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Everything posted by dardennf

  1. Oh yes, I didn't see lol... My bad.
  2. It's currently working for me . [Rev] 9238 (but it has been fixed a long time ago).
  3. Blink need some love . Thank you Laise. However, the "blink knockback" version won't "fix" blink, because with leveled surfaces you will face up to main problem, blink removes stuns and bonds but doesn't teleport the caster if the surface is very leveled even with a "knockback effect". I know it's not very clear, but we have to fix the real blink which is important as a feature ^^. Sorry for my english, speaking about surface, field or ground is not easy ^^.
  4. Mangos Version: 9238 SD2 Version: 1555 Database Name and Version : YTDB 255 How it SHOULD work: Resurrects all friends within 20 yards. How it DOES work: Sometimes nothing happens even if we are very close from the spirit guide.
  5. [9238]=> Vampiric embrace has been fixed.
  6. Oh yeah, actually I made this : 2*1.30 = 2.60 . Thank you ^^. So I think Lethality works properly.
  7. And what about "Kill shot" ? Moreover, lethality seems to not work properly, and Shattering Throw does not remove any invulnerabilities.
  8. Actually, "entrapments" works but doesn't proc properly.
  9. Some tests with Mutilate on a NPC without armor (2626 AP, no poisons, no "Find Weakness" and no "Opportunity") Without lethality : 31 Crits => 726 (Min) / 1126 (Med) / 1668 (Max) In theory we should have with lethality(5/5) => 944 / 1464 / 2168 In game With lethality : 32 Crits => 809 (Min) / 1345 (Med) / 1889 (Max) So results vary but there is an increase between 10% and 20%, but we can think there is a little problem with this talent . Sorry for my english.
  10. Hi, I want to know something about the proc of Windfury Weapon. I was looking in the combat log and I realized that sometimes there was this attack Windfury attack and sometimes this one http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=25504. With 2 One-Handed Axes equipped. It might be the Main hand and the Off-hand proc, but it causes a problem, there is no 3 seconds of ICD between these 2 differents spells. What do you think about that ? Sorry for my english.
  11. You forget this one : Shattering Throw. Moreover all self-healing effects like Second Wind and Blood Craze and Enraged Regeneration are not reduced by Mortal Strike or wound poison.
  12. The main Difference between mangos and others emulator .
  13. It's currently working when you are in combat.
  14. If you want to know something else, you should try to defeat a warrior with a rogue, and you will figure out that your poisons don't reduce the amount of life generated. And this happen with all non healing effects which are self generated by a talent or skill, and that's so annoying. Like Blood Craze or Enraged regeneration. Sorry if you don't understand me, but you should try to cheap shot a warrior, with wound poison, and without, the amount of generated life is the same in the 2 situations.
  15. Ok so, even if mobs have abilities like this one Living Lasher if you take off, the creature doesn't follow you and gets out of combat. He goes instantly in evade mode, and he doesn't stay on the ground under the aggressor.
  16. The worst . Just kidding, but it's funny to see non-flying creatures follow the attacker. PS : on retail creatures leave combat if the attacker takes off.
  17. No, in Ulduar on retail you can use mounts in severals places, but here we cannot.
  18. Ok but, here Wow Patch note you can read this : "The rogue Assassination Talent "Quick Recovery" will no longer refund energy back to the Rogue if a finishing move is partially blocked." So which ProcEx should we use ?
  19. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add? Quick recovery should now proc on dodged and parried finishers. Quick Recovery - Rank 1 For which repository revision was the patch created? any Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread. can't find any Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses. Me update spell_proc_event set procEx=52 where entry in (31244,31245); edit : But there is also a problem, sometimes your finisher is dodged missed or parried by yourself, so it can proc 2 times or 1 times even if the finisher doesn't is missed dodged or parried by the ennemy.
  20. Thank you . edit : sorry I didn't see the "thanks" button .
  21. Oh yes, it's interesting, and I would to know if it's possible to do this with EventAI ? Thank you .
  22. Mangos Version: 9000+ How it SHOULD work: When you cast spell on target which have an absorbing effect, (like Power Word: Shield ) most of crowd control, like sap or blind... should disappear. How it DOES work: Sap or others CC doesn't disappear when you cast a spell on target which have an absorbing effet. Exemples : Take a rogue, sap a priest who have PWS, cheap shot him and sap isn't removed. Take a rogue, blind a priest who have PWS, mana burn the priest and blind isn't removed. Sorry for my english. PS : we need more informations, like with polymorph, freezing trap, banish, hibernate, repentance etc...
  23. dardennf

    Sap Bug

    Confirmed on latest rev
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