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Everything posted by cabfever

  1. Venomhide Poison "Venomhide Poison Applies to your weapon upon killing a Venomhide Ravager The spell is meant to damage you 20 times. Basically it poisons mobs instead of yourself and you can gain it and the Enchant is 9 hours and unremoveable from your weapon giving the player a free 9 hour poison enchant"
  2. STV Arena Trinket After you accept and Hand in the quest you can no longer gain the Trinket for the 12 for the master trinket.
  3. Shield Slam Shield slam (protection warrior 41st point) the spell Claims it requires magic to dispel the spell
  4. Chamber of Battle in Lower Blackrock Spire is spawned with UBRS Mobs The Chamber of Battles (Room of Overlord Wyrmthalak) in Lower Blackrock Spire are spawned with Upper Blackrock Spire mobs like Chromatic Dragonspawn (15k HP) or Chromatic Whelps that are spawning out of the eggs in UBRS.
  5. Gemstones in Lower Blackrock Spire are not dropping The Gemstones for the 'Seal Of Ascension' (Attunement for UBRS) are not dropping in LBRS. [url]http://www.wowwiki.com/Quest:Seal_of_Ascension[/url]
  6. Ribbly in brd does not attack when "taunted". He's just going aggro, if you hit the auto-hit key.
  7. This is also appearing when you use /who when players are in an instance. It shows "City" instead of the instance name.
  8. Yes, in the Database at area_trigger or something like that.
  9. Different Battle Shout ranks are stacking Different Battle Shout ranks are stacking. They shouldn't work like this. A more powerful shout should overwrite the weaker one (same for improved Battle Shout).
  10. [REL20] Compilation error When I compile REL20 devbranch, I get this error while make: [code] [ 42%] Building CXX object src/game/CMakeFiles/game.dir/SpellMgr.cpp.o /home/mangos/mangoszero/server_rel20/src/game/SpellMgr.cpp: In member function ‘void SpellMgr::ModDBCSpellAttributes()’: /home/mangos/mangoszero/server_rel20/src/game/SpellMgr.cpp:1851:25: error: range-based-for loops are not allowed in C++98 mode make[2]: *** [src/game/CMakeFiles/game.dir/SpellMgr.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [src/game/CMakeFiles/game.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2 [/code] Wanted to test Rel20, but it's not possible yet.
  11. I don't know how I could apply this patch to my mangos server. Never worked that much with github :(
  12. Warlock - Imp is casting firebold without mana Yeah, title says it. The imp is casting firebold although he doesn't have mana.
  13. Herb nodes Herb nodes are spawning incorrectly. Right now there seems to be a constant of nodes up at any given time. Picking one node I had one just next to me spawn immediately. What should be happening is the nodes each having a separate respawn timer based on the herbalism level required to pick it. That timer should be randomized within these numbers: Herbalism level 1-99: 8-22 minutes. (Briarthorn, Earthroot, Mageroyal, Peacebloom, Silverleaf) Herbalism level 100-199: 23-37 minutes. (Bruiseweed, Fadeleaf, Goldthorn, Gravemoss, Khadgar's Whisker, Kingsblood, Liferoot, Wild Steelbloom, Wintersbite) Herbalism level 200-299: 38-52 minutes. (Arthas' Tears, Blindweed, Dreamfoil, Firebloom, Ghost Mushroom, Golden Sansam, Gromsblood, Icecap, Mountain Silversage, Plaguebloom, Purple Lotus, Stranglekelp, Sungrass) Leaving us only with Black Lotus, which should be 53-67. It could also be done without the randomizing, just making it 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes would work, but as is, Herbalism is an absolute pain. I see mining veins on nearly every possible spawn, could it be that the two systems have been mixed up?
  14. Bloodscalp Axe Throwers are Pixelboxes Incorrect display ID?
  15. Swing Procs only work on next hit after the proc Swing procs are getting activated 1 hit later than the actual proc. So for example this means you have to wait for another weapon swing when windfuy procs (major disadvantage for enhancement shamans). Also bugged out on Sword spec (warrior/rogue) and hand of justice (trinket from BRD)
  16. Booty Bay Fishing Event The fishing event starts normally at 2pm and ends at 4pm and contains the spawning of tasty fish in strangle thorn valley and the sawn of the fishmaster riggle bassbait and two more npcs. [url]http://www.elsanglin.com/stranglethorn_contest.html[/url] Problem: Riggle Bassbait is not spawned at 2pm, the two other NPCs and the fishes spawned correctly.
