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[Patch] Auction House Bot (Xeross' Branch)

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Shouldn't we go to under review process ?

It should be now in the "hands" of Vladimir .

I keep saying I still need to merge cyber's branch with mine, and there's still a lot of cleaning up and optimizing to do. One thing I especially want to do is make it more self documenting.

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Hello Guys.

My repo update :

Branch ahbot :

Merged with 10407.

Branch new_ahbot:

- Merged with 10407.

- Restored Build with GCC (tested on debian 5).

Reminder :

"ahbot branch" is slightly modified xeross branch to avoid use of player account.

"new_ahbot branch" have lot of change and optimisations but still in beta mode. (code will be improved soon :) and i will give more explanations).

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Hello Guys.

My repo update :

Branch ahbot :

Merged with 10407.

Branch new_ahbot:

- Merged with 10407.

- Restored Build with GCC (tested on debian 5).

Reminder :

"ahbot branch" is slightly modified xeross branch to avoid use of player account.

"new_ahbot branch" have lot of change and optimisations but still in beta mode. (code will be improved soon :) and i will give more explanations).

so the new ahbot will be the reference (after the beta mod)

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Have been using new_ahbot for a few days now, so far so good, have had no crash's due to it, AH seems to be populating nicely..

Is there any way you could include Glyphs? Auctionhousebot.sellGlyphs = 1 in stacks of 1 rather than random, lol

Alllsooo.... lol.... Enchanting materials.. I dont ask for much i know :D

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Have been using new_ahbot for a few days now, so far so good, have had no crash's due to it, AH seems to be populating nicely..

Is there any way you could include Glyphs? Auctionhousebot.sellGlyphs = 1 in stacks of 1 rather than random, lol

Alllsooo.... lol.... Enchanting materials.. I dont ask for much i know :D

Thanks for feedback. I will invoke your help soon on testing new revision :)

For the next version you will have some new itemclass tuning feature, i reintroduced tradegood items but not only this class, all "usable" class are now configurable. (done)

All settings will be done on mangos.conf instead DB. (in work)

Iam trying to make easy the setting of AHBot but there is too much options...

The code will probably be pushed on the middle of next week.

Because of big changes to the code I think I need to open a new thread, so be aware :)

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A new AHbot thread would be good as this one is getting a little old and will confuse many noobs.

As long as this section isn't deleted, all will be fine.

Also, if a new thread is made, it would be good to have a tutorial on HOW to implement everything as many come here asking questions which should have been in the thread originally.

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This is the new thread. xeross started this one a few months ago, when he took it upon himself to continue development and support for AHBot after Naicisum retired.

So long as xeross and cyberium can work together or at least share space without confusion, the present topic works well enough.

As for all the questions, setting up AHBot is covered in the README.AHBOT file. The only other frequent questions I see are from too many noobs not bothering to learn the basics about patches, code merging, and using Git.

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Hey guys,

I am trying to get this working but repo seems very outdated. Does anyone have a link to a working patch or Xeross can you update your repo so I can create my own patch... right now there is far too many differences between current mangos and Xeross branch that the patch completely blows up and fails to apply.

Any help is appreciated.


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This is the new thread. xeross started this one a few months ago, when he took it upon himself to continue development and support for AHBot after Naicisum retired.

So long as xeross and cyberium can work together or at least share space without confusion, the present topic works well enough.

As for all the questions, setting up AHBot is covered in the README.AHBOT file. The only other frequent questions I see are from too many noobs not bothering to learn the basics about patches, code merging, and using Git.

You are right, this is new thread about little modified AHBOT from Narcissium.

But when you will see my code (part of it can be seen on new_ahbot branch) you will find so many difference. Actually just buyer is untouched (will be when i finish seller)

Olso there is 3 version for now about this code. Xeross one, my ahbot version and new code. So new people don't know what to do in many case.

New thread will be at the start oriented for the new code. Objective will be to integrate it in the core. Xeross and all develloper are welcome to improve it or give their opinions.

History :

Xeross open this thread with his branch of ahbot.

He work on it to implement some new function.

He maintain it.

He is away.

Other posted patch to maintain it.

I start by post patch too.

I open my branch.

I improve ahbot with no player account feature.

I start new branch with new core function more optimized and some modifications.

Xeross is back and whant to update is repo. But his repo is very outdated and in place to take actual ahbot branch he prefer to wrote his own code.

So actualy there is too many difference between our ahbot branch to make easy merge.

So i let him implement the "no player account feature" but he can count on my support.

I will just update my ahbot branch until he have done his repo.

