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Everything posted by Xenithar

  1. Thanks, I have never tried merging a PR for another repo. I'm about to build it now and test it today and tomorrow.
  2. No it is usable every five minutes. Try it. Be bored to tears while waiting. We spent a good twenty minutes there and once every five minutes my fiance could click on it.
  3. Alright, I will test it. I will do a build shortly. *EDIT* Where is the PR and how can I clone it into my repo for testing? I did not see a link provided.
  4. You are correct. References: [url=https://github.com/FeenixServerProject/Phoenix_1.12.1_Issue_tracker/issues/2406]Feenix Fix[/url] [url=https://github.com/FeenixServerProject/Old_1.12_Bugtracker/issues/77]Another Fix[/url]
  5. I have a 47 undead lock right now and played in the alpha, beta, vanilla, TBC, and WoTLK. I never summoned anything in a tent. It always took place in the tower. Perhaps it was different on EU servers? Ah-HA! You can have pets out. Not only that but they mention the building, not a tent. This solves two issues. [quote] Strahad will walk into the building he stands in front of, and a purple glyphed circle will be cast first, then a larger green glyphed circle. Use the Tome of the Cabal to summon the Felhunter you must fight and defeat. Having your Voidwalker already on-deck before starting the quest is a Good Thing®. [/quote] Reference: [url=http://www.wowwiki.com/Quest:The_Binding_%28Felhunter%29]Tome of The Cabal[/url] As you can see they recommend having the VW out for this battle, which I always did, and they mention her walking into the BUILDING behind her, not a tent. There are three people involved that do this for you, in that tower.
  6. Defaults does not give everything. The command ".learn all" should give you everything. If you are on Covenant you may not have access to GM commands. Ask Max, I am not sure personally.
  7. I cannot reproduce it either. As soon as I start eating something like a sagefish I get the buff which is only up during the eating. Ten seconds or so later I get the "Well Fed" buff. This is working as intended. Is there anythign else we need to know to reproduce this? If not I will close it with "cannot reproduce".
  8. Then we need to verify that they work AND that the defaults are what Blizzard used.
  9. So it is a scripting issue, thought so. Had to be sure the type was correct or that a script was assigned in the DB. I am currently looking over the city resting code (boy it seems like a lot) and have not looked into this or anything else.
  10. Is this actually still happening? I thought this was fixed in October? I have not experienced this one in two months or more.
  11. It does, though sometimes the windows appears and disappears instantly, claiming everybody passed on the item. Not too often, but it does generally happen about once per instance. The big problem here is group loot acting like FFA.
  12. I agree. If we know the correct times, why not simple make it a definition and then use that definition instead of a variable?
  13. 1) Are you sure about that? I always used my helpers. In fact, I just spent some time looking and I cannot find any reference to not being allowed to use existing pets. Do you have anything that can show us this? 2) This would be a missing or bugged script, likely in SD2. 3) What tent? This takes place in a tower. I cannot summon it outside the tower, but I can drag it out once summoned. How are you summoning this thing outside? 4) I have not tried this, will test. 5) Cannot reproduce this one. 6) I need to test this. 7) And this... 8) And this. Actually, this raises questions for me. You comment about a GM command in another ticket (does Max even allow GM commands for users?) yet claim to be on Covenant. These quests you mention are spread out by many levels, how are you testing them so quickly without GM? Are you on your own server?
  14. Unless I am mistaken that is correct. That command should learn all of the default skills for your character. For example, if you had removed the daggers skill on a rogue, it should add it back. Also, this would be a core (server) issue. Are you saying you can unlearn skills and the default will not add them back?
  15. In vanilla, identical effects overwrite one another. For example, if I drank an elixir of intellect and then the one (I forget the name) that does intellect and spirit, it would overwrite the other. This is working as intended. What are you using that you feel should not overwrite?
  16. I cannot reproduce this. I must eat for 15 seconds before the buff appears. What exactly are you eating that appears instantly?
  17. Yes it did. Now however, my mother and fiance play a lot and they can loot everything from every corpse, but they roll on green or above. I have seen it with my own eyes. Maybe something that deals with corpses has caused an issue?
  18. Looting is messed up again... This has been going on for at least a week now and I have been unable to figure it out. Group loot is working as free-for-all, only we get to roll on green or better items. This is incorrect. Group loot works like round-robin, assigning a corpse to a player, the next corpse to the next player, and so on and so forth. When a player loots a corpse with an item that is above the threshold (green by default), players get to roll on it. Currently, anybody can loot any corpse, but they get to roll on nice items. Now round-robin is different in that there is no rolling. If you are assigned a corpse and it has a purple or anything on it, you get it. That is where the two differ. We need group loot fixed, again.
  19. That is a database error. The package he gives you being empty is a result of no entry in the DB. I saw that on one character also.
  20. Alright, I found some ancient (crappy) video from my clan back before TBC. Water walking potions and the shaman spell should both work with mounts. Currently, WW works with potions, but mounting DOES dispel the shaman spell, which is incorrect. That needs to be addressed. I attached a picture of my warrior on the ocean using a WW potion, while mounted. We only need fix the shaman spell (perhaps others?).
  21. Again, tooltips are stored in your game client. We cannot fix these. All tooltip errors would need to be fixed by Blizzard.
  22. Alright. Check your log though. I remember having to try quite a few DPS meters in vanilla before I found a good one. Just a suggestion. Closing ticket.
  23. Quest 1713 emote is incomplete... Quest 1713 (The Summoning) has an incomplete emote. Bath'rah is supposed to emote "begins casting a summoning spell..." or something close to that. Instead it just says "begins casting a summoning spell...". His name does not show up.
  24. Elixir of Shadow Power is working as intended. I was in Deathmist gear but the only buff I had (as you can see in the attached images) was my demon armor to restore health and such. I enabled GM mode so the mobs would not fight back, then used shadow bolt on a raptor, let the raptor heal up, and repeated until my combat log was full. I then drank the EoSP and repeated the process. As you can clearly see, my damage was roughly 40 above where it was without the elixir. I was hitting around 485 without, and around 515 with it. That is a 30 damage increase. Sometimes it hit higher, sometimes lower, as you can see. The description says "up to", so it does not mean you will always get max damage bonus from the elixir. Perhaps your DPS meters are not 100% accurate or take other things into consideration. I will leave this open for a few hours for a response before I close it. Changing status to "cannot reproduce" for now.
  25. I will test this tonight or tomorrow. Once tested I will report back the results.
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