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mangos zero creature damage issue help




Hey guys, Got my full server up and running compiled the mangos zero core and got there DB from git hub,

Anyways I am having a weird issue with the Npc,Creature's in game all there damage seams to be off and Always either very low or high damage for example,

Night Elf Start zone Killing the Boars they only hit me for 1 damage it will never change always 1 damage and it seams like my character takes almost zero damage,

So i thought it might just be a starting area bug, did .level 55 headed over to Winterspring to see what happens if i attack an elite,All his damage was critical damage and super fast attacks,

Same goes for any mob after the starter zone they just crit or hit you x amount of damage but every time it's crits,

I quested myself up to level 16 Super fast attacks, Low damage , High Damage all crits white damage low always crits,

What could be the problem i have run repacks before and never encounter this issue, Do i need to update something I really don't want to have to edit every single creature with Quice,

Any ideas would be helpful thank you.

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Since I'm not sure it's really a bug, I cannot propose a fix. However, you might import single creature_template table from your favorite repack into mangos DB (this will lead to a lot of logged errors while server starting; I would backup the current table to restore later) and test the damage. If you become satisfied by the results, it's simple enough to compose the creature_template table from the two.

There is a difference between DBs. For example, Young Thistle Boar (1984) from night elf starting location has AP 0, dmg 0-1 in the Zero DB, but AP 26, dmg 2-2 in the TDB for 3.3.5a version. I do not see the mob in the Bestiary book, so cannot tell what is correct. BTW elites should not be soloable at the equivalent level (and even at +5).


Still having the problem Elites are much worse i went to try an instance out with max naxx gear stratt with a mate as a warrior tank and got 3 shotted by the level 55 green starting mob's that i use to solo in vanilla, Had a healer with max naxx gear to and a warrior tank with full t3,

Tested out Zul'Gurub,ZF,Molten Core,BWL,Naxx,UBRS,LBRS Tyrs Hand, All the elite mob's are almost oneshotting me with fully modded hp at 30k for vanilla, I even made a macro to spam .mod hp 20000 20000 and keybound it to spam it still died from 2-3 elites on me :(

leveled up to 35 to test SM with a mate as tank healer and a dps we all got almost instantly one shot with crits from mobs for around 230 all crits white damage,

This is something wrong with the Creature_Template with every single mob in game either there damage is just to high or to low, I also tired to copy the Master creature_template to my SQL database and it fixed the damage issue but mobs had no mana no scripts and didn't seam to have a correct path way :S

I SQL extracted an older creature_template from a repack i found and again it fixed the damage but then the mob's (casters don't use spells or scripts and have No Mana) So i checked the creature_template with the newer version and it seams quite a lot has changed since then to the structure etc, So i couldn't use that SQL to run the server,

This has to be a bug with the DB in Rel20, I have zero other error's so far or bugs in my core this is the only game breaking and that it is game breaking as you get killed instantly by a elite solo or in a group, I have tested this at level 10,20,30,35,45,50,55,60 raid bosses and trash with a full group of people in Blackrock LBRS we get 2-3 shot while spam healing a fully geared naxx tank with crazy fast attack speed and crits from every single mob/creature, so simpily hitting to slow fast or crit's at a crazy speed I even tired to use .mod hp 10000/10000 Got killed in around 5 hits from a level 56 trash elite, I am really lost at what to do next for a fixed I've look all over for one nothing, The only thing i see in my mangos.bin is,

Loaded 0 creature locale strings. DB table `locales_creature` is empty.

Loaded 0 gameobject locale strings. DB table `locales_gameobject` is empty.

Loaded 0 Item locale strings. DB table `locales_item` is empty.

Loaded 0 Quest locale strings. DB table `locales_quest` is empty.

Loaded 0 Quest locale strings. DB table `locales_npc_text` is empty.

Loaded 0 PageText locale strings. DB table `locales_page_text` is empty.


<SD2 ERROR>: No script found for ScriptName 'npc_prof_blacksmith'.

<SD2 ERROR>: No script found for ScriptName 'npc_prof_leather'.

I'm sure these errors were cleared up in a last post and i was told they had no issue to the core or DB and wouldn't effect my server, So I am guessing that there not the root of the problem ?

I can't think of what is causing this unless it is a mangos/DB error everything else is flawless so far, So happy with it just this dam error/bug or whatever

Thanks for the help any suggestion welcome


The errors about two missing scripts will be corrected with 20007_14_Blacksmith_Specialisations.sql file of Database repo, after my change to it will be applied:


Forget the empty locales tables unless you are not satisfied by English dialogues and require some Spanish, Chinese or so. In either case, we cannot help you with other languages for now. Saying, "work in progress" ;)

A discussion between the developers takes some time, usually much longer than a day. In the next post I propose an SQL script to merge our current creature_template with either one (be it from your favorite repack) with a result suitable for the current Zero. I need a bit of time.


