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Everything posted by dardennf

  1. It could explain a big amount of missed hits ?
  2. With wowhead's comments : "By frode73 on 11/07/2009 (Patch 3.2.2) : Confirmed. This does have a ICD, 45s." . And most of these trinkets have an internal cooldown, without the ICD it would be OP. BTW, thank you . PS : I have a question : why do you use value "9" in "SpellFamilyName" ?
  3. These trinket have an internal cooldown, 45s.
  4. No, doing a critical finishing move won't give you 2 CP.
  5. Yes I can confirm Sometimes it works, sometimes it disappears instantly.
  6. Yes, I think it depends on class but, even with this factor of variation : a rogue, a war and a paladin (all melee class but at least 3 of them), hit farther than on retail i'm sure of it ^^. I will try to make a short movie to show you. Anyway, thank you. PS : it's very important, because this could change a lot of things in PvP. PS 2 : if somebody have more infos, share it !
  7. Oh, thank you . But, don't you think that melee attacks (white attack) have a bigger range than on retail ?
  8. This problem still exists with latest Rev. A little help would be welcomed .
  9. Shame on us, poor french... [FR]Ce forum n'est pas du tout approprié à ta demande, vas plutôt chercher des conseils sur les sites communautaire du style wowdb[/FR] I apologize for this young boy .
  10. Money and honor are earned if a player give up a duel ?
  11. And vmaps are better on Mangos than on retail, especially with trees .
  12. I don't really know, this is just a proc from another spell, but I understand why it's not 0.055*1.15 * AP = 0.06325 * AP but it looks good with these values.
  13. Yeah this is good but TYPO :
  14. Yes yes I know, I just want to bring some info .
  15. It can remove effects that are normally undispellable, like the Paladin Divine Shield and the Mage Ice Block, as well as Banish some mobs use. # Patch 2.2.0 (2007-09-25): Has a chance to be resisted when dispelling immunity effects. This will be displayed in the combat log. In addition, it will no longer cause rogues and druids in Cat Form to lose Stealth. The flashing area graphic has been removed. # Patch 2.4 (2008-03-25): Increased the number of affected targets from 5 to 10.
  16. If someone can help us, it's very important for the gameplay. Thank you in advance.
  17. Hi everyone, I wondering how to modify the melee attack range ? Indeed, most of melee classes are very powerful with a long range of melee attack. Thank you in advance and sorry for my english.
  18. Yes, rank 3 and 4 don't exist ^^. So, I think the talent has been changed.
  19. As we move in 3.1, it may be necessary to revise the calculation of judgments which have been reduced and unlike the seals, which are increased. Sorry for my english, and thanks in advance !! ^^. Edit : INSERT INTO `spell_proc_event` VALUES (53720,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); INSERT INTO `spell_proc_event` VALUES (31892,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); It works good.
  20. What REV are you using ? No you should be "FEAR" even if you are Stunned .
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