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[bug] Spell Reflection

Auntie Mangos

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  • 40 years later...

The link of the spell :http://www.wowhead.com/spell=23920

Spell ID: 23920

How should it work: Reflects the next spell cast on you.

What's wrong now: It isn't reflecting some spells correctly. (delayed spells and chanelled spells)

Description of the problem:

I have a MaNGOS Revision: 10448. [clean version ( no custom patch), with recent SD2(ScriptDev2 for MaNGOS 10390+) and ytdb(563 for MaNGOS 10434)]

By me: Spell reflect is working on non-delayed spells, (conflagrate, vampiric touch, polymorph, etc.) but with delayed spells like lava burst, frostbolt, chaos bolt, etc. is only reflecting the spell effect, no dmg. (these spells if reflected have no dmg). Arcane Blast currently hits also through spell reflect. :(

It also has problem with chanelling spells ( it is only reflecting 1 charge of arcane missile or etc.). It should reflect all the missiles since patch 3.3.3. Tested on retail.(wowhead comments are also confirming)

"-Think I readsomewhere that channeled spells only reflect the first tic, but from my 3.3.3 experience with it, it reflects the whole thing. I killed around 4 mages with reflecting their whole arcane missiles in one reflect, really useful (worked with arcane missiles and penance). " By Zaddox on 04/04/2010 (Patch 3.3.3, WoWhead)

Hoping that my description was useful and hoping that it is usable to understand the problem. (sorry for my English)

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How should it work: Reflects the next spell cast on you.

I've been told this spell also does NOT fade away like it should when someone hit you with a Vampiric Touch or other similar spells. So this gives the warrior 5 sec to reflect all these kind of spells. Can some else confirm this as well?

When reflected spells does no damage to caster Spellreflect does NOT fade away, this could be understandable since no damage is recoiled back at caster, it's like nothing hitted the warrior.

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I've been told this spell also does NOT fade away like it should when someone hit you with a Vampiric Touch or other similar spells. So this gives the warrior 5 sec to reflect all these kind of spells. Can some else confirm this as well?

When reflected spells does no damage to caster Spellreflect does NOT fade away, this could be understandable since no damage is recoiled back at caster, it's like nothing hitted the warrior.

"Raise your shield, reflecting the next spell cast on you. Lasts 5 sec."

It gives you a buff which last 5 second, reflecting the NEXT spell. Just one spell.

In BC was this spell reflecting all spells for 5 secs, in WoTLK changed.

The bug of this spell is that currently reflecting delayed spells don't work properly. In case of these spells, after spell reflect they didn't do dmg.

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"Raise your shield, reflecting the next spell cast on you. Lasts 5 sec."

It gives you a buff which last 5 second, reflecting the NEXT spell. Just one spell.

In BC was this spell reflecting all spells for 5 secs, in WoTLK changed.

The bug of this spell is that currently reflecting delayed spells don't work properly. In case of these spells, after spell reflect they didn't do dmg.

That's the point, Spell Reflect acts like it's still in BC and does not fade when the next spell (yes just one) got reflected. So a warrior can reflect all spells for 5 seconds long.

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In my case the timer is working correct, after the first hit dissipates the aura from me, and I'm not able to reflect more than 1 spell. The problem is just that reflecting some spells don't works properly.

Edit: I asked around some people who are on retail and spell reflect doesn't reflects spells that are already casted.

+ I found this on retail forums:

"Spell reflect works by changing the target of the spell and must be cast before the spell cast completes. Once the spell is cast its target is set and can not be altered. Grounding totem works the same way."

"It works like grounding totem does. No midairs."

"...I don't think its a necessity, but if you can reflect a spell in flight (currently you can't), that would be great to see the deathcoil burn into a warlock's face. "

And more posts there also confirms this just with another words :)

This part works currently also so on MaNGOS, mid-air (already casted) spells can't be reflected and that's ok.

And finally answering to laise's question: after tested on retail, Ice Block, Divine Shield, and Vanish work so that already casted spells which are mid-air didn't dmg them if activated. (IB and Divine Shield simply are immune in that case.)

