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Hi my name is John. I got a problem with my mangosd not starting

here is my server logs:

2013-02-26 20:14:25 Using configuration file mangosd.conf.

2013-02-26 20:14:25 World Database total connections: 2

2013-02-26 20:14:25 MySQL client library: 5.1.49

2013-02-26 20:14:25 MySQL server ver: 5.5.27

2013-02-26 20:14:25 MySQL client library: 5.1.49

2013-02-26 20:14:25 MySQL server ver: 5.5.27

2013-02-26 20:14:25 Character Database total connections: 2

2013-02-26 20:14:26 MySQL client library: 5.1.49

2013-02-26 20:14:26 MySQL server ver: 5.5.27

2013-02-26 20:14:26 MySQL client library: 5.1.49

2013-02-26 20:14:26 MySQL server ver: 5.5.27

2013-02-26 20:14:26 Login Database total connections: 2

2013-02-26 20:14:26 MySQL client library: 5.1.49

2013-02-26 20:14:26 MySQL server ver: 5.5.27

2013-02-26 20:14:26 MySQL client library: 5.1.49

2013-02-26 20:14:26 MySQL server ver: 5.5.27

2013-02-26 20:14:26 Realm running as realm ID 1

2013-02-26 20:14:26 Using World DB: MaNGOS3_Cata_Rev_3

2013-02-26 20:14:26 Using creature EventAI: ACID 3.1.0 'Another Wild Adventure'

2013-02-26 20:14:26 Using DataDir ./

2013-02-26 20:14:26 WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1

2013-02-26 20:14:26 WORLD: VMap data directory is: ./vmaps

2013-02-26 20:14:26 WORLD: mmap pathfinding enabled

2013-02-26 20:14:26 ERROR:VMap file './vmaps/000.vmtree' is missing or point to wrong version vmap file, redo vmaps with latest vmap_assembler.exe program

2013-02-26 20:14:26 ERROR:Correct *.map files not found in path './maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in './vmaps'. Please place *.map and vmap files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the mangosd.conf file.


Please can some one help me getting my server up and running.

Ive searched on google after how to fix this but i cant find help so please help me...


It looks like you havent extracted the vmaps from your client.

Have you read the log yourself?

2013-02-26 20:14:26 ERROR:VMap file './vmaps/000.vmtree' is missing or point to wrong version vmap file, redo vmaps with latest vmap_assembler.exe program
2013-02-26 20:14:26 ERROR:Correct *.map files not found in path './maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in './vmaps'. Please place *.map and vmap files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the mangosd.conf file.

It tells you what you have to do.


go to your src/server/contrib/vmap_extractor/win




put AD.EXE the folder of your client and run

it will make a folder called vmaps - copy that to your server root (where your mangod.exe is)

hope that gets you started


another option is to install git bash

go to the


copy all those files to the client folder

open git bash (right click anywhere in the folder and select git bash)

and run "extractresources.sh"

should do the whole thing for you - note will take some time.. i have a quad core 8gb ram and it does take a bit.


don't bother the thing I wroght it is fixed now I just dident use ad.exe befor the extractor.

so now it solved !

thing to do is to use ad.exe then after use the ExtractResources shell script

so now my vmaps is in place ty a lot for ur help guys :)


ok... first off.... ad.exe doesn't create the vmaps

if you look at the folder "server\\contrib\\extractor_binary"

Copy all of these into you WOW folder

now if you have a git shell (or git bash as above), try running Extract_resources.sh now

Isn't this the wrong thread for this? Either way, this isn't hard. You simply do this:

  • Place ad.exe, vmapExtractor.exe, and vmap_Assembler.exe in your Lich King folder
  • Open a command prompt in your Lich King folder. You can do this in Windows 7 by holding the left shift key, right-clicking on your Lich King folder, and choosing "Open command window here"
  • Type ad.exe, press enter, and wait for it to finish
  • Type vmapExtractor.exe, press enter, and wait for it to finish
  • Type mkdir vmaps and press enter
  • Type vmap_assembler.exe buildings vmaps, press enter, and let it finish
  • Once it finishes you may close the command window

You will now have your dbc, maps, and vmaps folders with the correct data in them. Copy them into your server folder in Windows or transfer them to you Linux server and place them in the MaNGOS installation directory there. You may now start your server.

