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[Patch] Auction House Bot (Xeross' Branch)

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Actually, I think it might be best to borrow an idea from blueboy and have AHBot use its own, separate config file.

By this method, you do not need to worry with changes to mangosd.conf and can allow more room to have all settings moved into a config file instead of the database.

The SQL table was a good idea, today we begin to have :





and another one for ahbot ?

SQL is your friends :)

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Actually, I think it might be best to borrow an idea from blueboy and have AHBot use its own, separate config file.

By this method, you do not need to worry with changes to mangosd.conf and can allow more room to have all settings moved into a config file instead of the database.

The SQL table was a good idea, today we begin to have :





and another one for ahbot ?

SQL is your friends :)

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I have now in xeross155 ah these debug output

AHBOT> Running buyer loop

AHBOT> Running seller loop

AHBOT> Running buyer loop

AHBOT> Running seller loop

AHBOT> Running buyer loop

AHBOT> Running seller loop

AHBOT> Running buyer loop

AHBOT> Running seller loop

AHBOT> Running buyer loop

AHBOT> Running seller loop

I was wondering how to remove them please ?

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Don't understaind what you are refering. mangosd.conf? I only forget to set correct default value for general use in place of my test value...

For example http://github.com/cyberium/mangos/commit/34d36578dd44697bfda23bc074d669e284e02951#diff-8 why did you modify genrevision ?

The SQL table was a good idea, today we begin to have :





and another one for ahbot ?

SQL is your friends :)

That might indeed be a good idea, however we should check if there's a way to use the already made config libraries/tools as to avoid a lot of rewriting

I have now in xeross155 ah these debug output

I was wondering how to remove them please ?

I think I added them as normal output I'll degrade them to debug output or something

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I must be old fasioned but I like the idea of having seperate confilg files, so settings can be made quickly at a glance, without havng to log in to mysql database and scrolling through fields without explanations. Nothing worse than having to sit with two copies of mangosd.conf open, doing line by line comparisons because a new option has been added somewhere.

could just be me though :D

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Build on GCC restored.

Comment of new settings added in mangosd.conf.dist.in

Just VCPROJ file is modified due to one moved file accidentaly in Visual Studio GUI...

Anyway you are right i need to avoid the use of git commit -am directly....

Yes the idea of use a separate conf file is the best. And no i still prefer to edit a file instead of DB. So for the near futur i will work to make all settings in separate files.


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I prefer a seperate config file too. For me it's better to work with it as a database.

But with the actual mangos revision and new_ahbot i get the following errors when i will apply the patch

And it's the same when i get the repositories clone new and with ahbot and the branch from xeross

$ git apply ../newahbot.patch

../newahbot.patch:166: trailing whitespace.

for (uint32 i=0;i<MAX_ITEM_CLASS;++i)

../newahbot.patch:209: trailing whitespace.

for (uint32 i=0;i<MAX_ITEM_CLASS;++i)

../newahbot.patch:238: trailing whitespace.

if ((config.ItemInfos[j].ItemClassInfos.GetMissItems() > addedI

tem[j]) && ItemPool[j].size() >0)

../newahbot.patch:269: trailing whitespace.

if (MissItems > ItemsPerCycleBoost)

../newahbot.patch:444: trailing whitespace.


error: patch failed: src/game/AuctionHouseMgr.h:84

error: src/game/AuctionHouseMgr.h: patch does not apply


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I recompile this morning with today's xeros155 repo and I have these strange errors

Item::AddToUpdateQueueOf - GetPlayer didn't find a player matching owner's guid


Item::AddToUpdateQueueOf - GetPlayer didn't find a player matching owner's guid


Item::AddToUpdateQueueOf - GetPlayer didn't find a player matching owner's guid


Item::AddToUpdateQueueOf - GetPlayer didn't find a player matching owner's guid


Item::AddToUpdateQueueOf - GetPlayer didn't find a player matching owner's guid


Item::AddToUpdateQueueOf - GetPlayer didn't find a player matching owner's guid


strange isn't it ?

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I recompile this morning with today's xeros155 repo and I have these strange errors

strange isn't it ?

Yeah, I did encounter them too, and they went away after a while, yet I have no clue why they are occurring because I removed all code that called that function.

@Cyberium: Have you encountered this during development of your branch ?


Linux compilation errors should be fixed now.

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@Cyberium: Have you encountered this during development of your branch ?

Yes at first stage. Have you applied the change to 2 method on Item.cpp? Look at my repo on items.cpp method SetEnchantmentNoUpdate() and SetItemRandomPropertiesNoUpdate()

These 2 method call setstate() normaly who need real gui...

update : Implemented Ratio for all Factions. Now you can define differents amounts of items on every faction.


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I think your marbles are gone.

I grabbed the latest rev of mangos, (10426) about 7 hours ago. Used cybers repo to make a patch. Patched, compiled, grabbed sd2, (1815), re-compiled, set up configs, set up the db to reflect min 25000/max 30000 in all three houses and bingo, everything works fine.


Thanks again. My marbles appear to have been restored. I pulled AHBot (x004), Playerbot, and Mangos 10435 last night and built from that. All 3 auction houses are back to being populated again. Guess there was something between 10385 and 10435 that was tripping me up. For what it's worth, I'm also seeing the

Item::AddToUpdateQueueOf - GetPlayer didn't find a player matching owner's guid (0)!

errors, but as far as I can tell things are working.

Thanks everyone -- I'm in a REALLY good mood now!

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Cyber are you just busy the entire day and only coding at night or ? Because I want to get us working together on this and it's a bit hard if we can't discuss things.

Edit: I looked at the added functions and it seems redundant, can't we modify the current functions with an extra argument for the AHBot ?

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I often code after 18h till 2h.

Yes its redundant but i choose to let original method instead adding additional test. Just because i dont know if this method is called often or not to avoid any performence issue.


On my repo :

1 - Added separate conf file (ahbot.conf)

2 - moved src files into subfolder.

GCC brokken iam working on it.


GCC build restored.

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you made some mistakes in the game.vcproj files for VC08 and VC09:


should be:


few others merge conflict ?

remote: Counting objects: 541, done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (345/345), done.

emote: Total 416 (delta 332), reused 97 (delta 71)Receiving objects: 91% (379/4

Receiving objects: 92% (383/416)

Receiving objects: 100% (416/416), 108.57 KiB, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (332/332), completed with 43 local objects.

From git://github.com/cyberium/mangos

* branch new_ahbot -> FETCH_HEAD

Auto-merging configure.ac

Auto-merging src/game/Chat.cpp

Auto-merging src/game/Chat.h

Auto-merging src/game/Makefile.am

CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/Makefile.am

Auto-merging src/game/Player.h

Auto-merging src/game/QueryHandler.cpp

Auto-merging src/game/World.cpp

CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/World.cpp

Auto-merging win/VC100/game.vcxproj

Auto-merging win/VC100/game.vcxproj.filters

CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in win/VC100/game.vcxproj.filters

Auto-merging win/VC90/game.vcproj

Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

=> My Fault : conflict between PlayerBot & AHbot

=> is their anyway to not make modifications around the same place between ahbot and playerbot?

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