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[11723][PATCH]Auction House Bot

Auntie Mangos

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What features does the patch add?

Auction house bot has 2 functionnality:

- Automatically sell random items on auction house of the 3 factions.

- Automatically buy item selled by real player. (under some condition)

For which repository revision was the patch created?


Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse?


Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.

Originally Created by ChrisK & Paradox

Buyer functionality was added by Kerbe and Paradox

After this the AHBot was maintained by Naicisum

Xeross155 took over the maintenance/development until Naicisum returns and continues development (has he said)


Here is the complete patch -> http://www.mediafire.com/file/tpyvyrq3aht43at/ahbot_11191.patch

Here is the branch if you prefer -> http://github.com/cyberium/mangos/tree/new_ahbot


Seller part:

In a small server, see auction house completely empty can be a bit frustrating.

This bot resolves this problem by randomly filling the auction house with items for sale.

I think the administrator of the server keeps a lot of freedom with items type and quantity he wants to see in auction house.

All options are detailed in the file ahbot.conf.

Buyer part:

Still in a small server, it is olso frustrating not being able to sell its objects.

This bot gives this possibility. Of course we tried to make a minimum intelligence to simulate theses operation as close as possible to a real auction house.

I am waiting any of your remark and still here to adapt some part of the code if needed.

Stuff must be done to be MaNGOS compliant :

- Code style doesn't meet MaNGOS standards (spaces, naming, braces) Work in progress...

- Don't use public class variables. Done

- Use typedefs for things like std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<uint32> > > Done

- Use inheritance or singleton instead of AHB_Base* m_BaseConfig; Done

- Use 'const' specifier where possible. Done


- Patch updated with recent change (only code reorganised and cleaned no new function)

- Just modified file reference to ahbot in some helping strings

- Patch uodated for rev 11191

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@darkstalker: Last time it was Vladimir speaking about adding this feature into mangos core (here). Ages before he and iirc Neo (that was in one of the old ahbots threads) offered it's implementation under certain conditions. On ahbots user side for now the only question remains: Is this anywhere near the implementation? On development side there are others.

Anyway I can't complain about the current status. Using default values everything looks very well.



[Edit] English no good late at night :)

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As Vladimir said (in ru-mangos.ru forum), patch like this will never be added at mangos repo...

It's not offlike and not nessesary for blizzlike mangos functionality...

Ok so if it's true, move this topic in rejected, this will close any further discution.


You mod is very interesting, don't drop it =)

But I think that this topic should be here: http://getmangos.eu/community/viewforum.php?id=9

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To be clear i olso think this is an extra function.

I don't realy care about the final decision.

I know there is some thing can be improved in this mod. (like better integration that was specialy evited to make better compatibility when core change)

I know olso this mod is not Blizzlike (how it could be?)


Empty auction house in one family server with 10 player maximum is olso not usefull for anyone.

How many real player in a server is necessary to fill correctly an Auction House???

More than 500?

Is this project is done for this amount of player in majority?

Finally i posted this code here only because this


I at this moment can only say (not check real sources) that if fake player class usage remove then i have lot less resistance against adding ahbot to core. Ofc, for real comments i need look sources at some moment...

So i know this patch is somewhere in the brain of at least some dev and not be completly useless.

I personally switched to dongeon finder and the code is more complicated but fun :)

Obviously i will share my code when it be releasable. (i think only 25% have done for now :/ )

Greetings :)

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  • 40 years later...

Could it be? Has the time come for ahbot to finally be added into the core? I never thought I'd see the day!

I have been following mangos development for years, and the one and only patch I've ever needed was the Auction House Bot. I've seen talented developer after developer pick up and work on ahbot, only to lose interest and move on before the job was done. If cyberium's iteration of ahbot is the one to finally be accepted into the core, it will indeed be a major accomplishment. It's complicated code, I know as I've studied it.

Three cheers for cyberium!

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Its a totally custom feature, not related to any blizz stuff or implementing missing functionality, so i don't think this will ever get into the master repo.

And how is Mangos related to blizz? :P Every thing in Mangos is custom.. nothing is from blizzard. And I don't see why this would be a problem.. you could have an option that turns it OFF and ON.. so if you don't like it.. you can just give it a "0" value in the mangos config..

I say this is a really useful patch.. especially if you want to play single player.. like I do :D

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While being a mod AHBot can be easily supported and improved by community. In core it will require devs to spend their time for supporting it, reviewing patches, etc.

Comments about code:

1. Code style doesn't meet MaNGOS standards (spaces, naming, braces)

2. Don't use public class variables.

3. Use typedefs for things like

std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<uint32> > >

4. Use inheritance or singleton instead of

AHB_Base*       m_BaseConfig;

5. Use 'const' specifier where possible.

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I was actually planning to reimplement this from scratch using much more advanced algorithms for buying and selling.

I do not know how to take it.

