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getMaNGOS Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Evildead

  1. Testcommit for chest is up if anyone wants to test [url]https://github.com/Evildead666/server/commit/f01e511f9e23f09b5cd51115e4c78855b9f89827[/url]
  2. Getting even more funny [url]http://www.wowhead.com/spell=11462[/url] There is another spell, this actually cast the chest and an invisible mob, use gm to see it Sometimes Blizz used some courious methods to create quests. I Guess using the map triggers 11462 the invisible mob cast the mob spawns 11463 11485 11487
  3. Did not test it but spawn with db_script_on_object_use could work also. But scriptdev gives you more possibilities, sometimes when you spawn multiple mobs with dbscripts it looks odd.
  4. Sorry have seen this to late found some useful info on this one Lot of usefull comments there [url]http://www.wowhead.com/quest=2882[/url] Seems the Pirates actually spawned by spell. [url]http://www.wowhead.com/search?q=treasure+hunting[/url] From my own memory you could run up to the mountains before the Pirates spawned completely
  5. Ok unlooted corpses stay 5 minutes, bossmobs and rares probably longer but we have the possibility to change that in the config. Looted mobs should stay 2 Minutes, the only question is does this apply to all including boss mobs? I am pretty sure it did because i remember pictures of our first Ragnaros kill with glittering in the background.
  6. I think we should hardcode this values to the server. Do someone remember if there was an increased timer for boss mobs?
  7. Talent - Imporoved Healthstone alters the amount healed by 10%
  8. Config file was already updated [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/commit/3963a3c499730337440932457be0a033814ba20b[/url] but for some reason some commits got lost. Need to check if [url]https://github.com/Evildead666/server/commit/05a117817e94f2df434a3dcf252f148372868a00[/url] [url]https://github.com/Evildead666/server/commit/cb823346b23b5ac79cef7bc6445d1474d31ce5ab[/url] got lost too
  9. Already in [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/commit/b8e91f1f87f675882fb1774c41abbca65bed2401[/url]
  10. Pooling can be handled now by the core in the latest Rel20 but its disabled by default. The Server is now able to pool all nodes by zone and only spawn a percentage of nodes at the time. To test the feature all, DB pools for mining nodes should be removed. But as the poolmanager itself have some issues do not expect perfect results, but this applies to DB pools aswell.
  11. I will investigate this further as soon as i find the time probably not before sunday. Tested with GM mode enabled but no crash sadly.
  12. I guess you are using Linux? I will try to recreate that bug on my Win system, does GM Mode change anything if on or off?
  13. Thanks for the report. I tried now to walk from camp t to tanaris without having any problems, can you tell me exact locations, were the crashes occour?
  14. Wrong zone in character screen When logging out in an instance which has no zone id set like maraudon, character screen shows city instead of instance name. The solution should be something to return mapname if instance and no zoneid set.
  15. Oh thats probably my fault all these issues like pixelthrowers and wrong weapon sounds are gone with the introduction of creature_item_template table it seems antz merged the server code but i table is empty in the db. Maybe i never commited? Need to check this weekend.
  16. Does this happen on all or just a few creatures? The respawn times at load are just from map persistent state.
  17. Does the creature just despawn? Never played a hunter on retail av video would be a great help
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