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Everything posted by Talendrys

  1. Pressence of mind Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. most of the time when you use the spell it auto cancels itself and doesn't give you the instant cast effect
  2. Silithus - wind stones Wind stones are bugged if you click them they just say greetings "name" with or without the set on.
  3. Warchief Rend Blackhand corpse problem when Warchief Rend Blackhand be killed ,there is no corpse, can't abtain his loot item sorry for my english.
  4. quest 'In Dreams" can't complete In this quest, you meet up with Taelen within Hearthglen. When you handin the quest to him and he gives you 'In dreams' he should then proceed to walk all the way to the tower outside hearthglen, where a scene occurs, none of this is working he doesnt attempt to move or be escorted.
  5. Change dungeon level requirements? As a level 53 paladin, I am unable to enter Blackrock Depths. When I attempt to do so it says I must be level 60, which is an inaccuracy. Additionally, when I attempt to enter, it freezes my location to party members until I relog. Upon logging back in, the game places me outside the portal to Molten Core, as if I had logged out while inside MC. Is there a method of changing the level requirements of the dungeons?
  6. Feign Death and Scatter Shot If (hunter has a pet. hunter and his pet in creature‘s Aggro. hunter cast Scatter Shot to creature, at the same time cast Feign Death) when the Scatter Shot's aura remove from the creature, the creature will stop attack,only to follow the pet,only follow; Not only Scatter Shot(confuse), Polymorph and Fear too.
  7. Mobs not swimming Ive noticed that the mobs are walking at the bottom of the whaters when they aggro, is there someway to fix this issue? In earlyer tests the pets does also walk on the bottom, and does not swim. Hmm.. I've never found any creature that was swimming when i had Mmaps enabled.. Most of the mobs was humanoid tho. And the pets for hunters/warlocks does not swim aswell. EDIT: darkshore threshers does not swim while mmaps are enables, neither does school of fish, they are all "walking" in the bottom of tha ocean/lake.
  8. GM Channel Options GameMasters should have control over zone/global chat channels. I suggest that the following commands / abilities be added under a command .channel .channel username (Lists user created channels for the username) .channel select - Selects a channel for below commands. For alliance trade chat it could be "tradealliance" .channel mute - Mutes the channel (No one can speak except a GM with level 1 or above). .channel mutewarn x - Sets a message repeated every x minutes that the channel is muted. .channel mutetime - Same as mute except unmutes once the timer runs out .channel disable (The channel is muted, all users are removed, channel is passworded. And the server takes ownership. Might be useful for spammer channels? Bad addon channels? .channel delete - Removes all channel characters and deletes it .channel ban username - Bans a user from the channel .channel ban userID channelname- Bans account by ID preventing any of their characters from using the channel. For such a system to work for channels like Trade we would have to have an internal identifier so a command like ".channel ban madmax tradealliance" would work in banning a character called madmax from alliance trade chat.
  9. NPCs sometimes have levelup effect & sound When a non-gm character kills an npc when it respawns it has the levelup effect/sound play for it... it looks just like a character leveling Happens when creatures respawn with a different level, than they killed with
  10. General Pathfinding Issue Charging the NPC Grawmug as a warrior causes you to go through the ground and end up in the Uldaman instance or another zone completely. This NPC can be found in Loch modan, stonesplinter valley. As GM you can just use ".go cre grawmug" NPCs can also been seen falling from above into the cave at times around Grawmug.
  11. GM mode breaks right clicking / inspecting When GM mode is on you cannot right click on other players portraits. Not those in group or as current target. It seems you can open the right click menu on other GMs. Non-GM players the right click is bugged/broken. The command /inspect does not work on Non-GM characters when you have GM mode on.
  12. Remote administration When connecting to remote administration over putty it does not always authenticate. It acts as if the user does not exist. However if you go to the server console and type: "account set password username newpass newpass" and then reconnect over putty it works flawlessly. So looks like its not checking the password in the database and just refusing outright? Note: Putty has to be set to passive currently for any connection to work, the default "active" in putty does not work for authentication at all currently.
