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hi errors on Cmake once more normal




hi im trying to make a mongos zero server but i get error on Cmake its normal for me i allways get that....


i have dnowled the *FULL version on MySQL and all other program i use VS2010 ultimate, but i can't even cmake the thing.

i have open SSl 32 and 64 bits.

idk know whats wrong thats what is so irirtatiing but well im not 100% on what you need i come for like a fresh install of windows.

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sorry but i don't get it. do you mean cuz io choose download: http://puu.sh/jetjE/00fe4e822a.jpg i don't get all the files?

as yo can see i use the development build cuz its the most updated version. and if i find anything i can allways report it. but i think someone else may already have done it but i can try... but i allways download the source that way its how i learnd maybe it wrong but i don't get wahy i should miss files that way... ever seen cmake has been implumented into wow server and moost and stuffs like that its has get to be a pain to start one up. you need to save all the program cuz i allways get problem findeing all the right one after a fresh install of OS, and soory im so sucky in c++ and all this but idk any of it sure i can do simple mods and insert scripts and so on. but this is only see and try to uindersand. not that i know what im doing....

thx for your help and understanding.


The Mangos repositories are organized using submodules - another repositories whose content is added to the selected one. This is an excellent feature (especially in view of the developer's urge to unify the Mangos projects as far as it is impossible) but only if managed properly. The "Download ZIP" button does not add to the ZIP archive any submodule content. Ask GitHub why, but they were asked a thousand times already. So you miss substantial parts of the code (in particular, realmd). Nothing can be built without these parts.

It is why I begun the previous post with the Wiki reference. The manual is incomplete still, but at least I'm aware of its issues. Since you step off that road, the chance for someone to help you solve your problems is lowered greatly.


ok so you mean i should jsut clone the develop21 repo useing the create folder right click, git clone from windows and not useing the downloaded zip anymore sorry for being so noob but i ahve only learnt by myself so its hard when stuff are chegeing i don't say its bad just that i need to learn better to learn the right way.


Hi there, I think I've got a fix for you.

The original source of this information was: How to download a branch with git? - Stack Overflow

I adapted that so it is relevant for Mangos:

For any Git newbies like me, here are some steps you could follow to download a remote repository, and then switch to the branch that you want to view. They probably abuse Git in some way, but it did the job for me! :-)

Clone the repository you want to download the code for (in this example I've picked the Mangos project on Github):

$ git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/server.git

$ cd server

Check what branch you are using at this point (it should be the master branch):

$ git branch

* master

Check out the branch you want, in my case it is called develop21:

$ git checkout -b develop21 origin/develop21

Branch develop21 set up to track remote branch develop21 from origin.

Switched to a new branch develop21

Confirm you are now using the branch you wanted:

$ git branch

* develop21


If you want to update the code again later, run git pull:

$ git pull

Already up-to-date.

Hope this helps!




hmm thnak but i feel its not point. if i can't get it to work and i need to to so mutch worh with i dont even undersand i feel like its not worth the time.... im intrested in playing around but still whats the point i have noone to play with, so i feel if i can't get it to work in asimpler way that i undersand its better to just f*ck it then. i don't ahve as big motivation with wow anymore then i ahs when is tarted, but sadly i know more about it now then before sad face. i might try this when i feel for it.

thanks for the help, but when they amke it harder for no reason at all where the fun to even try when you know if i you go public noone will join you can't you dont pay tons of money for dev and buy a dedecaded host server for like 100-300$ month. so yea no point then to go tho the trounbe for me at this point. will look into it maybe later.


It's true that there's a lot of learning, especially from the outset, so many new tools we've not used before. I have a feeling things will get much easier after we manage to setup even one server successfully, after that we'll be in a constant state of breaking it and fixing it, getting it to work "just" right. :)

If you're really at the end of your rope, checkout some vanilla repacks, they offer a much simpler installation process, but are somewhat less "safe" as code is already compiled.


the problem are it has never been just download the repo and make, i feel all the problem started when they try out new things and dont explain how they wrokd.

as one whit no C++ its kidna hard to get this stuff the all get they can jsut look at the code ooo they did this easy to fix or adopt too.

i remember when trinitycore did are RBAC OMFG alot of ppl did not know what it was, i missed up scrits it was trash, i gues this is cuz they tryd to add soemthing new and did not explain what it was, im not sure but i will retry i gues i but i no clue on how to git but that you post sounds like in git bash to writer all the dis and so on awwww. i willl retry and come back if it works.


Hi guys, it really is really to compile - Even easier on windows, but certain things need to be done.

First off, do not try the 'Download Zip' from github, it's rubbish and doesn't work correctly.

Here's what to do:

1) Type

For Zero:

git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/server.git --recursive -b develop21 serverZero

git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/database.git --recursive -b develop21 dbZero

For One:

git clone https://github.com/mangosone/server.git --recursive -b develop21 serverOne

git clone https://github.com/mangosone/database.git --recursive -b develop21 dbOne

Then for windows users, go to the win folder and run EasyBuild

- This checks you have the required libraries installed where the build can find them

- Allows you to specify option modules to include, like Eluna, ScriptDev, Playerbots etc.

Click on Generate Project and it run cmake in the background with all the required options, then open visual studio for you.


thx alot i made it work not and i get it up and running fine thx for the help i did not know i needed the --recursive at the end but its working fine was harder then i thought.


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