It's been at least two months that I work on ahbot I rewrote practically everything.

I have not seen you once, either to return or to offer any idea or code...

And now, when that code is evaluating you want to rewrite everything?

Of course you're welcome and I hope you will do it if you have good idea and code but it's just that you should have intervened earlier. (at least before i post the code here with kind of sentence)


> 1. Code style doesn't meet MaNGOS standards (spaces, naming, braces)

Iam going to try make this code more "MaNGOS standards" compliants. Do you have a coding guideline or i will just have to "clone" the style already used by MaNGOS?

> 2. Don't use public class variables.

Sometime it's more conveniant but you are right.

> 3. Use typedefs for things like std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<uint32> > >

Ok will be done.

> 4. Use inheritance or singleton instead of AHB_Base* m_BaseConfig;

Ok Done.

> 5. Use 'const' specifier where possible.

Ok, if i understaind you, you talk specialy about the returned value from some method.


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Ok, if i understaind you, you talk specialy about the returned value from some method.


Iam going to try make this code more "MaNGOS standards" compliants. Do you have a coding guideline or i will just have to "clone" the style already used by MaNGOS?

Take a look at latest 'code style cleanup' commits in MaNGOS.

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Its a totally custom feature, not related to any blizz stuff or implementing missing functionality, so i don't think this will ever get into the master repo.

And how is Mangos related to blizz? :P Every thing in Mangos is custom.. nothing is from blizzard. And I don't see why this would be a problem.. you could have an option that turns it OFF and ON.. so if you don't like it.. you can just give it a "0" value in the mangos config..

You're twisting the logic. MaNGOS is meant to be an open-source implementation of a blizz-like WoW compatible server, and the main priority is implementing blizz-like features (we're not near being complete in that aspect). By custom in this case i mean by things unexistant on official servers.

People wants stuff like this pushed into master just to save themselves the hassle of patching, testing, maintaining, merge conflicts, etc.

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@darkstalker, I guess it doesn't matter that people would like a working Auction House in low populated servers just like Blizzard Servers or is more important that only Public Servers with 2000 or more people only have working Auction Houses just to be 100 percent like Blizzard or the fact that mangos doesn't have working Vehicles but to be Bliz Like you have to maintain Patches and go out of your way to be Bliz Like...I myself thank Cyberium for doing exactly what was requested by the Developers themselves to get this done and would like it in core myself so that I do have a WORKING Auction House on my almost no population server ( I am the only one) and to further push the point...From the Developers Like vladimir and The Luda...We're trying to be as Blizz Like as Possible and ' Include features that Blizzard didn't think of as well. ' which in my humble opinion does include a working Auction House and working Vehicle Support and everything else not done yet.

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Mangos is not for public so as single/LAN player we should have AHbot in core to test AH. And for not very blizz patch, mangos have in core many things like talk to everybody, start with 70 lvl and etc. So when in conf file we get: AHbot= 0 (1=on, 0=off) will be nice :D

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I agree, make this manageable through the .conf file. One thing that makes Mangos great is the level of customization that allows players to overcome tens of thousands of restrictions set by the official servers. Restrictions that often have little to do with quality of gameplay and everything to do with making customers play longer and thus making them pay more. The fact is, internally or externally, Mangos will never be fully Blizz-like. Limiting functionality of 10-player servers in order to make them more similar to 10,000-player ones will only result in poorer quality gameplay.

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mangos purpose is not to be fun, is to come as close as possible to a existing product.

What, you mean its goal is to start using the official IP ranges, charge $25.00 for single character transfers, disallow any type of player command input, get rid of "hacky" mangos.conf, implement hundreds of existing official server limitations, and end up imposing hefty monthly subscription fees? Illogicality of this dubious mission statement aside (Mangos' code and server dynamics will never look anything like the existing product), the official servers do have fully loaded and operational auction houses. Clean Mangos servers don't.

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I can't speak for every Mangos player, but I can speak for every Mangos person I personally know. All of them, including myself, have active subscriptions to the official servers most of the time. It's when they get tired of the enforced grinding, time sinks, gold sinks, and god knows how many other official server limitations, they turn to Mangos and all its customizable pleasures. Not to experience a fairly incomplete simulation of the already existing product they already have full access to, but to have pure unadulterated fun. And again, mangosd.conf has dozens of entries that has nothing to do with that so-called Prime Goal. MaxPlayerLevel, DisableWaterBreath, AllFlightPaths, Quests.IgnoreRaid, AllowTwoSide.Interaction, Rate.Creature.Damage, Visibility.Distance, Rate.Skill.Discovery, Rate.Drop.Item, Rate.Talent...and so on and so forth. Claiming that these unofficial features have more right to belong there than this rather good simulation of the official AH seems like some perverse sort of cognitive dissonance to me. I'm not trying to be a smart ass. I honestly don't get it.

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