do, when/ how should they evade.

For the rest you mainly just need to add a minimalistic UpdateAI function and an empty AttackStart function;

However in my view there are similar problems with lots of trigger mobs, so I really think a more generic solution should be tried to figure.

The mobs should enter combat i think, and leave combat after 5 sec, but they need to "keep orientation" so you can backstab them etc... without them facing you, if you see what i mean

- LilleCarl

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struct SD2 ScriptedAI
 <constructor> {m_uiEvadeTimer = 0;}

 uint32 m_uiEvadeTimer;

 void Reset() {}

 void MoveInLineOfSight(Unit*) {}
 void AttackStart(Unit*) {}
 void AttackedBy(Unit*) { m_uiEvadeTimer = 5000; }
 void UpdateAI(uint32 const uiDiff)
    if (m_creature->IsInCombat())
        if (m_uiEvadeTimer < uiDiff)
            m_uiEvadeTimer -= uiDiff;

This should be the reqired structure for such things, assuming that the mob should really enter combat.

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If you can tell me a damage spell that takes longer than 5s to cast... ^^

And yes, you do enter combat, and leave about 5s after you stop attacking, just tried retail.

Offtopic: Actually i think most "normal" mobs have timer based combat reset, they don't seem to unconditionally reset once you crossed a certain radius from their spawn location...

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I have a good training dummy. at this dummy players can also use finisher. and no rotation^^

## npc_training_dummy
#define OUT_OF_COMBAT_TIME 5000
#define AFK_TIME 300000

struct MANGOS_DLL_DECL npc_training_dummyAI : public Scripted_NoMovementAI
   npc_training_dummyAI(Creature* pCreature) : Scripted_NoMovementAI(pCreature)

   uint32 afk_timer;
   uint32 combat_timer;

   void Reset()
       combat_timer = 0;
       afk_timer = 0;

   void DamageTaken(Unit* pDoneBy, uint32 &uiDamage)
       combat_timer = 0;

   void UpdateAI(const uint32 diff)
       if (!m_creature->SelectHostileTarget() || !m_creature->getVictim())

       if (m_creature->GetHealthPercent() < 10.0f) // allow players using finishers

       m_creature->SetTargetGuid(ObjectGuid()); // prevent from rotating
       combat_timer += diff;
       afk_timer += diff;

       if (combat_timer > OUT_OF_COMBAT_TIME || afk_timer > AFK_TIME)

CreatureAI* GetAI_npc_training_dummy(Creature* pCreature)
return new npc_training_dummyAI(pCreature);

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