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[Patch] Auction House Bot (Xeross' Branch)

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with the actual mangos core i get this when i use the new ahbot

$ git apply ../newahbot.patch

../newahbot.patch:1708: trailing whitespace.

../newahbot.patch:1711: trailing whitespace.

error: patch failed: configure.ac:308

error: configure.ac: patch does not apply

Something has changed .


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@Hexle: Just remove the four whitespaces in line 1708 and 1711 and change the configure.ac part to your needs. Guess your on GNU/Linux and you already applied the scriptdev2 patch. So you need to change the

+ src/bindings/universal/Makefile.am
+ )]

to this

+ src/bindings/ScriptDev2/Makefile.am
+ src/bindings/Scriptdev2/scriptdev2.conf.dist

both typed blind w/o looking at the source. So you better receck this ;-)


PS: using latest cyberium branch (on debian lenny 5.04 x86_64) and it works fine

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Thanks, merge and compile OK:)

But AHbot don't buy any items :/

I have this settings:(Ubuntu MaNGOS+SD2+AHBot - all last revisions)

AuctionHouseBot.Alliance.Items.Amount.Ratio = 100

AuctionHouseBot.Horde.Items.Amount.Ratio = 100

AuctionHouseBot.Neutral.Items.Amount.Ratio = 100

AuctionHouseBot.Name = "AuctionMaster"

AuctionHouseBot.MinTime = 12

AuctionHouseBot.MaxTime = 48

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Vendor = 0

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Loot = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Misc = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Bind.No = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Bind.Pickup = 0

AuctionHouseBot.Bind.Equip = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Bind.Use = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Bind.Quest = 0

AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle.Boost = 1000

AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle.Normal = 20

AuctionHouseBot.BuyPrice.Seller = 1

AuctionHouseBot.BuyPrice.Buyer = 0

AuctionHouseBot.Alliance.Price.Ratio = 50

AuctionHouseBot.Horde.Price.Ratio = 50

AuctionHouseBot.Neutral.Price.Ratio = 50

AuctionHouseBot.Items.ItemLevel.Min = 0

AuctionHouseBot.Items.ItemLevel.Max = 0

AuctionHouseBot.Items.ReqLevel.Min = 0

AuctionHouseBot.Items.ReqLevel.Max = 0

AuctionHouseBot.Items.ReqSkill.Min = 0

AuctionHouseBot.Items.ReqSkill.Max = 0

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Grey = 0

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.White = 2000

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Green = 2500

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Blue = 1500

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Purple = 0

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Orange = 0

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Yellow = 0

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Consumable = 6

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Container = 4

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Weapon = 8

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Gem = 3

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Armor = 8

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Reagent = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Projectile = 2

AuctionHouseBot.Class.TradeGood = 10

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Generic = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Reciepe = 6

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Quiver = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Quest = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Key = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Misc = 5

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph = 3

# Buyer config

AuctionHouseBot.Alliance.Buyer.Enabled = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Horde.Buyer.Enabled = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Neutral.Buyer.Enabled = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Bid.Interval = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.BidDigin.Interval = 1

AuctionHouseBot.BuyerPrice.Grey = 1

AuctionHouseBot.BuyerPrice.White = 1

AuctionHouseBot.BuyerPrice.Green = 5

AuctionHouseBot.BuyerPrice.Blue = 12

AuctionHouseBot.BuyerPrice.Purple = 15

AuctionHouseBot.BuyerPrice.Orange = 20

AuctionHouseBot.BuyerPrice.Yellow = 22

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Thanks for the feedback i will try to correct these little errors.

@mrelfire "is their anyway to not make modifications around the same place between ahbot and playerbot?" Yes i will investigate this long time anoying stuff...

I still didn't look on the ahbuyer algorithm. I just adapted some of the line. I will do my best when the new_ahbot is enought stable.

Please i want you to share with us theses settings

AuctionHouseBot.Alliance.Price.Ratio = 50

AuctionHouseBot.Horde.Price.Ratio = 50

AuctionHouseBot.Neutral.Price.Ratio = 50

To make the best default value and have the realist price on the ah.

Tell me if you see any mistake...

Be free to correct my sentence on the settings explanation.

@ Xerross.

It's sad day for mangos community... I hope you change your mind. See you bro.

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I'm leaving to eventually hopefully come back with better understanding of WoWd's, I've found someone that is willing to help me learn how "Some Other WoWd" works and by learning that I hope I will be able to learn more about MaNGOS.

Cyber I wish you the best of luck with AHBot if you are willing to open up a new thread I will modify my main post to redirect players to it.


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If you feel that will provide you the best opportunity to gain a better understanding and mastery of server programming for WoW, then I am behind your decision and cheer you on to do your best. I hope you and cyberium will keep in touch, should he need some insight or wisdom in developing AHBot.

