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  • STV Extravaganza event

    • Status: Completed
      Main Category: Game Event
      Sub-Category: Event
      Version: 21.14 Milestone: 21 Priority: Unset
      Implemented Version: 21.14
      Assigned: Necrovoice

    Mangos Zero
    Server ver: 21.14
    DB Structure ver: 21_16_35

    There are some problems noticed with Strangleton Vale Extravaganza event:

    Event itself started at 10.00 pm on Sunday  Server Time (not as it supposed to be from 2 till 4 pm (or so)). What do I mean started:

    1. Spawned event fish schools (School of Tastyfish) -- OK. I could fish Tastyfish out of it properly.
    2 Spawned Fishbot 5000 NPC (id=15079) for rare fish exchange (yes he porovided those quests (ids=8221; 8224; 8225) (but I can't be sure about proper revards cause I'm not a lucky man))
    3 Spawned Jang NPC (id=15078)  for repeatable fish exchange quest Apprentice Angler (id=8194). Reward is broken cause I don't get any money for fish turn-ins.
    4. The most upsetting part:  NPC Riggle Bassbait (id=15077) that provides quest Master Angler (id=8193) seems to be absent. I couldn't find him all around Booty Bay (but it shoiuld be close to other event NPCs). 

    Maybe that's because of broken time and he spawns 2-4 pm. I can't approve.  
    Both NPC and quest are present in DB.

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    I already talked with you in discord, nut putting this info here for documintation 
    Riggle Bassbait should spawn at, -14439.3 475.42 15.892 3.68503 0 during event 34 : Fishing Extravaganza Turn-in.

    Wiill look into this some more to make sure.. but it should be working fine.


    Posted (edited)

    Riggle spawned after causing it manually:

    1. .event start 34

    2. .go  -14439.3 475.42 15.892 0

    But I could'nt find him during event as-it-is on prod server. I suppose ithe answer is buried somewhere in timing.

    My prod server sql query output for related events:
    MariaDB [zero_world]> SELECT * FROM game_event WHERE entry IN (14,15,34);
    | entry | start_time          | end_time            | occurence | length | holiday | description                   |
    |    14 | 2006-01-02 16:00:00 | 2021-01-01 09:59:59 |     10080 |    240 |       0 | Fishing Extravaganza Announce |
    |    15 | 2006-01-01 22:00:00 | 2021-01-01 09:59:59 |     10080 |    120 |     301 | Fishing Extravaganza          |
    |    34 | 2006-01-05 01:00:00 | 2020-12-31 10:00:00 |     10080 |    180 |       0 | Fishing Extravaganza Turn-in  |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)



    Could it be holiday field absence? Cause only 1 event has not default value (and the event works). Also couldn't find the meaning of 301 in wiki-database.


    Edited by altronrain
    15 - repeatable quest, 34 - main quest;

    Posted (edited)

    All right. The problem with NPC Riggle Bassbait seems to be easier than i thought. 
    Solution is in changing start_date time in mysql/mariadb table:
    For me it was like: 

    MariaDB [zero_world]> UPDATE game_event SET start_time='2006-01-01 23:00:00' WHERE entry=34;

    That brings my table to this state:

    MariaDB [zero_world]> SELECT * FROM game_event WHERE entry IN (14,15,34);
    | entry | start_time          | end_time            | occurence | length | holiday | description                   |
    |    14 | 2006-01-02 16:00:00 | 2021-01-01 09:59:59 |     10080 |    240 |       0 | Fishing Extravaganza Announce |
    |    15 | 2006-01-01 22:00:00 | 2021-01-01 09:59:59 |     10080 |    120 |     301 | Fishing Extravaganza          |
    |    34 | 2006-01-01 23:00:00 | 2020-12-31 10:00:00 |     10080 |    180 |       0 | Fishing Extravaganza Turn-in  |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    Then I set server vm time to the 2020-04-19 Sunday 23:15 and all three NPC were there: 


    So, there should be done changes to start_event timings. But there are some questions about it:
    1) I looked through my db table values (that I patched from Rel21_14_xx all the way up to Rel21_16_35) and db table values from fresh install .sql 
    They have different values in column start_time (but anyway broken ones):

    game_event.sql from github mangoszero (https://github.com/mangoszero/database/blob/master/World/Setup/FullDB/game_event.sql😞

