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[not working] Outdoor Pvp

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i think the problems should be fixed now - at least one problem is fixed..

after this i could capture halaa and see one guard walking around - more isn't tested by me yet (~:

i also removed the "fillinitworldstates" call from outdoorpvpmgr - i think it isn't needed and would send the same data twice, but if you don't see the mapicons of those outdoorpvp-objectives anymore, just post here then i revert it..

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i can do it to :)

it's updated now

i only did a testcompile and no ingamecheck, but i guess it will run |-)

edit: i looked at the av-mergeconflict

if you want to solve it, just remove every line with "<<<<<" or ">>>>" or "====" and you're fine.. this conflict is very trivial ;)

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Hello, I have a problem I have added you to mangos Outdoor PVP and use all the SQL updates but when the server restarts to me to show errors

"OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 3658217941

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 2668362196

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 4245420503

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 2651584982

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 3674995161

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 2634807768

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 3255564762

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 1074526683

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 1930164700

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 1946941917

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 1963719134

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 1980496351

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 4195088864

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 4211866081

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 17562082

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find creature guid: 2504261577

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find creature guid: 2219048906

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 1510734308

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 1359739363

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 1510734310

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 1376516581

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 1510734312

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 1342962151

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 1510734314

OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: 2332817897

(sorry my bad english)

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Hello, I have a problem I have added you to mangos Outdoor PVP and use all the SQL updates but when the server restarts to me to show errors

(sorry my bad english)

Yea, it is normal.. (not normal but happen usually). It is happend that on server exit, all Outdoor pvp related mobs and objects are deleted, but some of then (Don't know why, couldn't research) are deleted sometimes before, so then are unfindable ..

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i didnt look in code just guess... cant u do there some if? like if (creature != null) delete?

There is something like this already

       return false;

GameObject *obj = HashMapHolder<GameObject>::Find(m_Objects[type]);
       sLog.outError("OutdoorPvPObjective: Can't find gobject guid: %u",m_Objects[type]);
       return false;

we could delete this log, but there is somewhere problem in code, that creature/object, which should be spawned isn't .. maybe something with grids ? I don't know.. some mute this errors would not be so usefull.

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