May you return in grand fashion, as a true Jedi Master, and teach even the MaNGOS pros a few new tricks. :)

Cyberium, it seems AHBot is yours now. You've inherited a long legacy and I look forward to the new ideas and innovative code that is worthy of those who came before you in the creation of AHBot. It has been a long time in being born. May it finally be your hand that finds it being accepted into the MaNGOS core!

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A strange thing I have => I do not have enough orange or yellows after "days" of running

Items loaded Grey White Green Blue Purple Orange Yellow

Consumable 0 923 41 14 9 0 0

Container 0 39 21 15 3 0 0

Weapon 114 254 867 275 77 0 0

Gem 0 13 211 167 120 0 0

Armor 452 648 3946 971 437 0 0

Reageant 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Projectile 0 19 9 7 2 0 0

Trade_Goods 9 554 82 41 5 1 0

Generic 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Recipe 0 313 373 181 146 0 0

Money 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Quiver 0 8 6 4 0 0 0

Quest 7 122 6 97 12 0 0

Key 0 2 1 0 0 0 0

Permanant 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Misc 722 226 18 9 8 0 0

Glyph 0 347 0 0 0 0 0

my parameters

AuctionHouseBot.Alliance.Items.Amount.Ratio = 3000

AuctionHouseBot.Horde.Items.Amount.Ratio = 3000

AuctionHouseBot.Neutral.Items.Amount.Ratio = 6000

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Grey = 0

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.White = 140

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Green = 150

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Blue = 140

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Purple = 130

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Orange = 120

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Yellow = 120

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Can you give me an exemple of what yellow item you expect to see?

Because i have too this behavior but i can't find any good yellow items to be sellable. Oranges one have same situation except for elementium bar.

Who know what's BBCODE is used to show wowhead tooltips?

"[ URL=http://www.wowhead.com/spell=51696]Waylay[/url ]"


just a qoute from an patchpost ( 2 whitespaces to show the BB code) :-)

edit: does AH bot sell more as 1 item of same ID at once (maybe he just has 1 item_template entry to sell and this almost in the ah from seller so he don't sell a 2nd till this was bought?)

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AuctionHouseBot.Alliance.Items.Amount.Ratio = 3000

AuctionHouseBot.Horde.Items.Amount.Ratio = 3000

AuctionHouseBot.Neutral.Items.Amount.Ratio = 6000

That does afaik not work out. It has to be in a range of 0 to 100. This value is given in percents, you can only reach 3000% if you multiply 100% 30 times. If you have 100 items and later have 3000% you have 3000 items, 30 times the original amout. This value changes if set to 30, for one AH, that this special AH would only have 30% the items of the following Amount. For orange items: You only have 36 (30% *120). For more/other information/s check ahbot.conf

The values you should change are these: AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.*

If you want 3000 orange items in every AH you should change your conf to this

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Orange = 3000

About stability:

I run a server with these settings:

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Grey = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.White = 20000
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Green = 25000
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Blue = 15000
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Purple = 10000
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Orange = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Yellow = 0

SELECT count(*) AS amount FROM auction;
| amount |
| 194157 | 
1 row in set (0.15 sec)

Expected value of items is

> (20000+25000+15000+10000)*3
[1] 210000

So runs pretty awesome, no debug calls, etc. item boost was done since that it's rather silent from ahbots side. Was running around with a friend, no probs. A new compile is running since

2 Day(s) 12 Hour(s) 25 Minute(s) 37 Second(s)

Regards and waiting for AHBot buyer.


BTW with that huge amount of ahbot items stored in item_instance I'm not 100% happy, if they would be created with sending the "you won this auction"-mail ... bah ... I'm 100% happy with the recent ahbot =)

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If you want 3000 orange items in every AH you should change your conf to this

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Orange = 3000

The complete explanation is :

If you want 3000 orange items in every AH you should change your conf to this

AuctionHouseBot.Alliance.Items.Amount.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Horde.Items.Amount.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Neutral.Items.Amount.Ratio = 100

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Orange = 3000

Olso if you have no orange items loaded from the DB you will obviously didn't get any of that color on the AH. So you must be sure your required skill, lvl, item vendor, etc... settings is correctly set to let a chance for orange item pass the filter.

Unfortunaly i have not an exemple of sellable yellow or orange items until now except elementium bar.

Thanks for your feedback Skirnir.

To all, what ingame command do you need to use related to ahbot? (only level3)


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Basicaly you are right and you correctly understaind the functionality.

Anyway i didn't develloped this in this way.

I limited the ratio to 10000 (thinking it's enought to make some difference between faction).


So if you whant i can elevate that value...

Anyway you still didn't give me an example of yellow/orange sellable item you whant to see in the AH...

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