  13. Master Looter icon shown by default When creating a group by default the loot is group loot however the master looter icon is shown (normally on the group leader). Below screenshot shows the master looter icon on me when master looter has not even been touched. [IMG]https://camo.githubusercontent.com/4efd8ce5bde99cefa62d04924bbc4ab2f95798aa/68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f343533333939332f3930363738332f38613364343230322d666364622d313165322d396239392d3139643566383038623933312e6a7067[/IMG] Shows master looter off after changing the looting twice. [IMG]https://camo.githubusercontent.com/b60b9dd9b69cbd500dc130a9cf20a3a17d57b37e/68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f343533333939332f3930363738342f39656262616236302d666364622d313165322d383861352d3033313039373862313030322e6a7067[/IMG]
  14. Seal of Command and Vengeance issue When Seal of Command crits, Vengeance doesnt work as it should do.
  15. Storing the state of changing content Currently any game content which is not simply a static spawn, but instead has movement, events, scripts running, will be despawned when the last player is out of range, since the grid will be unloaded. This does pose an issue, since returning characters will find the game content at it's initial state once returning to the grid area, as the content will be starting at it's initial state once again. Desired outcome Any game content which does change during it's lifetime should instead of just being unloaded, store it's state prior to unloading, so that upon characters reentering the grid, we can calculate the how far the content would have progress in it's defined changes. Examples In Undercity, there is a constant event where Warlock trainers will summon all kinds of demons for training purposes. Currently when all characters have left the grid, this event would be unloaded, and once a characters enters the grid, the event would start from where it left off. A proper solution would save the current progress in the events chain of things, and calculate how far the event would have progressed meanwhile, so that instead of seeing the event start again, you would now see the end if if had progress a few steps while the grid was unloaded. Requirements In order to achieve this, any kind of script, event, would need to have timing information, and we would need to store pointers towards all scripts, events, movements, etc. including time stamps, in order to calculate the events progress while it was not visible.
  16. Automatic creature linking Automatic creature linking needs to be added to summoned pets.
  17. Discuss adding options for world grids Currently the mangos core uses grids to detect where players are in the world and then spawn creatures/NPCs on the active grids. Desired Outcome All grids within a city remain active state if one player is at any location within the city. If no players are in a city then all the city grids move to idle state. A player questing in Elwynn Forest will have the grid active they are on + one grid active around each side of that active grid at all times. Options for the range of grids activated should be added to mangosd.conf and options for keeping city wide area's active with/without players. The definition of city I am using is pretty wide I also include in this definition Faction cities and sanctuary's. Capital cities Darnassus Ironforge Stormwind Orgrimmar Thunder Bluff Undercity Examples A player is in Stormwind city trade district and all NPCs for Stormwind are spawned. The player heads for the Stormwind gates to go to Elwynn Forest, before he travels through the gates the server has already worked out he might be heading there and activated the Elwynn Forest grid right outside the gate.
  18. Realm / server disconnect after 5 minutes If you login and wait on the character selection screen for 5 to 10 minutes and then press change realm and then try to reselect the one you were on you get "Disconnected from server" message. This is displayed in the server log at debug level: ERROR:WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (authentification failed). WorldSocket::handle_input: Peer error closing connection errno = Invalid argument
  19. In-game Ticket system The new GM ticket system from the testing branch needs to be finished and merged over to master. I think there were still issues with tickets remaining cached on the client?
  20. Event System Overhaul Currently the event system cannot have events that are scripted and lead into each other. Such a system is needed for events such as the AQ war effort and expansion launch events. I have discussed this with a few Mangos team members and this is something we would like to do at some stage. Desired Outcome Events can have scripted sub-events for events like the AQ war effort. Events have requirements and cannot progress onto their sub-event until those requirements has been met. Example AQ war effort event would be fully scripted and blizzlike This would include all collection quests and there requirements.
  21. Cat form, agility and attack power As per this issue on the database tracker, this needs to be reviewed, and corrected. We need to review the formula for applying the modifiers here, because it seems that the bonus we currently grant is too high.
  22. Zone channels dont update when using the .tele command When using the .tele command to switch between zones the channels are not updated. So you end up not being in a localdefense channel etc. Confirmed/Tested by logging into Tirisfal Glades and speaking in localdefense and then using the .tele command to go to GM island and tried speaking again. The result was when i zoned into GM Island the channel list was not updated.
  23. Trade channel still has join/leave notifications Testing on covenant and I have noticed when users enter/leave the city players already in the trade channel are seeing join and left notifications. Like localdefense there should be no notifications for the default channels.
  24. Shadow Word: Pain crashes the server... SWP will crash the server when it ticks on a warlock pet. It appears to work properly on orc warriors, scorpions, crabs, and everything else. However, when you use it on a voidwalker or imp minion, the server will crash when it procs. It will crash whether the warlock master is alive or dead. (see link for more info)
  25. Improved Shadow Bolt I have a Bug with the Talent "Improved Shadow Bolt". Problem is this Spell doesnt Stack. I need for this Talent an fix. Thanks
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