    (14,'2006-01-02 05:00:00','2020-12-31 22:59:59',10080,240,0,'Fishing Extravaganza Announce'),
    (15,'2006-01-01 11:00:00','2020-12-31 22:59:59',10080,120,301,'Fishing Extravaganza'),
    (34,'2006-01-04 14:00:00','2020-12-30 23:00:00',10080,180,0,'Fishing Extravaganza Turn-in'),

    So It would be better to organize changes (start_time) to all 3 events connected with Extravaganza.
    2) How to set the event timers itself is a question. Cause I didn't have any classic experience during "live".
    What is said about the timers:

    wowhead (classic) notes:

    • Original Release: Patch 1.7.0 (September 13, 2005)
    • Classic Release: Phase 4 (date not yet announced)
    • When*: Every Sunday, 2 PM - 4 PM Pacific Time (pools become unavailable at 4; turn-in NPCs available until 5 PM Pacific Time)
    • Where: Stranglethorn Vale for tournament; turn-ins in Booty Bay

    *Daylight Saving Time (DST) not calculated into timing of global events. This will start 1 hour later during DST periods, if you live in an area where DST is observed.

      https://classicdb.ch/?npc=15116#comments (Extravaganza Announce):


    Grinkle can be found standing near the bank on Saturdays, promoting the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza of the following day. Anyone who asks for information will receive a flyer with the important tournament info.

    Is it a proper way to organize Extravaganza for Europe (and other) regions just the same time as 2-4pm PDT simply converting one to UTC? 
    For UTC it then should be like 21:00:00 starting time. Or It should be started at 14:00:00? (I don't have rights to decide such things but pref second variant).

    another remark from wowhead:


    At the appointed time (2 PM Pacific time, 3 PM if your area is observing Daylight Saving Time), there will be a zonewide shout from Riggle Bassbait:

    Seems like Riggle should spawn the same time with other 2 NPC's.
    And then table should look like: 

    MariaDB [zero_world]> SELECT * FROM game_event WHERE entry IN (14,15,34);
    | entry | start_time          | end_time            | occurence | length | holiday | description                   |
    |    14 | 2005-12-31 14:00:00 | 2021-01-01 09:59:59 |     10080 |    240 |       0 | Fishing Extravaganza Announce |
    |    15 | 2006-01-01 14:00:00 | 2021-01-01 09:59:59 |     10080 |    180 |     301 | Fishing Extravaganza          |
    |    34 | 2006-01-01 14:00:00 | 2020-12-31 10:00:00 |     10080 |    180 |       0 | Fishing Extravaganza Turn-in  |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    2 NPC that related with turn-in quests and Main rewars Riggle NPC spawning the same time at 14:00:00 each Sunday.
    Length also changed to suit 3 hours as it supposed to be. 

    About announcment. Idk how much time Announce NPC (2 actually, for Orgrimmar and Ironforge) should be standing in capitals, but suppose 240 min is pretty enough for the beginning (I don't even know if it is working at all for now. Needed to be tested). This event should be held the day before (Saturday).

    Than there are another issue. Schools of tastyfish (gameobject id=180248 entries) spawn time should be reduced from 180 mins to 120 mins to suit 2-4pm gap (yes, fishing for 2 hours, NPC stays for 3 hours as it stated to be in vanilla):

    MariaDB [zero_world]> update gameobject set  spawntimesecs=120 where id=180248;

    Thats what I've learn about Riggle and event timers. Still there is a problem with reward for Apprentice Angler figh turn-in quest (no money given as a reward).

    Edited by altronrain
    added github link for the table sql


    This will fix the current start / stop time for event 34 with the current database version.


    As we have talked about in discord, this update will not help you. You will need to apply a custom update, or do the fresh install as we spoke of.


    Than there are another issue. Schools of tastyfish (gameobject id=180248 entries) spawn time should be reduced from 180 mins to 120 mins to suit 2-4pm gap (yes, fishing for 2 hours, NPC stays for 3 hours as it stated to be in vanilla):

    That should be seconds not minutes.. 180 is correct.

    As far as the announcer. That is something I will continue to look into. At this time I am unable to find any "zone" message at the start of this event. To help keep things neat, Please open a new bug report for this issue specifically, and add documentation to support the issue if at all possible.

    However for the main fix behind this post, it is complete. 



    Changed Status to Completed

    Changed Implemented Version to 21.14 (Master Branch)

    Changed Milestone to 21 (Current)

    Changed Priority to Unset

    This is now closed for further comments

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