Isn't there a way to let the extractor binarys create a log file?

here is the log :

Fri Mar 1 15:31:48 WEST 2013: Start extracting dataz for MaNGOS

DBC and map files will be extracted

Vmaps will be extracted

Mmaps will be extracted with 4 processes

Fri Mar 1 15:31:48 WEST 2013: Start extraction of DBCs and map files...

Fri Mar 1 15:33:33 WEST 2013: Extracting of DBCs and map files finished

Fri Mar 1 15:33:33 WEST 2013: Start extraction of vmaps...

Fri Mar 1 15:33:33 WEST 2013: Extracting of vmaps finished

Fri Mar 1 15:33:34 WEST 2013: Start assembling of vmaps...

Fri Mar 1 15:33:34 WEST 2013: Assembling of vmaps finished

It made the vmaps folder but nothing is in it


Fri Mar 1 15:33:33 WEST 2013: Start extraction of vmaps...

Fri Mar 1 15:33:33 WEST 2013: Extracting of vmaps finished

Fri Mar 1 15:33:34 WEST 2013: Start assembling of vmaps...

Fri Mar 1 15:33:34 WEST 2013: Assembling of vmaps finished

It made the vmaps folder but nothing is in it

It took you 1 second to do this two processes. I will assume that the buildings file is empty too or you did populate it before you make this attempt.

You must have four new files in the WoW directory after everything is done properly (dbc, mmaps, vmaps, buildings.)

first check if buildings file is empty or not.

If empty or dose not exist you must create it. just create New file then rename to buildings inside your WoW directory.

then u must specify the right path to your DATA file which is inside your World Of Warcraft directory to the vmapExtractor.exe

How to:

open your WoW directory, find the DATA file right click and open properties in the Target: box copy the text.

Then go back to your WoW directory just right click on your vmapExtractor.exe and create shortcut to your desktop.

Then go to your desktop right click on the shortcut open the properties in the Target: (there is already text there do not delete or change it just add at the end of it) -d (and right click, then paste) in the target path it should look something like this:

example: "C:\\Games\\Worold of Warcraft\\vmapExtractor.exe" -d "C:\\Games\\World of Warcraft\\DATA"

apply then close/OK.

Now run vmapExtractor.exe from the shortcut. You must wait to finish the extraction.

Now you must have buildings file full.

Go to your WoW directory again find the vmap_assembler.exe

right click on it and run Git Bash or open with command promote and type: vmap_assembler.exe buildings vmaps

press enter.

Now wait the assembler to finish.

...you should now have all four files full just copy them were you have compiled your server.


You guys may be having all of this trouble due to layers of complexity. Why the heck are we using git/bash to do this? Batch files have been around for eons, and those files are Windows binaries. Here, use this batch file.

@echo off
mkdir vmaps
vmap_assembler.exe buildings vmaps

Just paste that code into a new file in Notepad, save it as a batch file (.bat extension) in your WoW client folder, and double-click it.

when i try vmapextractor.exe it says error with MSVCP100D.dll missing ?

Rebuild the vmapextract using release rather than debug build

when i try vmapextractor.exe it says error with MSVCP100D.dll missing ?

You must compile your project in "Release" so all dll which you'll need will be included in the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistrutable package.


Sending VMAPS, MMAPS, DBC's is illegal

For now, until you can get a client that works, you can always switch off vmaps in the mangos.conf file

I've just had a thought.... do you have MOP installed elsewhere on your pc ?


Sorry, MOP is WOW: Mists of Pandaria

The question I meant to ask was do you, or have you ever had wow installed correctly anywhere else other than the location you are trying to extract from ?


ok.... that may be it.... try this

1) Open up a command prompt and navigate to the WOW folder you want to extract from

2) type vmapextractor.exe -d "W:\\World of Warcraft\\Data"

- You will need to change the path to the match your installation

This should run for you now !

I have just tried it here and it works for me for all five versions of wow - I have the latest version is properly installed so to extract any other versions - I have to use the -d option

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