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Mangos One with V21 Database, advice how to install needed





If anyone more traveled in these matters could give me some pointers I would be happy.

I'm currently running an old repack Mangos for 2.4.3, v18 database I think and it's kinda wonky when I actually decided to play around.

So I have been trying to get the v21 to work. For waaaay to many hours now, so asking for help.

These are steps I have tried.

I downloaded the v21 server files and extractor from this site, extracted and setup the config's is no biggie.

After a few attempts with gitcloning the database, i notice when using git to downloaded the clone is missing several files, So I have now downloaded them manually and placed in the database folder for a complete database to install. Also found that the Database installer batchfile included had some errors regarding the updatesfolder so fixed those paths manually so the realm, character and world updates gets installed.

there is a bunch of those updates sql files that gives errrors, I have no idea if this is supposed to be ok or not but for the characters DB update, these files gives error when installing:

21000_00_Release_021_Initial.sql and 21000_01_warden_action.sql gets an "Error 1146 at Line 2 : Table 'Realmd.character_db_version' doesn't exist" while

Rel21_2_1_match_client_limits.sql *UPDATE FAILED* revision_refractor

In the RealmDB update only 20150816_01_db_version.sql , Rel21_1_1_dbdocs_updates.sql and Rel21_1_2_dbdocs_update.sql are installed, the rest of the sql files are either skipped or failed.

In the World updates folder, things are weird since there is a folder there thats supposed to be ran first, but if I do that mangosd.exe won't start since it complains about world_db table being wrong, and a quick look at the table reveals that all the updates in the worldfolder has had their names added to the db_version description, good for keeping track, but the server refuses to load if it's not exactly and only database 21,structure 1, content 0, revision_refractor, so to get the server to even start i need to run the files from the Rel20_to_Base_rel21Updates folder. (i also need to run the 20150816_01_db_version.sql in the realm updates too to get it to be what the realmd.exe is expecting.

Now the server is startable, and playable but there is a bunch of errors related to Scriptdev2 and pretty much every castermob in instances is bugged and not following a player that moves out of LoS, so i expect i'm doing something horribly wrong.

(i also tried to place the files from world/updates/rev21/Rel20_to_BaseRel21_Updates up into the rev21 and changed their names a bit so they'd get loaded in first. but that changed nothing.

I apologize for the wall of text and probably incoherent rantings, but I'm stuck now and if anyone has some good ideas on how to get one up and running without all errors on the way, I'd be most thankful.


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I did not try One for a lot of months.

Now the server is startable, and playable but there is a bunch of errors related to Scriptdev2 and pretty much every castermob in instances is bugged and not following a player that moves out of LoS, so i expect i'm doing something horribly wrong.

Any DB damage limits usually either the game content availability or specific (i.e. not general) mob behaviour. SD2 errors belong to the last category. The general mechanics, however, are the core responsibility, not the DB one. An example is the mentioned caster movement. It might be fixed in Zero though. Also, the devs need to know how should it be. I changed the Zero behaviour once to let NPC casters follow the victim and keep the distance; the mobs got unsoloable without proper ranged damage, and the players were unsatisfied.


Hm. OK, that clears up a bit on the mechanics of the database/server thanks!

And a NPC caster/ranged should definitly follow it's target when it is out of casting/shooting range or line of sight, until it can see/is in casting range of it's target again, but then it should be stationary so melee can reach it. This is the very core of Line-of-sight pulls, which separated a bad tank from a good tank.

The NPC should by no means try to keep any minimum range to it's target.

Maybe it would be possible to toggle the behavior via a setting in the config file if anyone would prefer casters like they are now?

I did a quick testing on my Mangos zero server (old as hell repack though) and there the mobs did seem to behave like they should


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