Hello Olion thanks for the reply great job on 20007_14_Blacksmith_Specialisations.sql Worked a treat, The Creature_template is for sure a bug with the Database i made some videos to show you what i am experiencing links below,

And i know it's not your fault and takes awhile to get all this information passed over to the Dev's, I am simply trying to do my bit for the community of mangos by reporting these bug's to hopefully resolve them in the future, I would like to thank you for all the posts and help,.

I did not quite understand what you mean when saying, SQL script to merge our current creature_template with either one (be it from your favorite repack) with a result suitable for the current Zero. I need a bit of time. Sorry if you made it clear does this mean your working on an update or do i have to switch back to a reapck or use the other DB from my old Repack I tried but i can't run it with this core. Or will you give me an SQL file to run whenever you may get around to doing that if that's the case

What would be my next step of action then? Should i wait until they release an update for the Creature_templates I really don't want to go back to repacks this Core is much more stable and bug free in my opinion + i spent all the time learning to use the programs required so i can update in the future any fixes etc,

I simply cannot find a database to run on my core at the moment every single one is giving me errors and mangos won't load the only one that works is the Rel20 db ofc but it has that nasty bug so i can't really release it to my friends to quest and level up whole point vanilla as the whole creature damage etc is messed up,

I don't know if them vid's will be of any help but it clearly shows the extent of the bug is huge you can Mob tag almost every mob with a healer at level 1 in any stater zone/ZONE and not die and level so very fast with +20 mobs on you, Likewise for the elite quests in game none will work as no one will able to complete them due to the fact the elites can kill a level 60 in full naxx t3 gear in around 5 hit's (level 20 elites killed me in 4 hits at 60 so i tired at 25 dead in 2hits.

Is there anything else you can recommend I do or is it just a waiting game now for the dev's

Thank you so much for the replies and sorry for the Long post just wanting to get all the information i can to you.

Confirmed that the Update 20007_14_Blacksmith_Specialisations.sql removes the x2 SD2 Errors from Mangos start up.



Here is the SQL file for the merge task. Description is inside. It probably requires some editing (auto-replace) of DB names because creation of an accurate script with variable DB names (using prepared statements) was too long to me.

The recipe is here:

  1. make an SQL backup of your Zero creature_template table;
  2. the script supposes the Zero DB is named "mangos", and side (repack) DB is named "world". If not, change the names in the script by find-and-replace editor feature. Be sure that the other creature_template copy (in the "world" DB) is suitable for a Mangos Zero (maybe of an older revision);
  3. select the Zero DB and execite the script (actually, only 3 commands);
  4. do check with "SELECT COUNT" command (after uncommenting);
  5. if check is OK, execute (after uncommenting) the last 2 commands; else you can restore the table from the backup made at the 1st step, and drop "creature_temp" table.

The script is very dumb, simply selecting a set of fields from one creature_template copy and another set from the other copy.



A bit offtop

What would be my next step of action then? Should i wait until they release an update for the Creature_templates I really don't want to go back to repacks this Core is much more stable and bug free in my opinion + i spent all the time learning to use the programs required so i can update in the future any fixes etc,

Thank you for your help. We need the testers nearly as badly as the coders, and try to value them :) I simply was not very happy about new thread creation on the same question, because the existing one contained some helpful information. I personally do not like videos also, but thanks anyway.

If the merge will succeed and you will be satisfied by the results, the devs will discuss the possibility to substitute current Zero creature_template with your copy. So it is a good idea to back up the table after this "merging".


Hello thanks for the script but how do i use that ? do i save it as an SQL and then execute it in the Mangos database with the old Rel19 DB called World ?

Or how do i use It don't have the experience on SQL to merge just like that were are the 3 commands i use ? I don't see any or how to use commands in Navicat should i be using something different to execute the script ?

I know to to dump and extract files etc but i don't know how to use it right now thank you.

I ran it but i got [Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'

[Err] INSERT INTO `creature_temp` SELECT

I have Mangos as my Main DB and World as Rel19 DB to copy over the Creature_template to see if the master branch has this error to

creature_template Rel Master.sql

creature_template Rel20.sql

Repack Creature_Template.sql

creature_template Rel Master.sql

creature_template Rel20.sql

Repack Creature_Template.sql


Then we may try a different approach. If you provide your creature_template which satisfies you by the mob parameters (isn't it a private content?), I can merge the tables and put the result back.

