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Everything posted by Xenithar

  1. Alright, I just updated the OS with a full upgrade, cloned and built the latest from the official repo, rebooted the box, started things, and same issue. Something is very wrong here but I am not sure what. The realm ID matches and things look OK, but it refuses to allow me to select a realm. Once again when I started the realm daemon a thread started and exited. I still believe this is our issue. I understand this works on Ubuntu, but considering Debian is one of the three most-used distros out there and not Ubuntu, this should be important to us. I am now going to dig into the code again and see if I can figure out why that thread exits immediately and whether or not it is our problem. *UPDATE* I am still not having information logged which should be logged. [code] sLog.outString("%s [realm-daemon]", _FULLVERSION(REVISION_DATE, REVISION_TIME, REVISION_NR, REVISION_ID)); sLog.outString(" to stop.\n"); sLog.outString("Using configuration file %s.", cfg_file); [/code] Logging stops here for some reason. The following is in the sources but does not get logged OR displayed on-screen. [code] DETAIL_LOG("%s (Library: %s)", OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT, SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION)); DETAIL_LOG("Using ACE: %s", ACE_VERSION); sLog.outBasic("Max allowed open files is %d", ACE::max_handles()); [/code] Also, the following code is what I believe the mystery thread is, but am not sure how to figure out why it is exiting. [code] #if defined (ACE_HAS_EVENT_POLL) || defined (ACE_HAS_DEV_POLL) ACE_Reactor::instance(new ACE_Reactor(new ACE_Dev_Poll_Reactor(ACE::max_handles(), 1), 1), true); #else ACE_Reactor::instance(new ACE_Reactor(new ACE_TP_Reactor(), true), true); #endif [/code] Aside from commenting this section, rebuilding, and seeing if the mystery thread is gone, is there a way to troubleshoot this more efficiently? I am not familiar at all with ACE. I normally use standard threading.
  2. Build from this morning. Some thread STILL simply quits when starting. [code] (gdb) run Starting program: /home/---/zero/bin/realmd [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1". [New Thread 0xb765eb70 (LWP 17691)] [Thread 0xb765eb70 (LWP 17691) exited] 20006 [realm-daemon] to stop. Using configuration file ../etc/realmd.conf. Login Database total connections: 2 MySQL client library: 5.5.38 MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0+wheezy1 MySQL client library: 5.5.38 MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0+wheezy1 [New Thread 0xb765eb70 (LWP 17692)] Added realm id 1, name 'Yurak' [/code] Note that some thread starts and stops. Perhaps this is the issue, but there is nothing in the log indicating an error nor is there any error output elsewhere, so I cannot figure this out. I have been over the code a dozen times or more and it LOOKS correct, so why is the thread exiting?
  3. Use the Debian net installer. It's like a 180MB ISO and it simply installs directly from the repos. The problem, I believe, is that some thread instantly exits when realmd starts. Check the ticket. I am updating it in about a minute.
  4. Realms are not showing on two physically separate machines. Are you using Debian Wheezy?
  5. Reaper, here is my pertinent server info. As you can see, everything APPEARS to be fine. However, I never see any realms listed. [url=https://www.getmangos.eu/issue.php?issueid=665#note3044]Ticket[/url]
  6. Alright, here we go! Information about my server. This still does not work in Linux. Realm DB: [code] 1, Yurak, , 8085, 1, 64, 2, 0, 0.1875, 5875 6005 6141 [/code] Mangos configuration: [code] [MangosdConf] ConfVersion=2015010201 RealmID = 1 DataDir = "/home/---/zero/" LogsDir = "/home/---/zero/logs/" LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;zero;---;zp_realm" WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;zero;---;zp_world" CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;zero;---;zp_characters" ScriptDev2DatabaseInfo = ";3306;zero;---;zp_world" LoginDatabaseConnections = 1 WorldDatabaseConnections = 1 CharacterDatabaseConnections = 1 ScriptDev2DatabaseConnections= 1 MaxPingTime = 30 WorldServerPort = 8085 BindIP = "" UseProcessors = 0 ProcessPriority = 1 Compression = 3 PlayerLimit = 32 SaveRespawnTimeImmediately = 1 MaxOverspeedPings = 2 GridUnload = 