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Simple three db files (sql)



Welcome. I have many problems with database.

I downloaded fresh/clean mangos two source code and database from github.

With source code i havent any problems.

I cant setup database without problems :(

I am not lazy. I tried many times setup that DB and I still have problems (many errors in the mangos console). I would like to please someone to upload 3 DB sql files full patched for that source code mangos two (realmd, character, mangos/world) .My mangos two version is fresh and clean. I dont know what is bad or what I do wrong with that DB/sql files. Thank you for your anwers.

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MaNGOSTwo Database


MaNGOSTwo Database is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0. The file (LICENSE.md) must be a part of any redistributable packages made from this software. No licenses should be removed from this software if you are making redistributable copies.

How to Install

Short instruction:

enter _tools directory

run: make_full_db.bat (if you are doing it under Windows) or run: /bin/sh make_full_db.sh (if you are running it under *nix/Linux)

apply created file to mangos database, eg.: mysql -u root -p mangos < full_db.sql

That's all!


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15 hours ago, mlagrass said:

I am not lazy. I tried many times setup that DB and I still have problems (many errors in the mangos console). I would like to please someone to upload 3 DB sql files full patched for that source code mangos two (realmd, character, mangos/world) .My mangos two version is fresh and clean. I dont know what is bad or what I do wrong with that DB/sql files. Thank you for your anwers.

Hi there,

What kind of errors are you getting in the console? The database is not completely error free and errors will appear. If the server is fully started and you can login, i would think you have set it up correctly.

I even get errors on the servers I run, they are normal. You could attach a server or database log file for us to look if you like.

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Hello there, Just wanted to let you know that I am here to look into this for you. I will be getting back to you shortly :)


Just a few questions that will help me out.

What steps did you take to install the database?

When you set up your world database, did you run make_full_WorldDB.sh and then apply full_db.sql (If this step did not take place I would suggest trying this)

Im assuming you ran the map/mmpas/vmpas extractor that was build when you compiled the server? I have to fall back to my usual line of something "not being my strong point" But I will try to help with that error as well.

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