Mangos Zero
Server ver: 21.14
DB Structure ver: 21_16_35
There are some problems noticed with Strangleton Vale Extravaganza event:
Event itself started at 10.00 pm on Sunday Server Time (not as it supposed to be from 2 till 4 pm (or so)). What do I mean started:
1. Spawned event fish schools (School of Tastyfish) -- OK. I could fish Tastyfish out of it properly.
2 Spawned Fishbot 5000 NPC (id=15079) for rare fish exchange (yes he porovided those quests (ids=8221; 8224; 8225) (but I can't be sure about proper revards cause I'm not a lucky man))
3 Spawned Jang NPC (id=15078) for repeatable fish exchange quest Apprentice Angler (id=8194). Reward is broken cause I don't get any money for fish turn-ins.
4. The most upsetting part: NPC Riggle Bassbait (id=15077) that provides quest Master Angler (id=8193) seems to be absent. I couldn't find him all around Booty Bay (but it shoiuld be close to other event NPCs).
Maybe that's because of broken time and he spawns 2-4 pm. I can't approve.
Both NPC and quest are present in DB.
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