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Everything posted by madmax

  1. crash - Spell aura Not sure what to put for this other then the core crashes on an aura related thing. Dump file has been passed to rochet.
  2. Spell not removable by player (should be) Spell id: 24732 Use as ".aura 24732" Is used when you use the Bat Costume from trick or treating. The spell shows up in-game with the red outline around it, the tool-tip even says to right click to remove. Nothing happens.
  3. Server shutdown/restart messages should be yellow Blizzard has never used red messages for sending server shutdown / restart messages. The shutdown and restart messages are currently displayed in red, they should be yellow. I have spoken to foereaper and he has said that the current shutdown message flag is currently set to 1 SHUTDOWN_MASK_RESTART which is 1 It should use: SERVER_MSG_CUSTOM which is 3
  4. This was recently fixed in the Rel20 database? Same fix that gave NPC casters back there mana at moonbrook I think ?
  5. Bytebuffer is fixed with commit: [URL]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/commit/8be9b36224aab1a76306c69628163b5c7f33ae0d[/URL]
  6. Bytebuffer is fixed with commit: [URL]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/commit/8be9b36224aab1a76306c69628163b5c7f33ae0d[/URL]
  7. Bytebuffer is fixed with commit: [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/commit/8be9b36224aab1a76306c69628163b5c7f33ae0d[/url]
  8. error: DB-SCRIPTS: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` Getting a lot of these on mangos two server, hopefully foe can take a look ? 14:34:56 DB-SCRIPTS: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 25 has buddy 2533 not found in range 5 of searcher Creature (Entry: 2533 Guid: 79720) (data-flags 0), skipping. 14:34:57 DB-SCRIPTS: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253301, command 0 has buddy 2533 not found in range 15 of searcher Creature (Entry: 2533 Guid: 79720) (data-flags 4), skipping. 14:35:17 DB-SCRIPTS: Process table `dbscripts_on_creature_movement` id 253302, command 0 has buddy 2533 not found in range 15 of searcher Creature (Entry: 2533 Guid: 79720) (data-flags 4), skipping.
  9. Antz applied a code change to Covenant-WoW to see if this fixes it, it is as follows: File Object.h bool IsInMap(const WorldObject* obj) const { return IsInWorld() && obj->IsInWorld() && (GetMap() == obj->GetMap()); } to bool IsInMap(const WorldObject* obj) const { if (m_currMap) { return IsInWorld() && obj->IsInWorld() && (GetMap() == obj->GetMap()); } else { return false; } }
  10. Currently Character info is stored in "PlayerBytes" and should be rewritten to make sense In the Characters table of all cores we currently save individual character information (like skin colour, hair etc) in the Playerbytes fields. We need to decypher how these Playerbytes are decided and come up with a better system to store them more readable. Such a system would need to be applied to all cores, starting with zero.
  11. Improve PlayerSave function The PlayerSave function by default only saves every 15minutes. I am testing on Covenant-WoW running this every 5 minutes. I think with the power of modern servers now we should be looking at overhauling the system to be able to save on crash (where possible) and look into other ways to prevent player roll-back. Out of interest does anyone know how blizzards PlayerSave system might of worked and if there was ever any roll-back during realm crashes on retail servers?
  12. Server crash - WorldObjectGetMap See screenshot attached below. [IMG]https://www.getmangos.eu/attachment.php?attachmentid=145&d=1413121071[/IMG]
  13. Sync account set addon command Hey, When using the "account set addon" command in the core console it should give the same message regardless of the core used, since we are sharing the realm-daemon between cores now. Currently the different cores give different versions and error if for example a 3 is entered for cataclysm in zero core. The command "help account set addon" should also be updated and sync'd over the cores.
  14. Server crash - pet NPC aura Just confirming that applying certain aura's to pet's crashes all cores. This has been tested on zero/one/two servers. Tested "Imp Minion" at cords: 4952.994141 -413.053192 327.463501 This can be reproduced by clicking the imp and applying the following command: .aura 25309 This may need to be done several times but the result is the server crashes. From team developer chat: [QUOTE]when looking through the crash it seems that the cause originates around from > mangosd.exe!Map::Update(const unsigned int & t_diff) Line 523 C++ The reason is that first creatures are updated, then pets and then player's surroundings. However, in pet update the pet is unsummoned or something when he dies. But he still exists in the grid. And when reaching the player surrounding update, it will crash since it triest to update the auras that were deleted on pet update [/QUOTE]
  15. Eluna crash-to-desktop (Rel19) Eluna crash-to-desktop (Rel19) See log attached.
  16. Dungeon finder crashes server Hey, Currently two server is crashing whenever anyone tries to join the dungeon queue. Antz has the crashlog for this.
  17. Running it in windows inside a bat file is enough to stop it posting auctions, at least for me.
  18. Replace "MaxStuckTime" (Anti-freeze) with assert After having a crash earlier and rochet investigating he thinks the anti-freeze function within the core should be replaced with an assert. This is to make it clear that the core is intended to crash intentionally so it restarts and not some random crash "that seems evil" (according to rochet).
  19. Bumping as this is getting reported a lot now and needs fixing.
  20. Death Knight Talent: Killing Machine Death Knight Talent: Killing Machine [QUOTE] is broken and does nothing.[/QUOTE] Source: [url]http://www.covenant-wow.com/forums/index.php?topic=222.msg560#msg560[/url]
  21. Death Knight Talent: Sudden doom Death Knight Talent: Sudden doom [QUOTE] isn't working, no proc from either attacks, tried for several hours now. [/QUOTE] Source: [url]http://www.covenant-wow.com/forums/index.php?topic=222.msg560#msg560[/url]
  22. Death Knight Talent: Blade Barrier Death Knight Talent: Blade Barrier [QUOTE]sn't working, no buff or decrease in damage taken.[/QUOTE] Source: [url]http://www.covenant-wow.com/forums/index.php?topic=222.msg560#msg560[/url]
  23. Death Knight Talent: Bloody Vengeance Death Knight Talent: Bloody Vengeance [QUOTE]isn't working, no buff after critting, tried over multiple hours now.[/QUOTE] Source: [url]http://www.covenant-wow.com/forums/index.php?topic=222.msg560#msg560[/url]
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