Then we may try a different approach. If you provide your creature_template which satisfies you by the mob parameters (isn't it a private content?), I can merge the tables and put the result back.


First one is a Repack DB creature_Templat

Second one is Master-=Rel 19 master DB

Is the latest Rel 20 DB that i would like to merge Rel 19 Creature_template to see if the master branch is working

If that doesn't work we could try the Reapck SQL

Thank you so much Olion!

creature_template Rel20.sql

creature_template Rel Master.sql

Creature_Template Repack.sql


Sorry for delay. Evening blackout, while my UPS allows no more than to save my job.


Here is a "merged" version. I should say, wouldn't I make an evident error in the script, it will be still out of your skills to solve the problem. The field naming of the tables is faaar different. Also, 260 mob descriptions were missing in the "repack" version.

Try this for Zero "creature_template". The attack and damage should change, but in what way and in what grade - this is a question ;) Anyway, comparison of the formulas used will be the next task, and I hope it can be avoided.



Hm. I should say:

1. You had to try power up the server still after that error, because there was no problem really except a dumb Navicat diagnostic. My SQLyog accepted this file before I posted the file here.

2. However, there is a minor inconsistency in the file exported by SQLyog: an excessive semicolon at the end of the last INSERT line. Here is the corrected file, this time tested for Navicat and accepted smoothly.




I applied every single update i could to the mangos DB, I had 300 defense for sure as i modded the config files in mangos.config so when i got hit my defense would raise to 300 instantly, I set the mangos config to normal in case that was the issue behind getting crushing blows all the time and then leveled the skill manually,

Also what do you mean by the HP on elite creatures with low hp ? There is not a problem with there HP it's the fact that they can kill you within 5 secs with me using a GM command to top my health pool over the amount that even a fully geared tank in tbc would have, I have also tested this in dueling and the amount of damage from anything with full gear is way over the top,

My warrior can crit 2.5k to 3k with execute and Rogues can oneshot a fully geared tank within an open, Anyways i'm not going to complain at all the server is great overall i just need to fix the creatures and it's good to go.

I will get all the files again and re install my whole DB tonight when i get home and execute every single update again and let you know the out come,

Olion thank you for the file it executed perfect in Navicat, But i logged in and it's the same old error with my creatures, So i guess i'll try and re install the whole DB and extract every single update, And post my results on here


Did a totally fresh compile of the core and DB today extracted every single Update from Characters Realmd and World from the Rel 20 Updates folder, I made sure i extracted them all this time 100% zero errors from navicat while extracting,

100% same problem again elites and creatures just don't do the correct amount of damage, THIS IS NOT MY ERROR, This is 100% a core or DB issue i have issued every single update in the folder, I have no warnings or errors from mangos while starting my server, I am not just talking about elites either this is happening with normal creatures while trying to level up,

The error has come from you guys merging the DB or changing something for sure.

I have tested out Cmangos, and there Classic DB and they don't have this problem, Don't get me wrong everything else is spot on, the server looks great and plays fine, But how can you play on a server were the main aspect of the game Questing and grinding mob's is not possible ? Sure you might say it's your fault and you did not update,

We need a Dev to look at this issue it's been almost a week now and not 1 person expect Olion has tired to help,

If you guy's are just going to ignore this issue then what's point in even carrying on with Mangos...

I have reported this issue to Github and Mangos Forums, I mean all you have to do is search the database and open up an older DB and just see how fucked up the actual creature_template is, I suppose mob tagging 30+ mobs with a healer at the starting zone was blizzlike at level 1 ?

Okay to let you know the error with the glancing crits has gone but the elites damage is Way over top, Went to test out SM after a clean install with full gear max def and modded hp to 10k I'm getting Owned still at level 60 by 35 elite's in naxx gear... there killing me in 2-3 hit's if you aggro more then 3 mobs insta death,

And i know this was not like this in vanilla becuase i have been watching videos to see how much damage they should do.



Damage shown from 1 level 30 elite out side the instance of Scarlet on a full geared level 60 warrior,

Seams abit unreal to me tbh that they can input over 1.5k worth of damage on a tank warrior at level 60 haha, I really don't know what to do next as no one is coming forward on this matter.

Thanks all for reading and i hope we can resolve this issue quick!

Some more bug's i found



BWL ZG and MC bosses all hitting for crazy amounts.






First off, I would like to remind you that we are all volunteers here and a majority of the dev team actaully work full time !

- We fit in mangos work when we can.

Secondly, creating logs here (and not using the tracker), then reporting the issue in github when it specifically says to log it in the tracker is extremely unhelpful.