1 GridCleanUpDelay = 300000 MapUpdateInterval = 100 ChangeWeatherInterval = 600000 PlayerSave.Interval = 900000 PlayerSave.Stats.MinLevel = 0 PlayerSave.Stats.SaveOnlyOnLogout = 1 vmap.enableLOS = 1 vmap.enableHeight = 1 vmap.ignoreSpellIds = "7720" vmap.enableIndoorCheck = 1 DetectPosCollision = 1 TargetPosRecalculateRange = 1.5 mmap.enabled = 1 mmap.ignoreMapIds = "" UpdateUptimeInterval = 10 MaxCoreStuckTime = 0 AddonChannel = 1 CleanCharacterDB = 1 GameType = 1 RealmZone = 2 DBC.Locale = 0 DeclinedNames = 0 StrictPlayerNames = 1 StrictCharterNames = 0 StrictPetNames = 1 MinPlayerName = 2 MinCharterName = 2 MinPetName = 2 CharactersCreatingDisabled = 0 CharactersPerAccount = 50 CharactersPerRealm = 10 SkipCinematics = 0 MaxPlayerLevel = 60 StartPlayerLevel = 1 StartPlayerMoney = 0 MaxHonorPoints = 75000 StartHonorPoints = 0 MinHonorKills = 15 MaintenanceDay = 3 InstantLogout = 1 MountCost = 100000 TrainMountCost = 900000 MinTrainMountLevel = 40 EpicMountCost = 1000000 TrainEpicMountCost = 9000000 MinTrainEpicMountLevel = 60 AllFlightPaths = 0 AlwaysMaxSkillForLevel = 0 ActivateWeather = 1 CastUnstuck = 1 MaxSpellCastsInChain = 20 RabbitDay = 0 Instance.IgnoreLevel = 0 Instance.IgnoreRaid = 0 Instance.ResetTimeHour = 4 Instance.UnloadDelay = 1800000 Quests.LowLevelHideDiff = -1 Quests.HighLevelHideDiff = 7 Quests.IgnoreRaid = 0 Guild.EventLogRecordsCount = 100 TimerBar.Fatigue.GMLevel = 4 TimerBar.Fatigue.Max = 60 TimerBar.Breath.GMLevel = 4 TimerBar.Breath.Max = 180 TimerBar.Fire.GMLevel = 4 TimerBar.Fire.Max = 1 MaxPrimaryTradeSkill = 2 TradeSkill.GMIgnore.MaxPrimarySkillsCount = 4 TradeSkill.GMIgnore.Level = 4 TradeSkill.GMIgnore.Skill = 4 MinPetitionSigns = 9 MaxGroupXPDistance = 74 MailDeliveryDelay = 3600 MassMailer.SendPerTick = 10 PetUnsummonAtMount = 0 Event.Announce = 0 BeepAtStart = 1 ShowProgressBars = 1 WaitAtStartupError = 0 PlayerCommands = 0 [/code] Realm daemon output on startup: [code] 20006 [realm-daemon] to stop. Using configuration file ../etc/realmd.conf. Login Database total connections: 2 MySQL client library: 5.5.38 MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0+wheezy1 MySQL client library: 5.5.38 MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0+wheezy1 Added realm id 1, name 'Yurak' [/code] Still not working. This build is from Monday this week, so it is recent.
  7. Yeah I read it but wanted to reply here. I am about to post all of my server info in an attempt to figure out why the realm is not showing. I have a thread on this somewhere...
  8. Group loot is indeed broken. I am starting to become concerned that some changes in R20 have broken things in the Unix/Linux world. Can you try this in a VM using Linux? Group loot has been broken for a while. Then there's the realm servers not showing issue. Let's not forget the AHBot, or is that broken everywhere?
  9. He does not work correctly and is not scripted. You're supposed to be able to get him to blow the door to the bosses before you get into the fight with the others. The whole quest is currently odd because neither quest option with the human does anything, and eventually he enrages and everybody fights except the goblin, who blows the doors without using his explosives.
  10. Then perhaps it was handled internally? These worked at some point.
  11. These worked some time ago, beforfe we had Eluna and before SD2 had been pulled into the core. Can't we go back and get the SD2 script form that older version?
  12. Pets were changed a few months ago. I built one version on a Friday and suddenly no more regen of focus/mana, enemy VW's had rage instead of mana, and a host of other issues cropped up. I reported it and should have a ticket somewhere on the subject. The thing is. once the lock pets run out of mana, you start getting that message. Try it. Get a lock pet fresh so it has mana, put all skills on manual. All skills work UNTIL there is no longer any mana to use them. However, on auto they use the skills even without mana! Strange!
  13. Movemaps killing framerate... I had a forum thread on this a while back but this game-breaker is back in force. It happens constantly in Lower Rise in Thunderbluff, but also happens in other areas as well. Basically all is good, then suddenly the client goes to about 1fps and stays that way for up to five or six minutes. After that it jumps back to 60fps and all NPCs seem to teleport into place. Very strange.