  17. Hunter - Bestial Swiftness The beastmastery talent of „Bestial Swiftness“ does not actually do anything, currently, the pet alsowas has the same speed as the hunter, „aspect of the cheetah“ or not.
  18. Models not displaying position properly The hunter pet model is seldom where it is counted as being within the world. This can be seen when it is ordered to attack from melee range for example: It will run off into the distance but still be counted as being in front of the mob. I’ve also had similar issues happen to fleeing mobs. If you put a slow into a fleeing mob the model will start running in a different direction than where it is counted as being.
  19. Hunter pets don’t have the correct attack speed values For example cats should have higher attack speed but every beast has 2.0 once they’re tamed. I noticed this when I tamed Broken Tooth (which is a rare spawn) who should have 1.00 attack speed.
  20. Rogue - Sap does not work Rogue spell Sap doesn’t cause the target to be sapped. Also, rogue’s talent Improved Sap does not work at all (chance to stay stealthed when you sap someone).
  21. Warrior - Intimidating shout Cast fear on all units (up to 5), even the targeted mob which shouldn’t run away but still stay in fear.
  22. Slow and Fear bugs The mob is displaying a wrong running direction and corrects the direction after around 2 seconds, running in the complete oposite direction really fast. The issue come for slowed mob, when they got slowed right at that point when they start to flee.
  23. [REL19] Resting in capital cities [url]https://www.getmangos.eu/server/9961-rel19-resting-capital-cities.html[/url]
  24. It seems more, that they are all off - not only some of them. Every elite npc/boss I saw in dungeons/raids had around 2-3k HP. Also, I checked some Bosses and NPCs in dungeons/raids. And they all just got the default values of "creature_template_classlevelstats" in the database. Take Golem Lord Argelmach for example: Should have MinLevelHealth 13414 in the "creature_template" table. But he has 2227 which could be found as a default value in the "creature_template_classlevelstats" which can be found on page 4 there. Maybe it has something to do with: [url]https://www.getmangos.eu/community-input-needed/9765-health-system-overhaul.html[/url] ? Okay, I'm not into c++ but I think I could have found something. [code] if (CreatureClassLvlStats const* cCLS = sObjectMgr.GetCreatureClassLvlStats(level, cinfo->UnitClass)) { // Use Creature Stats to calculate stat values // health health = cCLS->BaseHealth * cinfo->HealthMultiplier; // mana mana = cCLS->BaseMana * cinfo->ManaMultiplier; } else { // Use old style to calculate stat values float rellevel = maxlevel == minlevel ? 0 : (float(level - minlevel)) / (maxlevel - minlevel); // health uint32 minhealth = std::min(cinfo->MaxLevelHealth, cinfo->MinLevelHealth); uint32 maxhealth = std::max(cinfo->MaxLevelHealth, cinfo->MinLevelHealth); health = uint32(minhealth + uint32(rellevel * (maxhealth - minhealth))); // mana uint32 minmana = std::min(cinfo->MaxLevelMana, cinfo->MinLevelMana); uint32 maxmana = std::max(cinfo->MaxLevelMana, cinfo->MinLevelMana); mana = minmana + uint32(rellevel * (maxmana - minmana)); } [/code] This is the new function of creature.cpp. It's calculating with health = cCLS->BaseHealth * cinfo->HealthMultiplier; BaseHealth could be found in "Creature_Template_Classlevelstats" which is for example 2227. This will get multiplied with the HealthMultiplier found in "Character_Template" which is 1. Now it calculates 2227 * 1 which is the exact displayed value ingame for golem lord argelmach. It seems, that the HealthMultiplier is wrong, or that the way the calculation is working is wrong. (cause it doesn't get to the else query). This bug effects ALL ELITE NPCs everywhere. :( (Tested again with deadmines - > Mr. Smite -> should have 3320 HP -> HAS 484 which is the exact value in "creature_template_classlevelstats" for class 1 (warrior) at lvl20). Is there a possibility to go back to the old calculation without switching back to 0.18.1?
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