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Everything posted by Talendrys

  1. My préférences goes towards an overwrite table for each dbc into the database instead of overwritting it at load time.
  2. What I mean is: Which loot mode ? Who is the leader ? Can he get them without rolling ? Tal
  3. not enough info. Not reproducible. Please clarify.
  4. Hm, that should be on the client. The server will never get such request normally. Tal'
  5. In my knowledge, that zone was indeed considered as indoor at Vanilla time. Some researches may help us to find whether this was the case or not. Tal'
  6. The script does only what you are asking to do. If there are missing files/functions in Two, that's the cause of the build issue. Tal'
  7. Well, you need a fail-over system for sure. But the proof that you got authenticated is the session key that has been negotiated during the logon. If you are by-passing the logon, there's no way you could have that session-key properly setup. A by-pass, though, could be that the session-key is re-used if we don't zero it when a player is disconnecting from a realm.
  8. I don't understand your point Foe. Only PvP title were displayed during Vanilla AFAIR.
  9. We are not gona flame someone who is willing to help and eager to learn ! Tal'
  10. I would poke @Foereaper or @Rochet2
  11. You could customize it to take parameters and even assign names to it. Tal'
  12. Indeed, that's the way to go Or if you find the text somewhere else, you could import it. Tal'
  13. I checked in the source code yesterday, and apparently, Mangos is already capable of using several locales. You only need to fill-in the tables with translated version of the text within the appropriate "locale_x" field that correspond to your locale. :-)
  14. Indeed, I don't think it actually existed prior WOTLK.
  15. Hello, For a long time, the item_instance "data" blob field has been some mystery. In this post, I will describe the update that we need to do on the wiki to solve this misunderstanding: The data-field is a String separated by spaces between each values. Here's the value meaning sorted by index: Item GUID Item High GUID (Stored 0x4000 0000) Object Field Type (Mask value retrieved from the code: TypeMask enum, value is 3 or 7 depending if it's an item or a container) Item Entry (Entry ID of the item_template) Scale (Scale value, did not yet found the storage type, maybe float ?) Padding (No info on this) Owner Guid High Guid Owner (Should be always 0 for player) Item Field Contained (Can be the GUID of another item instance if stored in a bag or the GUID of the character if equipped) Item Field Container High Guid (Should be 0x4000 0000 or 0 depending if it's a bag or if it's a player) Creator GUID Creator HIGH Guid GUID Gift Creator High Guid Gift Creator Stack Count Duration Spell Charges 01 Spell Charges 02 Spell Charges 03 Spell Charges 04 Spell Charges 05 Item Flags (Mask is ITEM_DYN_FLAGS) Perm Enchantment ID Perm Enchantment Duration Perm Enchantment Charges Enchantment ID Temp Enchantment Duration Temp Enchantment Charges Temp Enchantment ID Max Inspect Enchantment Duration Max Inspect Enchantment Charges Max Inspect Enchantment Prop 0 ID Enchantment Prop 0 Duration Enchantment Prop 0 Charges Enchantment Prop 1 ID Enchantment Prop 1 Duration Enchantment Prop 1 Charges Enchantment Prop 2 ID Enchantment Prop 2 Duration Enchantment Prop 2 Charges Enchantment Prop 3 ID Enchantment Prop 3 Duration Enchantment Prop 3 Charges Item Field Property Seed Item Field Random Properties ID Item Field Text ID Item Field Durability Item Field Max Durability CONTAINER NUM SLOT (only available if it's a bag/container) MAX slots = 28, the slots are then always a combination of Item GUID + Item High GUID, so 28*2 = 56 FIELD SLOTS CONTAINER ALIGN PAD (???) CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 1 (Item GUID) CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 2 (Item HIGH GUID 0x4000 000) CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 3 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 4 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 5 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 6 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 7 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 8 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 9 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 10 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 11 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 12 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 13 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 14 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 15 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 16 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 17 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 18 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 19 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 20 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 21 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 22 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 23 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 24 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 25 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 26 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 27 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 28 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 29 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 30 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 31 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 32 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 33 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 34 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 35 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 36 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 37 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 38 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 39 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 40 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 41 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 42 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 43 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 44 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 45 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 46 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 47 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 48 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 49 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 50 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 51 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 52 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 53 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 54 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 55 CONTAINER FIELD SLOT 56
  16. I think that our core is not 100% retail because a refactoring or the code base is necessary to do so. But the functionnalities are all available in the core though. Other private servers demonstrated that it was possible to be vanilla-like as much as possible. The things that we don't know are some calculations and formulas but not "technical handling" such as unknown opcodes or so.
  17. To me, several parameters should go to the database. Only the db config and maybe the network settings should be in the conf file.
  18. Today, the systemd configuration for service is done manually. This could be done through getmangos.sh script. This bug report is highlighting this.
  19. Today, the database setup is explained into the "Installing Mangos on.." guides but they could be handled inside getmangos.sh. This Bug Report makes it visible.
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