  14. We will take this to PM. I am closing the thread however, since nobody else can reproduce it.
  15. Indeed, and it gives us a great idea of what zones are what level. Now we just need to make it click on our end. I am working on resting right now (looks to be WAY too complex and can be heavily simplified) and may tackle this after. I set my fishing from 231 to 245. Counting my pole, that is 270 attemptign to fish in a 250 max area. Caught 3 Missed 1 Caught 1 Missed 1 Caught 3 Missed 1 Total: 7 caught / 3 missed Still too high. Oh, and I am not skilling up either.
  16. Fishing is broken... Alright, fishing appears to be broken. Each zone in vanilla had a set skill range for the water areas in them. I believe the ocean was handled differently though. For example, you start fishing in your starting area, which would get you so far. Then you went to the next area, otherwise you would not gain skill. If you went to an area above your skill level, you would get "Your fish got away!" every time. Fishing appeared to work OK for me through 150. After that it has appeared bugged. One minute I pull a fish out every time and then I keep getting "Your fish got away!" for several minutes. It seems like it is currently set so if your skill is high enough to fish in a zone it will let you, but then it is a pure toss-up as to what happens. I am at 242 now. Fishing in Arathi yielded no more skill gain after twenty or twenty-fix catches in a row, so I went to Feralas. Caught about twenty more and gained two or three points, now all I can get is "Your fish got away!" as though I am too low to be there. This is not correct. Once in a while is normal, but not for ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes straight. I have tried many other places as well. What it boils down to is I either get fish every time and never skill, or it is a fish once in a blue moon and failure 99% of the time, which is the opposite of what it should be. This needs to be looked into because it has completely halted progress for myself and a few who play with me during testing or when we just want to relax. *UPDATE* Here is a guide for vanilla WoW, posted in 2006! This should be all the info we need to correct this issue. The author claims I should be in Revantusk now, but fishing there fails 90% of the time or more. In other words, the zone fishing levels do not appear to mesh with what should be in vanilla. [url=http://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/wow-guides-templates/69481-full-fishing-guide-1-300-a.html]Fishing Guide 1-300[/url] *UPDATE* I went to Revantusk since my skill is actually 231 (not 241 as stated above) plus 25 with Nat Pagle's rod, placing me at 256. Here are my results fishing at a pond up above Revantusk. Caught 3 Missed 4 Caught 1 Missed 1 Caught 5 Missed 4 Totals: 9 caught / 9 missed For all of my efforts I gained a single skill-point. Something is definitely off here. This is a 225~250 area and my skill is 257 at this point and I have a 50% miss rate.
  17. I just now noticed that it also prevents my pet from reaching full health. It is like the +40 stam is there, then gone, then back. It doesn't appear to be constantly applied and as such, the bonus is essentially useless.
  18. The big problem was that only grids stay loaded. Back in the day I seem to recall entire zones being loaded. Without the zone loaded, stitches cannot spawn or walk to Darkshire. As in the other thread, I would LOVE a configuration option which would allow an admin to set a flag which keeps any zone with a player in it fully loaded, all grids, etc. This way if I am playing in Duskwood, the entire zone is loaded and all quests work. This would probably take a bit of work though.
  19. Alright. I have no problem since it is right off of five CDs, but I would like to see if the upgrade fixes his problem first, which is why I left this open.
  20. LOL! I have not looked at it. I always got that when low on focus/mana. It does have a good effect though. For things like prowl, you just click the heck out of it and learn it in seconds.
  21. I am back at work but will help when I can.
  22. Stack overflow is a Windows error. It sounds like a client crash. Now on Zero I have only ONE way to crash a client. Try the Hero for a day quest for the Christmas celebration. The client crashes as soon as you click on the quest. It reads NULL memory.
  23. Let me get it uploaded tomorrow. I am in eastern time. Also, note that Max just updated Covenant to R20. 90% of the bugs you reported that we could not reproduce are due to them being fixed in R20. If you could have posted a screenshot of ".server info" I could have seen that. How about giving it a go tomorrow on Covenant and seeing if those bugs still exist first? Also, I am American so I would have the American client. I am not sure if it is the same as the EU client.
  24. I have a bug report on pet focus/mana already. Voidwalkers have rage, lock pets never regen mana but keep using spells without it, and hunter pets never regen focus, but seem to use skills anyway. The "pet is in combat" is due to having no focus. It is the wrong message.
  25. It is funny you figured that out. My fiance was taming him for the higher rank of bite. However, I tamed some Winterspring animals to get bite R7 and R8, no issues. In fact I have almost all pet spells now learned, minus the ones for birds.
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