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[Zero] Bugs I am experiencing, solutions?

Auntie Mangos

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  • 42 years later...

Here is a list of the bugs that I am currently experiencing in zero. Before I file reports on them I wanted to see if there were solutions.

  • Spirit healers are visible to the living, and make their sound heard by the living
  • The feral druid skills are all available at level 10 (possible code fix for this, have yet to try)
  • Mineral deposits and herbs are overly-abundant everywhere (is it possible to enable pooling in zero?)
  • When you reach a specific level in skills the trainers are supposed to tell you where to go for more training, but they don't. My personal experience here is the herbalism trainer in Thunderbluff. You can learn 0-75, but where do you go for 75-150? I solved this by going to Orgrimmar and learning 75-150, but it doesn't seem right.
  • Rockbiter does not increase AP and instead procs flametongue damage very rarely
  • Flametongue proccing causes your character to go into a casting animation, like when casting Frost Shock
  • If another player or NPC begins casting a spell and is interrupted, the audio keeps looping and the animation stays with them. For example, interrupt an NPC casting a fire spell using Earth Shock and they come running towards you, hands engulfed in flame with the fire sound playing
  • Possibly an mmaps issue, but hunter pets will not dive underwater to help fight
  • When dropping certain quest items, they won't stay after the first party member picks up the item. This may be like official, but I could have sworn it wasn't
  • Sometimes hunter pets won't attack a mob, even in the middle of The Barrens with no hills, rocks, or trees around. You must go up and manually hit the mob to start the fight
  • Rare spawns spawn with the golden "elite" dragon around their portrait but without elite stats. Elite mobs do seem to remain elite
  • I cannot get into WSG, but have not tried other BGs. I physically ran to the WSG entrance in Northern Barrens, but no NPC would let me queue up
  • Mining does not work correctly. I have a mining skill of 21, copper ore is orange to me, but I only had one skill increase after mining three times
  • Flight does not work properly as the players appear sitting on the ground while mounted on the flying beasts to other players
  • Fire braziers, bonfires, and other fires do damage to players even when they are not near the fire
  • The Echeyakee quest reward is a random buff instead of "Echeyakee's Grace", some buffs of which are not supposed to be in-game
  • When using a skill (mining, skinning, etc) the skill will instantly fail instead of going through the process, then failing when done like on official
  • Some mobs drop odd things. For example, a Razormane Defender dropped a green Venom Web Dagger earlier

If anybody knows of solutions to these issues, please let me know! I may also add to this list if I can remember any more.

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Spirit healer being visible should be a flag in DB.

Feral druid skills being available is also DB.

Rockbiter is DB under spell_proc_event probably.

for battleground bug try setting .debug bg 1 0 and see if you can queue then, might be due to not being enough players.

For the other bugs I wouldn't really know off the top of my head.

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Thanks for the information, but how do I identify Rockbiter in all of the spells? I went in once but never saw a name, only numbers. I am not worried about the BG stuff if it is due to players because I only play with a friend and my girl on my LAN. We just wanted to see if it would let us queue up, but your answer seems to make sense.

How do I know what to set the flags to in the database? I know you can set flags in 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc and any combination of them, but how do I know what flag does what?

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For the spirit healer bug, go in-game and do .guid with the healer selected. Then do "SELECT * FROM creature_template where entry = ENTRY" in sqlyog or whatever database your using. Go to flags_extra right at the end and set it to 128.

For the feral druid bug go to npc_trainer table, do .lookup spell [spell name] go into the database "SELECT * FROM npc_trainer WHERE entry = SPELLID" change the reqlevel to whatever it needs to be.

Same for rockbiter to, search the spell id using .lookup spell and find it in spell proc event with the similar SQL.

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There should be a setting in mangosd.conf that allows you to set the minimum number of require players for battlegrounds. If you still cannot enter a BG after that, then it's definitely a bug in either the core or faulty database information.

In fact, so many things you've listed seem to be database issues. Based on your troubles, it would seem the Zero DB is a mess needs a lot of work.

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minimal players for battlegrounds are done in database and not config.