Hope i am not wrong :)

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Cyberium, Yes I would like to see this feature implemented in the core and I don't care which gets there just like most users but what I do care about is it was done to the best of everybodies ability and everyone is happy with it. It is a great feature for those who have low population servers like myself that would never have a working Auction House otherwise. as for branches I can see missunderstanding but I can see it worse trying to figure out which branch to work with when there is mutiple threads to read, I know I would be confused as all hell. Maybe since xeross is willing to work with you, you both could work something out to make it less confusing.

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Oh guys, your right... this is getting stupidly confusing and I am not even a rookie.

Can someone please post information for the best (and up to date) AHBOT that I can implement? I have been without AHBOT since Narcissium left. I remember when Mangos implemented NO Player requirement and I like this idea.

I quite honestly do not have the time to sift through 17 pages of talk to find the information for one of these different branches since I prefer to spend my time working on my own development of ACID.

I would appreciate someone outlining repo addy and related info so I can make my own patch (Since I am not a C++ or GIT Guru).

Thanks guys!

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X-Savior Both branches are good and the only problems I see since I use both and have been using both are: Conflict with playerbot but this is easly fixed just remove the merge item and leave code in place no changes because the ahbot's-

sLog.outString("Initialize AuctionHouseBot...");


and playerbot's are at the same location and this has never been fixed. other than that both repos are great and now you come to preference, NPC or Character you choose.
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Long time reader, first time poster (and I hope I'm doing this right). Comment and a question.

I finally upgraded my core yesterday (with playerbot and xeross' ahbot patches, followed the merge and what have you -- I update rather infrequently) and I couldn't figure out why ahbot refused to add items to the auction houses. After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I finally realized that thew new config library didn't agree with my configuration. I had this line in mangos.conf:

AuctionHouseBot.Seller.Enabled = 1      # was 0

I guess putting a comment on the same line no longer works. So if anyone else is having the same problem, this might be worth a shot.

And now the question: I have 'minitems' set to 0, and 'maxitems' set to 3000 for all three houses. My 'auction' table is sitting at a steady 3000 items, and it looks like everything's going into 'houseid' 1. Any ideas where I might have messed up here? Thanks!

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did you setup the auctionhousebot_table? you have to edit this as well, I suggested this to Nacium a long time ago for a basic setting so everyone could have it up and running with little fuss but it was never implemented. give me some time and I'll make an sql for for this purpose and hopefully it will get adopted in the main repos...

Ok Here is the new Base sql:

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `auctionhousebot`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `auctionhousebot`;
CREATE TABLE `auctionhousebot` (
 `auctionhouse` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'mapID of the auctionhouse.',
 `name` char(25) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Text name of the auctionhouse.',
 `minitems` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'This is the minimum number of items you want to keep in the auction house. a 0 here will make it the same as the maximum.',
 `maxitems` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'This is the number of items you want to keep in the auction house.',
 `mintime` int(11) DEFAULT '8' COMMENT 'Sets the minimum number of hours for an auction.',
 `maxtime` int(11) DEFAULT '24' COMMENT 'Sets the maximum number of hours for an auction.',
 `percentgreytradegoods` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Grey Trade Goods auction items',
 `percentwhitetradegoods` int(11) DEFAULT '27' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the White Trade Goods auction items',
 `percentgreentradegoods` int(11) DEFAULT '12' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Green Trade Goods auction items',
 `percentbluetradegoods` int(11) DEFAULT '10' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Blue Trade Goods auction items',
 `percentpurpletradegoods` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Purple Trade Goods auction items',
 `percentorangetradegoods` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Orange Trade Goods auction items',
 `percentyellowtradegoods` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Yellow Trade Goods auction items',
 `percentgreyitems` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Grey auction items',
 `percentwhiteitems` int(11) DEFAULT '10' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade White auction items',
 `percentgreenitems` int(11) DEFAULT '30' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Green auction items',
 `percentblueitems` int(11) DEFAULT '8' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Blue auction items',
 `percentpurpleitems` int(11) DEFAULT '2' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Purple auction items',
 `percentorangeitems` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Orange auction items',
 `percentyellowitems` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Yellow auction items',
 `minpricegrey` int(11) DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Grey items (percentage).',
 `maxpricegrey` int(11) DEFAULT '150' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Grey items (percentage).',
 `minpricewhite` int(11) DEFAULT '150' COMMENT 'Minimum price of White items (percentage).',
 `maxpricewhite` int(11) DEFAULT '250' COMMENT 'Maximum price of White items (percentage).',
 `minpricegreen` int(11) DEFAULT '800' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Green items (percentage).',
 `maxpricegreen` int(11) DEFAULT '1400' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Green items (percentage).',
 `minpriceblue` int(11) DEFAULT '1250' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Blue items (percentage).',
 `maxpriceblue` int(11) DEFAULT '1750' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Blue items (percentage).',
 `minpricepurple` int(11) DEFAULT '2250' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Purple items (percentage).',
 `maxpricepurple` int(11) DEFAULT '4550' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Purple items (percentage).',
 `minpriceorange` int(11) DEFAULT '3250' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Orange items (percentage).',
 `maxpriceorange` int(11) DEFAULT '5550' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Orange items (percentage).',
 `minpriceyellow` int(11) DEFAULT '5250' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Yellow items (percentage).',
 `maxpriceyellow` int(11) DEFAULT '6550' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Yellow items (percentage).',
 `minbidpricegrey` int(11) DEFAULT '70' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Grey items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 70',
 `maxbidpricegrey` int(11) DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Grey items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100',
 `minbidpricewhite` int(11) DEFAULT '70' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of White items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 70',
 `maxbidpricewhite` int(11) DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of White items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100',
 `minbidpricegreen` int(11) DEFAULT '80' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Green items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 80',
 `maxbidpricegreen` int(11) DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Green items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100',
 `minbidpriceblue` int(11) DEFAULT '75' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Blue items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 75',
 `maxbidpriceblue` int(11) DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Blue items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100',
 `minbidpricepurple` int(11) DEFAULT '80' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Purple items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 80',
 `maxbidpricepurple` int(11) DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Purple items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100',
 `minbidpriceorange` int(11) DEFAULT '80' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Orange items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 80',
 `maxbidpriceorange` int(11) DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Orange items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100',
 `minbidpriceyellow` int(11) DEFAULT '80' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Yellow items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 80',
 `maxbidpriceyellow` int(11) DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Yellow items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100',
 `maxstackgrey` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.',
 `maxstackwhite` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.',
 `maxstackgreen` int(11) DEFAULT '3' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.',
 `maxstackblue` int(11) DEFAULT '2' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.',
 `maxstackpurple` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.',
 `maxstackorange` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.',
 `maxstackyellow` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.',
 `buyerpricegrey` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying grey items from auctionhouse',
 `buyerpricewhite` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying white items from auctionhouse',
 `buyerpricegreen` int(11) DEFAULT '5' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying green items from auctionhouse',
 `buyerpriceblue` int(11) DEFAULT '12' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying blue items from auctionhouse',
 `buyerpricepurple` int(11) DEFAULT '15' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying purple items from auctionhouse',
 `buyerpriceorange` int(11) DEFAULT '20' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying orange items from auctionhouse',
 `buyerpriceyellow` int(11) DEFAULT '22' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying yellow items from auctionhouse',
 `buyerbiddinginterval` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Interval how frequently AHB bids on each AH. Time in minutes',
 `buyerbidsperinterval` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'number of bids to put in per bidding interval',
 PRIMARY KEY (`auctionhouse`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of auctionhousebot
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `auctionhousebot` VALUES
('2', 'Alliance', '100', '3000', '8', '24', '0', '27', '12', '10', '1', '0', '0', '0', '10', '30', '8', '2', '0', '0', '100', '150', '150', '250', '800', '1400', '1250', '1750', '2250', '4550', '3250', '5550', '5250', '6550', '70', '100', '70', '100', '80', '100', '75', '100', '80', '100', '80', '100', '80', '100', '0', '0', '3', '2', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '5', '12', '15', '20', '22', '1', '1');
INSERT INTO `auctionhousebot` VALUES
('6', 'Horde', '100', '3000', '8', '24', '0', '27', '12', '10', '1', '0', '0', '0', '10', '30', '8', '2', '0', '0', '100', '150', '150', '250', '800', '1400', '1250', '1750', '2250', '4550', '3250', '5550', '5250', '6550', '70', '100', '70', '100', '80', '100', '75', '100', '80', '100', '80', '100', '80', '100', '0', '0', '3', '2', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '5', '12', '15', '20', '22', '1', '1');
INSERT INTO `auctionhousebot` VALUES
('7', 'Neutral', '100', '3000', '8', '24', '0', '27', '12', '10', '1', '0', '0', '0', '10', '30', '8', '2', '0', '0', '100', '150', '150', '250', '800', '1400', '1250', '1750', '2250', '4550', '3250', '5550', '5250', '6550', '70', '100', '70', '100', '80', '100', '75', '100', '80', '100', '80', '100', '80', '100', '0', '0', '3', '2', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '5', '12', '15', '20', '22', '1', '1');

Hope this helps everyone.

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