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Everything posted by madmax

  1. This has been fixed with pull request #222 - [URL]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/pull/222[/URL]
  2. This has been fixed with pull request #222 - [URL]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/pull/222[/URL]
  3. This has been fixed with pull request #222 - [URL]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/pull/222[/URL]
  4. This has been fixed with pull request #222 - [URL]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/pull/222[/URL]
  5. This has been fixed with pull request #222 - [URL]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/pull/222[/URL]
  6. This has been fixed with pull request #222 - [URL]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/pull/222[/URL]
  7. This has been fixed with pull request #222 - [URL]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/pull/222[/URL]
  8. This has been fixed with pull request #222 - [URL]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/pull/222[/URL]
  9. This has been fixed with pull request #222 - [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/pull/222[/url]
  10. Duplicate of issue [url]https://www.getmangos.eu/issue.php?issueid=172[/url]
  11. Just curious titan, but have you tried the latest Rel20 branch of Zero? A number of crashes were fixed in that.
  12. Fargodeep Mine & imp Fargodeep mine seems to be full with randomly placed npc. So if I pull one it then pulls 3 more... Also Warlock imps Stances seem dodgy, When mid fight, clicking passive does nothing and they will continue to attack. [URL]http://www.covenant-wow.com/forums/index.php?topic=179[/URL]
  13. Rathis Tomber If I recall correctly, Rathis Tomber did not offer any goods for sale until after you completed "Tomber's Supplies". It doesn't break anything, but if we want it to be truly blizz-like then the current situation where he has goods for sale immediately is a bug. [url]http://www.covenant-wow.com/forums/index.php?topic=184.0[/url]
  14. Cylina Darkheart Imp Id Issue Steps to Reproduce: Head to Lion's Pride Inn at Gold Shire as an alliance. Head to the basement. Comments: For some reason (perhaps a mismatch on an id or something similar) is causing Cylina's Imp Minion to show in Red, but not be targeted by attacks from Alliance members. The Imp shows the faction as being Stormwind. No relevant data could be retrieved from a clean MaNGOS One Database. [url]http://www.covenant-wow.com/forums/index.php?topic=193.0[/url]
  15. Starting Melee Attack in Aggro Range Aggros Neutral Monsters Steps to Reproduce: Use a class with a melee weapon, right click a neutral unit and walk into it's range. The attack registers and the unit moves towards you as though it is aggro'd. Comments: It is my belief that this is unintentional. The entire purpose for yellow units is that they must be neutral. While registering an attack on the players end should cause them to start an attack when in range, it should not invoke the neutral monster. I played WoW extensively and don't remember this being a feature, however if I am incorrect please let me know. If this is confirmed as a bug, I will be looking through the code to find a fix for it. [url]http://www.covenant-wow.com/forums/index.php?topic=192.0[/url]
  16. paladin seal bug Hey, just noticed my seal of righteousness isn't doing any holy damage when activated. Taken from - [url]http://www.covenant-wow.com/forums/index.php?topic=190.0[/url]
  17. (Blood elf paladin quest) This quest cannot be completed. You are supposed to light a brazier, which then spawns an NPC, Sangrias Stillblade (Lv.12 Humanoid) whom you have to fight. The brazier is there and you can light it, but the NPC does not appear and you do not get credit for the quest. Taken from - [url]http://www.covenant-wow.com/forums/index.php?topic=187.0[/url]
  18. wings do not appear Upon accepting the "Totem of Tikti" quest, you are supposed to get wings that allow you to glide off the cliff in the direction of the next totem. These wings are not appearing and you don't get the flying buff. You can still jump off the cliff into the pond below and survive but you have to walk to the next totem. The quest completes when you get to the next totem, so it does not break the sequence. [HR][/HR] adding these to this topic since they are all in the same sequence. Totem of Yor, you are supposed to follow the furbolg to the totem to the south. He is supposed to turn into a snake at one point. You get the required underwater breathing buff, but the furbolg stays where he is and you have to find the next totem yourself Totem of Vark, essentially the same thing. You get transformed into a cat, but you have no-one to follow. The quest completes fine if you know where to go. [HR][/HR] same sequence - Prophecy of Akida. The captive furbolg are not scripted and do not run away or say anything when freed. Taken from - [url]http://www.covenant-wow.com/forums/index.php?topic=183.0[/url]
  19. Tree's Company does not complete Tree's Company is not completing. The flag is there. Geezle shows up, but Engineer Overspark does not. Geezle eventually goes away, but you don't get credit for having discovered the traitor. Taken from - [url]http://www.covenant-wow.com/forums/index.php?topic=182.0[/url]
  20. few missing scripts draenai area These are not show stoppers, but little NPC scripts that make the game more believable. 1. The sequence where the volatile mutant is changed into a bunny doesn't happen. 2. The repaired emitter should have a crackly sequence where they make contact. The repair is made and you get sent off, but there is no contact sequence. 3. The night elf on the south coast when presented with the runed tablet should go to the archaeologist to ask for a translation before giving the next quest and instead just gives the quest to kill the naga warlord. I don't know if these are any kind of priority. None of the quests involved are broken. Taken from - [url]http://www.covenant-wow.com/forums/index.php?topic=181.0[/url]
  21. [Spirits of Stonemaul Hold] (Dustwallow marsh) [Spirits of Stonemaul Hold] (Dustwallow marsh). No awakened ogre-spirits to fight any longer. Although it worked for Opti leveling, it doesn't any more. Taken from - [url]http://www.covenant-wow.com/forums/index.php?topic=172.0[/url]
  22. [Arelion's Mistress] Falcon watch [Arelion's Mistress] Falcon watch, is bugged, can't use the scroll of retribution, as she won't move to a 'discrete location'. Taken from - [url]http://www.covenant-wow.com/forums/index.php?topic=172.0[/url]
  23. no longer grant marks Ashyen and Keleth, the 'ancients' no longer grant marks (Att-power and spell-power) in Cenarion refuge, Zangarmarsh. Though they granted those before the latest updates. Taken from - [url]http://www.covenant-wow.com/forums/index.php?topic=172.0[/url]
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