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Everything posted by Fyre

  1. Alright - so then that means that you have properly updated database if it proceeded. If you can login, but get stuck at "Connected". that likely means that you built the mangosd with OpenSSL 3.0 instead of 1.1. We just had another member with similar issues yesterday. Take a look at: Meltie walks through how to change to OpenSSL 1.1, and then there are some comments below for how to upgrade gcc IF necessary.
  2. Hey! This is saying that you need to update your databases. When you do the initial setup/install of the databases, it does not always include the latest updates that have been created. If you use the InstallDatabases.bat (Windows) or InstallDatabases.sh (Linux), you will see an option "N" that can be used to do database updates. If you would prefer to manual updates, then you can find them in the "Characters" folder, "Updates", "Rel22" and you'll find all of the ones that you need to update. Hope that helps!
  3. Good evening! Was this the guide that you tried to follow: Make sure you read through this sub-post VERY carefully as a missed step can result in failure: If so, try deleting the server files and re-cloning them and take another shot at it from scratch.
  4. MaNGOS and vMangos are two different emulators and have different table structures. It's really not as easy as transferring data from one table to another. You would need to look at the columns for each - determine what are similar and what are different, and then "translating" that information into the other. MaNGOS world database documentation: https://www.getmangos.eu/wiki/referenceinfo/dbinfo/mangosdb/mangoszeroworlddb/ MaNGOS realm database documentation: https://www.getmangos.eu/wiki/referenceinfo/dbinfo/realmdb/ MaNGOS character database documentation: https://www.getmangos.eu/wiki/referenceinfo/dbinfo/characterdb/mangoszerochardb/ vMaNGOS wiki: https://github.com/vmangos/wiki
  5. Good evening! The vmaps/mmaps folders most definitely should have contents. it looks like the script didn't populate the vmaps correctly - and that causes the mmaps not to populate since it's dependent on the former. Have you taken a look at this tutorial: The guide above should walk you through the manual commands for extracting the maps, vmaps, and mmaps. You shouldn't need to restart the whole process, just re-do the maps, vmaps, mmaps portion using the commands in there. I have not tried installing on Ubuntu 23.04 ARM either - so your mileage may vary on this. Other possibly helpful guides:
  6. Hello! If you're using the 1.12 vMaNGOS by Brotalnia, then it may be difficult to migrate to MangosOne. vMaNGOS is based off of CMangos, which is a fork off of MaNGOS. There are a number of database differences that will likely require a manual approach and to my knowledge there are no tools out there to convert from one to the other. My guess is that there would be many tables that would need to be transferred (all of them?) since they all play an important part in the function of a server.
  7. During core start-up, there is a list of errors: "Table creature_movement contain path for creature guid 161301, but this creature guid does not exist. Skipping." And, the same for guid 161302. I'm PROPOSING that these may both belong to "Vengeful Surge", NPC ID: 2776. When I went to the location of 161300 and 161303 (the two GUIDs on either side), they both correspond to pirates in Arathi Highlands. When travelling to the waypoints associated with 161302, they take you into the nearby cave. Waypoint 1 near the mouth of the cave, down to the last waypoint near the game object inside of the cave. Similar pathing is observed in a video of the quest "Goggle Boggle". I suspect that these two Vengeful Surge's were either deleted from the creature's tables - or are summoned via db_script or server side, and were assigned the guid of 161301/161302 at some time in the past but the script for creating them doesn't have them spawned at server startup.
  8. Currently, Quest #24452 - Profitability Scouting is marked as a completed quest immediately. The quest is supposed to require the player to stealth to the Heart of Arkkoroc (Object 200298). Getting near the object should be sufficient to complete the quest. Link to WowHead Comment (Patch 4.0.3)
  9. Excellent! Let me know if there's any issues. If you have Discord, feel free to jump into our channel and I'll be able to assist faster. 🙂
  10. This is what I did: Opened Git Bash: git clone https://github.com/mangosthree/database m3db (this creates a folder/directory called m3db). Opened up the directory and ran "InstallDatabases.bat" Left all of the default settings and clicked "N". These were the settings that I used: Then it goes through the process of creating the three databases and populating them with the default values. Then it applied all of the updates for Character : Rel21_05_001 through Rel22_03_002. World DB Rel22_03_003 through Rel 22_04_005. For GameEvents - it may be an issue with the date stamp and null codes? This was something that was applied to other MaNGOS cores:: https://github.com/mangos/Realm_DB/pull/5 Not sure if you're using MariaDB instead of MySQL - but I think that helps too.
  11. Tonight I can take a look at that SQL file specifically. Perhaps there's an error in it.
  12. Hello, You can apply updates manually through your database viewer. The instructions will depend on which one you use specifically. For example, I use DBeaver, and I can right click the database and "Execute Script." You can also update using command line. When I use Linux, I use a command like: mysql -u mangos -pmangos -d world3 < update_name.sql Hopefully that helps guide you on the right path.
  13. Thanks to @Avelde on the Discord for this solution. Thought I'd share it here: That's the process for upgrading to gcc-12.
  14. Expected behaviour: The NPCs observed around the Fel Crystals are supposed to be channeling it. Current behaviour: NPCs are just standing there. There are a few of these setups around the area.
  15. NPC Name: Sunblade Scout NPC Entry: 25372 Expected behaviour: Sunblade Scouts are supposed to run to the nearest Sunblade Protector (ID: 25507) when engaged in combat. Once they arrive, they begin a cast to re-energize it and activate it. Spell Casted: Activate Sunblade Protector Spell ID: 46475 WoWHead Link: https://tbc.wowhead.com/spell=46475/activate-sunblade-protector Spell Effect: Sunblade Protector Activated Spell ID: 46476 WoWHead Link: https://tbc.wowhead.com/spell=46476/sunblade-protector-activated Current behaviour: they attack you. Video of the Sunblade Scout's running to the Protector to summon it: (Start at 1:22)
  16. Sunblade Slayers behave quite odd. When engaged, they run long distances. NPC Name: Sunblade Slayer Entry ID: 25368 Video:
  17. Updated: April 04, 2022. Confirmed. Reaching level 85 results in receiving all achievements for level 85 classes and all Realm Firsts.
  18. Update: April 04, 2022 Confirmed. This bug still exists.
  19. Quest Name: Rescue the Fallen Quest ID: 13613 The Medicated Salve (Item ID: 45001) does not apply quest credit once complete.
  20. Quest Name: Got Wood? Quest ID: 13628 Quest is not completable. At this time, Kadrak does not provide you with Kadrak's Reins (Item ID: 45051). Tested providing player with the Reins, however, it does not allow you to mount Brutusk like a vehicle. Screenshots taken from M3. Quest description tells you to talk to Kadrak to get Kadrak's Reins. Kadrak has placeholder text. Kadrak should have similar text as this. Screenshot taken from this video.
  21. Update: April 03, 2022. This behaviour was not observed. Rage was steadily falling out of combat. This bug report can be closed.
  22. Update: April 03, 2022 This appears to still be a problem. I was able to confirm, by using runes, and then waited for them to replenish. Although they appeared to replenish, I continued to get a "Not enough runes" message. Logging out replenished them.
  23. Update: April 03, 2022 Unable to determine exact issues based on description. Not sure whether this is a specific vehicle or all vehicles?
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