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Everything posted by altronrain

  1. server: rel21_16_016 db_structure: rel21_16_44 There is a visible object (I suppose since test-period) that is connected with a quest "King of the Foulweald". It indicates a place where a player should place the banner to start the event. (see Pic.1) According to @Necrovoice comits (see Talon_Den object) I suppose the item displayId could be change to invisible trap (and this should not ruin the quest flow): MariaDB [zero_world]> update gameobject_template set displayId=1287 where entry=300131; After this quest still working as intended + there are no annoying object (Pic.2) P.S.: there are another objects with apple model, but idk if they are need fixing or not entry=19550 "Starbreeze Village Moonwell" entry=300138 "TEMP Equinex Monolith" entry=300139 "TEMP Shards of Myzrael"
  2. altronrain


    @antz there is no Item.dbc It should point to the creature_item_template table
  3. altronrain


    @antz , it should be GameobjectDisplayInfo.dbc and not for the item but for the object
  4. server: rel21_16_016 db_structure: rel21_16_44 The minor changes needed for quests "Glowing scorpid blood" and "More Glowing Scorpid Blood". Displayed level should be 60 as all the other turn-ins quests. Now it's 0. suggested fix: MariaDB [zero_world]> update quest_template set QuestLevel=60 where entry=8222; MariaDB [zero_world]> update quest_template set QuestLevel=60 where entry=8223;
  5. It seems that More Dense Grinding Stones (quest=7939) works (You need 2500+ rep to unlock it, same for othe Tier 5 quests that is stated like "More...". suggested fix: MariaDB [zero_world]> update quest_template set RequiredRaces=0 where entry=7891; MariaDB [zero_world]> update quest_template set RequiredRaces=0 where entry=7892; MariaDB [zero_world]> update quest_template set RequiredRaces=0 where entry=7893; Screen after fix > (Green bracers out of rep condition but also should work)
  6. server: rel21_16_016 db_structure: rel21_16_44 I discovered that there are problems with darkmoon faire blacksmith turn-ins. I'm aware of quest avaliability according to characters reputation, it is not a problem. While other NPC (leatherworking, loot, engineering) offers Tier 5 quests, blacksmith NPC (Kerri Hicks npc=14832) does not. + I think that she has not only tier 5 quest broken, but also Tier3 and Tier 4. It's a pain cause Dense Grinding Stones is the fastest way to get the tickets Summary: quests: Rituals of Strength (quest=7893) not working More Dense Grinding Stones (quest=7939) 100% not working Green Iron Bracers (quest=7891) not working Big Black Mace (quest=7892) not working I suppose it could be connected with RequiredRaces value: RequiredRaces: 77
  7. Changed Status to Confirmed
  8. Changed Status to Confirmed Changed Sub-Category to Code Enhancement
  9. Changed Status to Completed Changed Version to 21.14 (Master Branch) Changed Sub-Category to Spell
  10. server: rel21_16_016 db_structure: rel21_16_44 Creature 4054 has a spanner equipped when it should not (or maybe there are Dryad Engineers Squad based in Ashenvale Forest 😁) If I am right (tested on my test-server), this do the trickand fixes model equipment: MariaDB [zero_world]> update creature_equip_template set equipentry1=0 where entry=752;
  11. server: rel21_16_016 db_structure: rel21_16_44 Quest can't be completed. The reason is Oozes not merge. After using Encased Corrupt Ooze (item=12288) the Captured Felwood Ooze (npc=10290) correctly spawns. But not merging with Primal Ooze (npc=6557) to create Gargantuan Ooze (npc=9621) that drops required quest item. As a steps to reproduce reference (from comments):
  12. server: rel21_16_016 db_structure: rel21_16_44 There is a bunch of items, that should serve as alternative mining picks. For now they don't do that. Item list: - Brann's Trusty Pick (20723); - Kobold Excavation Pick (778); - Gouging Pick (1819); - Tunnel Pick (756); - Miner's Revenge (1893); - Cold Iron Pick (1959); - Digmaster 5000 (9465); Also WoTLK items also should be tested: - Hammer Pick - Bladed Pickaxe - Gnomish Army Knife There is a small vid as a proof: mining picks.mp4
  13. I could confirm that this is fixed. Now hunter needs to revive pet properly after its death. On the other hand idk how it should be -- "properly". But at least players can't call it immediately after death. They should cast revive instead. they pet returns to life nearby master with some % of maxhp. I don't know should the player target the corpse to perform the revive? (For now I could say that it is now nesessary. You could just cast this spell without targeting a corpse).
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