Please (who already has experiences with it) confirm this :)

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I have tested not so long time ago also this thing on MaNGOS 10400+. If you bubble or Ice Block or even Vanish and a spell is mid-air, on the way to you it will hit you.(it will dmg you, you are not immune).

Somebody else can confirm this?

Yes I can confirm this. I definitively get damage from warlock's chaos bolt when I cast iceblock while the bolt is on its way to me. I also saw a paladin with bubble up taking damage (unfortunately I cant remember what exacly it was).

Another point to the spell reflect topic: If a warrior reflects my polymorph, I am sheep for full 45 seconds :S

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  • 2 months later...

I think the whole spell reflect mechanism in core needs to be rewritten (re-implemented) because it has more problems/bugs than working parts.

It has problems with delayed spells, with chanelled spells(missiles), with mind control(if warrior casts spell reflect and get hit by mind control, the mind control is reflected in retail, but it has no effect on the priest, in mangos mind control can't be reflected) , chaos bolt and arcane blast, the reflected spells diminishing return is also false. (Laforge reported). It reflects warrior charge stuns (charge, intercept) but it shouldn't... it doesn't reflect thunderstorm but it should... These are the main problems with it but i will do more research in time.

It's is hard to find a general way, i don't even think it is possible to do it in general way without to much hax... and it will cost pretty much time if someone would do it.

Any reply, observation or maybe ideas how to solve these bugs are welcome.:)

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  • 2 months later...

mangos Version: 11007

here it is http://www.wowhead.com/item=18639 http://www.wowhead.com/item=18634 http://www.wowhead.com/item=18638

spell reflection trinkets. frost, fire, shadow. same problem. reflectin spells back to caster. but with No Dmg.

but reflecting Fear, movment slow, mages foot freezing, and warlok - Prist Curse is reflected corectly to caster.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the reason that delayed spells reflect with no damage is that their damage is calculated in void Spell::HandleDelayedSpellLaunch, and it does not calculate reflects

it should be done like this

   if (missInfo == SPELL_MISS_REFLECT)
       unitTarget = caster;

   // Fill base damage struct (unitTarget - is real spell target)
   SpellNonMeleeDamage damageInfo(caster, unitTarget, m_spellInfo->Id, m_spellSchoolMask);

   if (missInfo == SPELL_MISS_NONE || missInfo == SPELL_MISS_REFLECT && target->reflectResult == SPELL_MISS_NONE)
       for (int32 effectNumber = 0; effectNumber < MAX_EFFECT_INDEX; ++effectNumber)

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currently reflect and immunity checked on spell launch (finish casting), possibly need to move both to actual spell hit. Need someone to confirm if you cast bubble as paladin while some fireball is flying on you - will be immune to it?

this may be a rather old post but:

if a victim is immune and say you cast a fireball at it:

victim loses immunity b4 the fireball hits

fireball wil ldo damage

currently it doesnt and its tagged as "immune"

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  • 3 months later...
When you reflects [Polimorph], [Hex], [Fear] or [Repentance], reflects them with PvE duration.

confirm full 30 45 sec reflected. lol its really horrble when you running in [FEAR] 45 sec. :)

but i found one reflecton spell that is working corectly

http://www.wowhead.com/spell=41475 yes it is reflecting all damage. but without visual effects.

if someone could copy and modify this spell....

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  • 2 weeks later...

partly fixed in [11697].

......... if (missInfo == SPELL_MISS_REFLECT) unitTarget = caster; // Fill base damage struct (unitTarget - is real spell target) SpellNonMeleeDamage damageInfo(caster, unitTarget, m_spellInfo->Id, m_spellSchoolMask); if (missInfo == SPELL_MISS_NONE || missInfo == SPELL_MISS_REFLECT && target->reflectResult == SPELL_MISS_NONE) { for (int32 effectNumber = 0; effectNumber < MAX_EFFECT_INDEX; ++effectNumber) { ..........

not sure if changing target here is correct - might calculate all damage bonuses(done&taken) as if caster is actual target and I'm not sure if it works that way on retail. added second part in [11699], thanks.

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