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[Patch] Auction House Bot (Xeross' Branch)

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I don't see why that is a problem, but maybe a solution for the name would be make some changes in the part of the code that send the name of the seller to the client so if the seller guid = 0 then send player name = AHbot.

of course I'am just thinking here, I haven't even look at the source code, I don't know a thing about C :(

Also: I have to see what happens when the guid is 0 and the item expires and it is returned or buy-outed. what happens to the email it generates?

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We send only GUID to client, so i don't know how i can assign a name to an unassigned GUID... Someone have idea?

when you send unknown for client player guid, client ask name info proccessed at server side in WorldSession::HandleNameQueryOpcode

so you can overwrited it. I not like by self using fake players, but agree that use fake guid at least better that use fake player object.

Vladimir has requested a NPC ...
I am not 100% sure that this possible and ofc will required modify handlers for this case.

But if possible this will better. Still not find time make tests with some creature use in this way...

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Vladimir: I think using fake player is going to be easier and cleaner than using a NPC, to fake a player we just need to send fake data to the client, but to use a NPC I think we will need the rewrite of too many code; logically NPC and players are handled differently right?

Pall3: I just compiled 10337 + Scriptdev2 + AHbot so no problem about it.

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I am about to finish the code of auctionner with fake GUID.

Here is what i found.

GUID=0 cannot be used because client not send query to know player name.

All player class can be removed from ahbot class.

I used MaxUInt32 for default Fake GUID.

You will be able to use name of any npc in database. The default is "AHBot" but if you prefer "Commissaire priseur Latarge" it's up to you.

No mail is created when auction is over.

Iam trying to make the minimal hack on mangos core to avoid any bad side effect...

Let me just finish the code and make a minimal test.

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Here is my version of the AHBot patch for 10337

Or Git if you prefer, git://github.com/cyberium/mangos.git ahbot

Purpose :

- No more account needed to be created for AHBot

- Cleaned not used code.

- Add some method to avoid some hack to the core.

- Add possibility to assign any npc name as seller by simply add DB entry number on mangosd.conf file.

I have some idea to optimise the add auction process but i need more time to implement and test.

Feedback are welcome.

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1) The patch take only name of npc you want. So no matter the faction of that npc.

2) Yes, has i say all npc in database can be used. (i think)

3) There is no raison, the patch make more simple the use of AHBOT, Just patch it and enable it. The npc option is only an "option" and a brief description is on conf file.


I didn't understaind what you want? Ahbot doesn't need the npc to run, but if you want one (for ex add your npc with some script in one map) you can simply do it with Entry of that NPC.

Get these entry it's not difficult, make .npc info in game or look at the table creature or locale_creature.

Sorry if iam not clear but i need more practice of english :P

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I am asking about this:

Add possibility to assign any npc name as seller by simply add DB entry number on mangosd.conf file.

After reviewing the code more, it seems you are saying only the name is needed and you do not use the full NPC as the bot.

You have brought AHBot a giant leap forward with this code! This makes you a hero in my book. :)

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Thank for your support, i think the code still need some cleanning and iam actualy doing some of these.

Iam olso make a reflexion to the first loop of addauction. Retrieving all item in auctionneer to get overal quantity of all defined quality can probably avoided at least in most of the case. Make this once a day is probably enought.

ItemID generation loop olso probably can be lighted but no idea for now.

Git updated. And here is the cleaned patch for 10342.

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I -think- I understand what Vlad means and I have to say how happy I am he's consider(ed/ing) this. After all, it's a simple matter of a config option if someone wants it on or not.

Being part of the real core although not retail like, which is what we're striving for, would be such a great addition. I really hope we can sort it out.

P.S. thanks for the new patch cyberium, I hate doin this by hand. lol

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Hate to post under myself, but I didn't want my new post to get lost in text. I have a problem with this. At first I thought it was something I had done, because everytime I would load into the server;

the load bar would fill and I'd get spammed on the console with almost a thousand lines of problems. All pertaining to different parts of the code. Some from collision.cpp sometimes others.

This last time I only had the patch from cyberium and was running of a clean build. Here's a pic of the spamming I'd get. It was the same on all 3 of my last attempts.


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