-- SELECT * FROM battleground_template;

-- Alterac
UPDATE battleground_template SET MinPlayersPerTeam=40,MaxPlayersPerTeam=40 WHERE id=1; -- was 40
-- patch
UPDATE battleground_template SET MinPlayersPerTeam=15,MaxPlayersPerTeam=30 WHERE id=1; -- was 40

-- WS
UPDATE battleground_template SET MinPlayersPerTeam=10,MaxPlayersPerTeam=10 WHERE id=2; -- was 10
-- patch
UPDATE battleground_template SET MinPlayersPerTeam=3,MaxPlayersPerTeam=7 WHERE id=2; -- was 10

-- Arathi
UPDATE battleground_template SET MinPlayersPerTeam=15,MaxPlayersPerTeam=15 WHERE id=3; -- was 15
-- patch
UPDATE battleground_template SET MinPlayersPerTeam=7,MaxPlayersPerTeam=12 WHERE id=3; -- was 15

-- Eots
UPDATE battleground_template SET MinPlayersPerTeam=15,MaxPlayersPerTeam=15 WHERE id=7; -- was 15
-- patch
UPDATE battleground_template SET MinPlayersPerTeam=7,MaxPlayersPerTeam=12 WHERE id=7; -- was 15

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I am not seeing any of the Rockbiter id's in the database. I also checked the SQL used to create the database and do not see it. Is it possible it is missing somehow? The "Rockbiter Weapon, rank 1" has ID 8017. The first "Rockbiter Weapon Proc" has ID 20860. Cannot find an entry for either in 'spell_proc_event' or 'spell_proc_item_enchant'.


Updated my list. Added a mining bug and cleared the two I solved. Apparently one of my characters was in GM mode, causing him to see the healers as he ran by them. On a side-note, the extra flags in the template for the healers is at 2, but with GM mode off, you cannot see or hear the healers if you are not dead.

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Instead of opening another topic regarding mangos zero, I jump into this one. I noticed some of the bugs you've reported : druid feral skills, over abundant resources. I also experiencing the following bugs/issue :

- when aggroing mobs on a mountain/hill slope, instead of walking/running smoothly towards the player, they jump repeatedly like climbing on a big stair (mmaps/vmaps related ?)

- when attacking a monster, they always move toward the player in a straight line (through walls, pits and even floors, their dead bodies stuck in the air, unlootable) (mmpas/vmaps related ?)

- when rooting a fleeing mob with frost nova, the monster continues to move until it is killed then its body is teleported where it was rooted. While it is fleeing, spells targeted at the monster act as if it wasn't rooted (they follow it). If the mob is rooted before fleeing, everything works as expected.

- some type of monsters stay idle when attacked. They just face the character but never come in melee range or cast spells

I have very basic programming skills and database knowledge, but I'd be glad to help improve mangos and especially the zero branch (as Vanilla was my favorite one)

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The bouncing mobs are generally a result of not having mmaps compiled/enabled. I only get a bouncer once in a while now, not often at all. As for moving through walls and such, that sounds like vmaps. I never had that issue even before mmaps. The other two I will have to check, but my mage buddy has frozen mobs in place before while we were grouped with no issues.

It sounds to me like you have some kind of problem with your configuration, mmaps, and/or vmaps.

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If you still have NPCs or creatures that "bounce", or hop across water, through the air, up hillsides, etc., and your server uses both vmaps and movemaps, then those particular creatures likely have the wrong inhabit type set in the database that allows them to move on terrain other than land. Again, this would be a database issue.

Maybe the ZeroDB data can be compared against other databases known to be fairly reliable and working, such as TBC-DB for Burning Crusade, UDB, and YTDB. I know there have been changeset and diff tools released specifically for the game databases, but more generic SQL diff tools would probably work.


Of course, you're correct. Changing the minimum number of players to start a battleground does require editing the database. I was thinking of the minimum required level setting for BGs in the config file.

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Here is a list of the bugs that I am currently experiencing in zero. Before I file reports on them I wanted to see if there were solutions.

  • When dropping certain quest items, they won't stay after the first party member picks up the item. This may be like official, but I could have sworn it wasn't

I don't know which item you're refering too, but as far as I remember, quest items were handled differently depending on quests and especially quests locations.

