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Everything posted by dardennf

  1. Mangos rev : 9415 Scriptdev2 : latest YTDB : latest When you walk on a food/speed or berserk buff in battlegrounds or in outdoor the gob disappears and you don't get the buff. I don't know if it's related to core or DB, but I looked to the gameobject template and everything looks correct, this is a trap linked to the right spell. Somebody can confirm ?
  2. Ah ok, I'm just stupid forget it .
  3. I don't know if it's the right place or not but, currently Steady shot deals less damage than the auto shot. Thank you in advance.
  4. It's not fully correct but more than current version. Thanks ^^.
  5. Can confirm, with one or all of these quests http://www.wowhead.com/?quests&filter=na=The+Valiant%27s+Challenge We found it was the Achievement 3696 and it doesn't exist on Wowhead.
  6. Does it work as intended ? Anyway, thanks for the patch and bump (btw) .
  7. Bump. Moreover, shapeshift doesn't remove Infected Wounds.
  8. Why 50% chance in "CustomChance" ? http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=24905 Anyway, thank you laise .
  9. I don't understand what will be the difference (in game) between "+MaxSpellCastsInChain =10" and "+MaxSpellCastsInChain = 0" ?! ^^.
  10. The second patch looks awesome, but I would to know if it's possible to reset cooldown at the end of the duel only if the player has been really defeated and not with a "/forfeit" command. Well done and thank you for sharing !
  11. Mangos Version: 9273 How it SHOULD work: Some spells grant you a buff which decreases the next related spell, like this proc :http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=46832 or this one : http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=44549. If you start to cast the spell and fail, you will keep the "buff" (reason : the ennemy is out of range or "LoS") the next cast -for the related spell- will have always the diminution effect. How it DOES work: If for some reason your spell failed (not missed or resisted) you will keep the buff and the next cast of the related spell will take the whole base cast time. Sorry for my english .
  12. Mangos Version: 9273 How it SHOULD work: If you hit a creature or a player you should enter in combat mode, even if it's a "missed" "dodged" "parried" or "blocked" hit. How it DOES work: If you hit a creature or a player without dealing any damage (with a "missed hit" for example) you don't enter in combat mode.
  13. We have take care about bump effect, the creature should not get out of combat. By the way, if a creature has some ranged spell he won't cast it even if the player is in range.
  14. Oh yes, indeed removed a long time ago, thank you for the information.
  15. Hi I was looking for some infos about game event (like call for arms) and I discovered this thing : Diminishing Returns It’s important for players to understand the nature of gaining honor and what role diminishing returns plays with this. Diminishing returns on honor occurs over time as you kill the same opponent. For each kill you make past the initial kill, the honor gained for it is reduced by 10%. After ten kills of the same opponent, that player is no longer worth any honor. Currently you can kill the same players again and again and you will earn full honor from your kill. I think it should be interesting to look at this feature . PS : official link Wow - forums
  16. Nobody can confirm this bug ?
  17. Thank you for all these commits about pets .
  18. I'm sorry but the thread you linked is not related with you patch, is it ? Moreover, what does it fix ? Thank you Laise, thank you Vladimir .
  19. No npcflag are good, I think darkstalker is right, we need an improvement of the current grid system.
  20. Mangos Version: 9238 How it SHOULD work: Vanish and every stealth abilities should stop a spell which is casting from a caster. How it DOES work: Currently the cast will still complete and hit the player who gets Vanish or stealth. It's annoying ^^. edit : With feign death it's working => it will make whoever was casting against you lose their target, and stop their cast.
  21. Sorry I don't understand you, but the only problem with this patch is when you cast a spell, even if it's not a frost spell, like blink or fireblast it consumes one charge. So it works but not properly.
  22. This patch is awesome, but there are some problems. First with Finger of Frost, when you cast a spell event if it's not a frost spell, like blink or fireblast it consumes one charge. Then, Sudden death and Taste of blood are replaced each other.
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