Have you attempted to load the base database from the repo and see whether the issue still exists - only the world db needs to be created as a test.

- From Rel19 - Rel20 there have been about 200 updates made to the database and many more core updates including a massive stat change many months ago.

This has been cleaned up significantly since, but the problems you are reporting are similar to what people were reporting 6 months ago.

Thirdly, just because every dev doesn't reply to you doesn't mean the issue isn't being looked at - olion had been dealing with you, plus also discussing various scenarios with us as to what is wrong.

and Finally, in the grand scheme of things - most of the devs have been involved in fixing a serious crash on the server which affects everyone, this is far more important than incorrect data values in a single users database

- The first rule of checking should be to install the base db from the repo, apply the few updates needed and see if the problem exists.


Go and Test Bwl please and ZG and report back the 1st bosses damage please i want to see if mines correct cheers for the screen shots pal

First off, I would like to remind you that we are all volunteers here and a majority of the dev team actaully work full time !

- We fit in mangos work when we can.

Secondly, creating logs here (and not using the tracker), then reporting the issue in github when it specifically says to log it in the tracker is extremely unhelpful.

Have you attempted to load the base database from the repo and see whether the issue still exists - only the world db needs to be created as a test.

- From Rel19 - Rel20 there have been about 200 updates made to the database and many more core updates including a massive stat change many months ago.

This has been cleaned up significantly since, but the problems you are reporting are similar to what people were reporting 6 months ago.

Thirdly, just because every dev doesn't reply to you doesn't mean the issue isn't being looked at - olion had been dealing with you, plus also discussing various scenarios with us as to what is wrong.

and Finally, in the grand scheme of things - most of the devs have been involved in fixing a serious crash on the server which affects everyone, this is far more important than incorrect data values in a single users database

- The first rule of checking should be to install the base db from the repo, apply the few updates needed and see if the problem exists.

1- I have never said your not doing a good job or neglecting mangos I know people have other thing's to do irl etc,

2- I posted this issue on the bug tracker almost a week ago https://www.getmangos.eu/issue.php?issueid=893 shows you there + github...

3- I have done everything said by you and any other dev or person thats helped me, I have tired Master or Rel 19 and the issues seams to be there for me still, I've done a Clean Master and master DB didn't work, Tired Dev Rel20, same issue, tired a stock DB from the repo did not work, I sent Olion a file over from a Classic tbc repack that i tested and it did not have this bug.

Erm please tell me how this doesn't affect everyone ? You can't do elite quests, You can mob tag all the mob's in any zone with a healer dps due to the inconsistencies in the creature DB, pretty much every instances is flawed with either Low hitting mob's to high hitting mob's same goes for questing, Don't even get me started on raids (this could be my error i have always maintained that it could be a User error or something i miss, But i am starting to think it's not as I've done everything correct.

You ask for issues to be reported and then as an admin accuse me of been impolite/ and not reporting things to the correct place which i did before making any of these posts, What crash have you guys been working on as far as i know my mate was using this for months with no crashes and i can't see anything on Github about a crash fix in last few months ?

Anyways thank you for the info I have already tired that method you said in the post and it's totally the same,

Go and check ZG and BWL Molten core's boss damage please and report back on what you get, I don't even care if it's just the bosses who's damage is off a little i can fix that in quice but please Antz i am trying to help mangos out i'm not just spamming random shi* here.


Here you go: ZG and BWL. Nothing broken

Hey Cabfever could you Dump your World DB and upload it here please dude thanks for that mine was hitting for 10k etc i really don't know whats going on ... I have followed every step told and issued the updates and tired the normal repo db so weird for me,

Is it possible that you could do that please ? or send it in a PM thank you


No, because I added some custom project-only stuff on my DB. But besides that, it's the normal rel20 DB.

Did you modify your mangosd.conf wrong? Like hiting elite NPCs 3-4 times harder with a 3-4x rate?

And those screenshots were you get crushed... doesn't look like a DB issue at all.

Maybe you even messed around with your repack and forgot to remove the traces.

No, because I added some custom project only stuff on my DB. But besides that, it's the normal rel20 DB.

Did you modify your mangosd.conf wrong? Like hiting elite NPCs 3-4 times harder with a 3-4x rate?

And those screenshots were you get crushed... doesn't look like a DB issue at all.

No man I've not changed a thing on my Mangos config just whats needed to be done, I really don't know whats up with it for me anyways i have the stock config folder after i compiled it, It's just so weird as i've done other compiles of cores and updated DB's and never had a problem,

Like i said my server is flawless just this dam error i can't seam to pass...


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