When outdoor :

- quest items gathered/looted on regular mobs/containers/objects were only for the first party member to pick up

- quest items looted on a specific container/mob were sometimes for everyone in the party, sometimes the party had to wait for a respawn until every party member get one. This evolved with Blizz quest approach

When in instance :

- quest items gathered/looted on regular mobs/containers/objects were only for the first party member to pick up

- quest items looted on a specific container/mob were for everyone in the party

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Sorry I've been silent, I picked up the limited collector's edition of Trainz 2012 and was finally able to operate a 2-8-8-2 over the Pepper Bridge and tunnel, which my great, great grandfather worked on after it was constructed in 1900! I actually have a black and white photo on my living-room wall of him standing on the bridge with his crew behind him, taken around 1920.

Anyway, I added another bug to my list. When players are in-flight, they suddenly spawn on the ground in front of players on foot and they appear to be mounted on a flying mount, then they disappear a few moments later. In other words, they don't seem to be flying. Another example of this is when on official I could fly out with a friend and see him flying in front of me between destinations, I cannot get this effect in Zero.

I also updated the information on my quest problem. Turns out some of the items in question didn't spawn for the entire party as I thought.

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To find the spell ID used in the core for Rockbiter, you can look in SpellEffects.cpp, lines 1125-1198 in module void Spell::EffectDummy(SpellEffectIndex eff_idx)



// Rockbiter Weapon

if (m_spellInfo->SpellFamilyFlags & UI64LIT(0x400000))


uint32 spell_id = 0;



case 8017: spell_id = 36494; break; // Rank 1

case 8018: spell_id = 36750; break; // Rank 2

case 8019: spell_id = 36755; break; // Rank 3

case 10399: spell_id = 36759; break; // Rank 4

case 16314: spell_id = 36763; break; // Rank 5

case 16315: spell_id = 36766; break; // Rank 6

case 16316: spell_id = 36771; break; // Rank 7

case 25479: spell_id = 36775; break; // Rank 8

case 25485: spell_id = 36499; break; // Rank 9


sLog.outError("Spell::EffectDummy: Spell %u not handled in RW", m_spellInfo->Id);


In fact, it appears SpellEffects.cpp handles the proc, effects, and duration of Rockbiter. Check out lines 2725-2777 and 2810-2816 in module

void Spell::EffectEnchantItemTmp(SpellEffectIndex eff_idx) for that information.

I did a compare of the code between Zero and One, finding no differences aside from a few lines added for Mana Tide Totem. Assuming Rockbiter works as it should in One, this means the bug reported for Zero is a database error. If such is the case, then Rockbiter's behavior for Zero can be fixed by using the values in the MaNGOS One database.


I'm not sure if it's due to a dropped packet or the server failing to send the information to the client, but seeing items sometimes displayed as a TestDoodad is still present in 3.3.5a. It may also be a video card driver issue that Blizz never got around to fixing, placing the blame on the driver publisher as usual. You can clear the error by logging out and logging back in. If that still does not work, it may be your cache has become bugged and needs to be deleted to clear the error.

If the error still persists, even after deleting your cache, it may be the DisplayID, not the ModelID, is incorrect. This causes an error which makes the client default to the TestDoodad when displaying unknown items or objects. You'll need to enter the correct DisplayID into the database entry for the spear used by the Trolls.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I dug my original WoW guide by Brady out of a box and guess what? It lists all of the skills for all classes and has detailed information about each skill at each level of the skill, including what player-level you can train the skill, how much damage, constraints, etc. Can this be used to fix the feral druid skills or help the Zero development in any way? If so, would it be OK to scan the relevant pages into a PDF for the devs?

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Well, since it is a copyrighted publication, actual page scans couldn't be linked here in the forums.

Too bad, really. I assume it would be most helpful to many experienced and would-be Zero developers.

I wish I could offer more constructive advice, but rules are rules and publicly sharing copies is forbidden.

I'm sure you will get many private messages to discourage such an action.

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I have started work on taking last scriptdev2 updates and port them to Mangos Zero as many instances, quests and bugs were updated/corrected lately.

I will test this this WE and share it if it is working.

My next work will be on druid skills unlocking level. I will probably PM Xenithar to remind him that copyrighted material can not be shared publicly and that we will have to rely on our own memory to find the correct unlocking level values.

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We need more people like you, Cala. :cool:

I do hope you and Xenithar will find the answers you need. Hopefully, he will have more free time in the near future to work with everyone on this.

It looks to me as if you all have the beginnings of a new development team for Zero. You guys do very good work and then post it for review to be accepted into the Zero core, okay? It might even be a good idea to start a public repository for everyone to collaborate together and make it easier to patch changes into Zero.

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